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Who wants to help make a short movie?

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Who wants to help make a short movie?
Post By Rikki-Leigh. 06/05/08, 03:52 pm


At the end of this term, I must hand in a home made short film (2 - 3 minutes long) for my English homework. Our theme this term is 'Journeys', so somehow it must incorporate a journey of some sort.

I know that I have a couple of friends that are keen, namely Tania (who will probably be used for filming once I teach her how to use my camera) and possibly Kai (who we are eventually going to turn into Hinata).

So, what I am looking for is a couple of people to join me in making a movie. Though I do have a couple of requirements:

-Be able to meet up outside Britomart Transport Center on Queen Street at least once a month (on Saturdays, most likely).
-Have a decent sense of humour and can take a joke
-Can act like yourself in front of a camera
-Are able to be contacted, and talked to 'live' (replies within 20 minutes) via txt, email or IM.
-Can have fun.

This video will not be put on the internet unless I have permission from all those starring in the video. It will only be used for school purposes, and possibly for an 'Oscars Night' if it is chosen for a nomination for an 'award', in which case, I will try and invite all those who helped me out.

I am looking for only a small group, maybe 2 or 3. We can do it in cosplay, or not. We will decided that if/when the time comes and we can do a little planning.

(P.S. It'd be best if you live in the West Auckland area, especially in areas like Massey, Te Atatu and Henderson, because that way we have close access to beautiful parks, etc. and we can meet up after school as well.)


Number of posts : 3767
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Re: Who wants to help make a short movie?
Post By Duckeh. 07/05/08, 12:48 am

Oh gosh.
Georgia & I would be keen.
Churr~ We're attention whores!
But yeah. >.<'
If you find other people closer to you it's all good~ 8D
>Lives on North Shore<
GOD of all things EPIC

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Re: Who wants to help make a short movie?
Post By Suixelo. 07/05/08, 12:58 am

I woulddd but I live ages away.
But if you don't find anyone, I'm keen ^^

Number of posts : 3569
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Location : Birkenhead - Auckland
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Registration date : 2008-03-25

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Re: Who wants to help make a short movie?
Post By Rikki-Leigh. 07/05/08, 12:26 pm

I'm sure I could manage Duckeh. Lawl.
I'm tempted to try and organize a little get together for all the Auckland Cosplayers to meet in town (in cosplay or not, it doesn't matter) and be absolute retards xDD

I'm sure I can fit some of our stuff in as well Becky ^^

I'm probably going to do something about friendship as the subject for the video.


Number of posts : 3767
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Re: Who wants to help make a short movie?
Post By Duckeh. 07/05/08, 12:33 pm

You want help with what? Acting, video, editing, shooing people away, entertainment? HUH? HUUUUH?

Awww~ friendship sounds interesting 8D

Cause churr~ Georgia && I bee in town most weekends <3

I'm good at being a weetard!! ;D
GOD of all things EPIC

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Re: Who wants to help make a short movie?
Post By Rikki-Leigh. 07/05/08, 12:43 pm

Most of it will probably be everyone acting normal, having fun, spending time together. That sort of thing, y'know. There may be a couple of serious moments where we will have organized things, but it will probably be mostly freeform because I'm too lazy to organize stuffs xD

I may get someone to give a hand with editing, but it would need to be some who lives in the Te Atatu-Henderson-Massey area that I can meet up with after school and who has a decent movie editor *only has Windows Movie Maker 1*


Number of posts : 3767
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Registration date : 2008-02-09

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Re: Who wants to help make a short movie?
Post By Suixelo. 07/05/08, 12:44 pm

Don't your school have editing programs? My old high school had a media suite with computers for editing. I fell in love with premiere pro haha.

Number of posts : 3569
Age : 34
Location : Birkenhead - Auckland
Gender : Female
Registration date : 2008-03-25

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Re: Who wants to help make a short movie?
Post By Duckeh. 07/05/08, 01:01 pm

Mmmmmkays~ ^^

Georgia ish keen too~ <3

Bwahahahahah! I think our school does to~ dunno lulz! <3
GOD of all things EPIC

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Re: Who wants to help make a short movie?
Post By Rikki-Leigh. 07/05/08, 01:29 pm

We only have MWW at school as well >> It sucks balls. We have another, more professional program, but that is for the seniors >>

Bloody seniors, almost as annoying as the year 9s *is a year 10*


Number of posts : 3767
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Re: Who wants to help make a short movie?
Post By Suixelo. 07/05/08, 01:45 pm

Awww you make me feel so old ;_;

Number of posts : 3569
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Location : Birkenhead - Auckland
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Registration date : 2008-03-25

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Re: Who wants to help make a short movie?
Post By Rikki-Leigh. 07/05/08, 01:49 pm

Lol. Not only do I make you feel old, I make you feel short >D


Number of posts : 3767
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Re: Who wants to help make a short movie?
Post By Duckeh. 07/05/08, 01:49 pm

W00t <3
I win.
GOD of all things EPIC

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Re: Who wants to help make a short movie?
Post By Suixelo. 07/05/08, 01:52 pm

Quote :
Lol. Not only do I make you feel old, I make you feel short >D


Number of posts : 3569
Age : 34
Location : Birkenhead - Auckland
Gender : Female
Registration date : 2008-03-25

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Re: Who wants to help make a short movie?
Post By Rikki-Leigh. 07/05/08, 01:55 pm

Lawl Duckeh.

I call myself a senior Junior xD
I don't have to do NCEA yet, so I'm not a senior, but I have been at high school enough to know what I'm doing, so I ain't a junior xD

Whereas Tania is a junior senior. She has to do NCEA, but she doesn't wear the senior uniform, and doesn't get the apprenticeship offers open to her xD


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Re: Who wants to help make a short movie?
Post By Tamoo. 07/05/08, 03:01 pm

Im interested in helping C:
And also i live in Avondale ;D

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