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Now I'm SURE someone else came up with this idea...

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Now I'm SURE someone else came up with this idea...
Post By Admin. 09/05/08, 09:32 am

Well, you've all heard of the 40(or 20) hour famine riiiiiiiiiiiiiight?

What if a bunch of near-Howick-ish anime freaks got together for 12 hours to watch anime while only eating barley sugars and drinking juice! And then we'd have to go for another 8 hours but then it was start going into the night and some people would be unable to attend or be uncomfortable with it so I'd say do the last 8 hours by yourselves. Everyone would just bring all the anime they had.
-gestures for Jen to start burning those discs-

Edit: We'll prolly do the sleeping famine.

Last edited by Admin on 11/05/08, 07:40 am; edited 1 time in total
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Re: Now I'm SURE someone else came up with this idea...
Post By Willuknight. 09/05/08, 10:19 am

thats a freaking awesome idea.

How about a 20hour famine anime marathon, cost $20 each, of which $3 goes toward venue cost, and the rest of the money is a straight donation to Word vision. If $20 is too much, then some people (poor students) can just pay $10. Either way, we'd be making a decent donation for world vision!

I know people in CHCH who will let me hire a largish room for dirt cheap, and its fully carpeted, warm and even has a projector screen.

When is the famine thing anyway, dates please?

*edit it's 23rd-25th May
start at 8pm on Friday, then you finish at 4pm Saturday.

It's rather short time to organize something, but i think it's possible.

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Re: Now I'm SURE someone else came up with this idea...
Post By Lavi_x. 09/05/08, 10:37 am

Omg, I'm in

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Re: Now I'm SURE someone else came up with this idea...
Post By Admin. 09/05/08, 10:38 am

Yup! What would also be cool would be if the Aucklanders and the Christchuchians set up and only video chat for a while~ so we'd both do it on the same day 'n' stuff. If that makes sense.
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Re: Now I'm SURE someone else came up with this idea...
Post By Guest. 09/05/08, 10:44 am

Yes! yes! Video chat!

...and would we HAVE to starve ourselves for the whole 20/40 hours? D:

[is a party pooper >>]


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Re: Now I'm SURE someone else came up with this idea...
Post By Admin. 09/05/08, 10:56 am

But but. The rules say you can have one barely sugar an hour and 3 litres of juice.... or something.
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Re: Now I'm SURE someone else came up with this idea...
Post By Willuknight. 09/05/08, 11:23 am

we can just plan on having a massive binge after the 20 hours, that usually what happens. I wouldn't do 40 hours, its just too painful

Pizza run and ice cream, or something Very Happy

It depends on the venue if we had internet access. If we go to the hall im thinking, then no access, otherwise if its less then 10 people thats interested, then we could just have it at my house or something, I have a webcam and max/max internet, so a video feed would be easy.

there are some people in chch comming around on sunday to watch an anime movie at my place, so i'll see if anyone from there is possibily interested in this Very Happy It would be a great way to marathon some series, and contribute to the famine effort! I haven't taken part in years sad

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Re: Now I'm SURE someone else came up with this idea...
Post By Tamoo. 09/05/08, 11:44 am


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Re: Now I'm SURE someone else came up with this idea...
Post By Guest. 09/05/08, 11:46 am

hmm~ yeah, but I'll probably fail at it after about 8 hours or something. XD As much as I'd love to keep going for charity, I just don't think I would be able to. >> But yes, you're right, it'd be a great way to watch anime and stuff. Like a Star @ heaven

and yes~ let us know how re-cruiting Chch people goes. n_n


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Re: Now I'm SURE someone else came up with this idea...
Post By Riven_. 09/05/08, 11:48 am

Sounds gooood.... except that I'd be late 'cause I have work till 8.....
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Re: Now I'm SURE someone else came up with this idea...
Post By Tamoo. 09/05/08, 12:20 pm

Okay. venue?

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Re: Now I'm SURE someone else came up with this idea...
Post By Guest. 09/05/08, 12:29 pm

Alex? XD Seeing as you suggested it~

I can maybe ask Dad as well, see if we can have it here, but depends on the amount of people coming. XD;;


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Re: Now I'm SURE someone else came up with this idea...
Post By Willuknight. 09/05/08, 12:33 pm

if Riven and Lavi are in, that's 3 for chch. I can probably talk two of my mates into taking part as well. If people need to cheat a little, thats cool, we'll be dontating anyway, so no need for sponcership thing.

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Re: Now I'm SURE someone else came up with this idea...
Post By Admin. 09/05/08, 12:44 pm

Well.... your TV is bigger Jen.
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Re: Now I'm SURE someone else came up with this idea...
Post By Guest. 09/05/08, 12:46 pm

...but my lounge is smaller? D:

We only have room on our couches for 7 people + 1 if they want the foot rest. Although I suppose we could bring in a couple of bean bags and mattresses. But it'd be pretty cosy?


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Re: Now I'm SURE someone else came up with this idea...
Post By Admin. 09/05/08, 12:55 pm

Then........ WE MOVE YOUR TV TO MY HOUSE!!!!
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Re: Now I'm SURE someone else came up with this idea...
Post By Willuknight. 09/05/08, 12:56 pm

well its not like you move much once you start watching stuff :)
just make sure everyones comfy and take a break evey now and then to keep your foot from going to sleep.

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Re: Now I'm SURE someone else came up with this idea...
Post By LintuwolfWiing. 09/05/08, 02:52 pm

I'd be keen ^^
But I'm really bad at the famine. I cheat...Or did, one time but I HAD TO xD

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Re: Now I'm SURE someone else came up with this idea...
Post By JVCA. 09/05/08, 03:01 pm

I'm doing either the technology or talking famine. o_O So if I do the technology famine, I'll have to bail, lol. Which should I do?

{Thinks it will be hilarious to do the no-talking one, as I have work on the sunday}
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Re: Now I'm SURE someone else came up with this idea...
Post By Admin. 10/05/08, 02:17 pm

LOL, Jess you should do the talking famine. It'll do everyone some good. xD

Maybe since we'll all just be paying we could secretly have a halfway slice of pizza?
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Re: Now I'm SURE someone else came up with this idea...
Post By JVCA. 10/05/08, 04:08 pm

No. You can't cheat on the famine.
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Re: Now I'm SURE someone else came up with this idea...
Post By Duckeh. 10/05/08, 04:14 pm

I've been telling my friends I'm going to do a 40hr anime-thon.
I'd wanna eat junk food && crap && watch anime for around 12hrs straight with people. D:
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Re: Now I'm SURE someone else came up with this idea...
Post By JVCA. 10/05/08, 04:21 pm

You'd be better to do a sleep famine, if you were doing an anime-athon
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Re: Now I'm SURE someone else came up with this idea...
Post By Pura. 10/05/08, 04:30 pm

-skips all the posts-

Oh. Wow. I only just saw this.

Me and my friends are doing this in Wellington >3
But they are staying the night at my house. So we will be watching anime straight all weekend while starving xD.

We are watching Death Note and Eureka 7 so far xD.
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Re: Now I'm SURE someone else came up with this idea...
Post By Admin. 11/05/08, 04:13 am

No sleep for 20hrs.... sounds good~

I'd just get lot's of sleep before hand. And if we're all together we can stop each other from falling asleep.
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