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Bright red hair dye?

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Bright red hair dye?
Post By Tails. 10/09/09, 11:39 am

Hey hey, so I'll be cosplaying Poison Ivy & Ariel at Auckgeddon, & I want my hair to be RED! Bright red hair dye? 3772
I've already dyed it red (from blonde) using normal hair dye, but right now it's no where near as vibrant as I want it to be.
So has anyone dyed their hair bright BRIGHT red before? What brand would you recommend?
I've been considering Manic Panic~ Bright red hair dye? Icon_smile

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Re: Bright red hair dye?
Post By Guest. 10/09/09, 11:40 am

i used loreal paris feris "bright red" and my hair is so red it glows Very Happy its only $8 a box too


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Re: Bright red hair dye?
Post By Tails. 10/09/09, 11:43 am

Oh? I'll go look. I think I'll need to use a hair dye that's not in the "natural hair colour" brands though, because last time I redyed my hair with that it just went a darker red instead of the bright red it was.Bright red hair dye? 463216

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Re: Bright red hair dye?
Post By Guest. 10/09/09, 11:44 am

aww that sucks!


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Re: Bright red hair dye?
Post By Tails. 10/09/09, 11:46 am

I know! It was really bright the 2nd time I dyed it, then the 3rd time didn't have the same effect, I was so gutted. Sigh. I guess my hair stopped 'accepting' the dye. Or something.
Apparently Manic Panic dye glows under a black light, so that could be fun!

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Re: Bright red hair dye?
Post By Guest. 10/09/09, 11:47 am

ooh nice, well you can see my hair at sakura fest, depending if i can be bothered taking off my wig or not XD


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Re: Bright red hair dye?
Post By Tails. 10/09/09, 11:48 am

Ha yeah looks like I'll be wearing a wig too, we can sneak off & secretly reveal our true hair colours, no one needs to know! Bright red hair dye? 54079

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Re: Bright red hair dye?
Post By Guest. 10/09/09, 11:49 am

no trees will be tainted in the process ;D


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Re: Bright red hair dye?
Post By Freddie. 10/09/09, 11:50 am

For my "Colors of The Rainbow" Goal,
I used a mix of fudge and paintbox,
Then highlighted/lowlighted with Wakk Stain and Manic Panic.


Wash with Vinegar to keep it in for longer :3
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Re: Bright red hair dye?
Post By Tails. 10/09/09, 11:52 am

@Kiki-Hey what colour was your hair before you dyed it?

@Freddie-Thanks! Wow vinegar? I never would have thought of that. Does it smell strongly though?

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Re: Bright red hair dye?
Post By Guest. 10/09/09, 11:53 am

this random medium brown LOL


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Re: Bright red hair dye?
Post By Tails. 10/09/09, 11:54 am

@Kiki-& it went bright red? Lucky!

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Re: Bright red hair dye?
Post By Guest. 10/09/09, 11:54 am

somehow yeah XD


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Re: Bright red hair dye?
Post By Freddie. 10/09/09, 03:51 pm

Tahlee-Rae wrote:
@Freddie-Thanks! Wow vinegar? I never would have thought of that. Does it smell strongly though?
Mmm. I actually got it through a hair forum. I don't /want/ to know why I was there, but it works :3
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Re: Bright red hair dye?
Post By neimhaille. 10/09/09, 04:27 pm

Do you want it to be permanent or temporary?
I use livecolour for my hair as it is really nice and conditioning at the same time and will fade out to nice though vibrant shades over time- no roots!. I used Rich Burgundy for my Satine hair. I just found some pics of the dyeing process too.

I stock pile it when ever I see it ;) The newer intensives apparently work even better and they tend to come in more vibrant reds. And a tip from their website; if you want the colour to come out faster you can use anti-dandruff shampoo ;)
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Re: Bright red hair dye?
Post By seraphik. 10/09/09, 06:42 pm

i've dyed my hair red for a while now, and i usually use the schwartzkopf stuff which is actually surprisingly good. there's a red that they sell that lightens & dyes at the same time which is a fairly bright red, but not sure if it's the intensity that you're looking for...
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Re: Bright red hair dye?
Post By Selphiroth. 11/09/09, 11:26 am

Hey OP.

I used to dye my hair into every known colour in the universe. And I'm not talking about subtle ones but rather IN YOUR FACE red, purple and blue.

Then I got a real job and have dye left over. Do you want the red? I don't have MUCH but if you apply it after already having a red base, it should really make the colour pop.

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Re: Bright red hair dye?
Post By Tails. 13/09/09, 03:38 pm

Oh that'd be great, thanks!
Whereabouts are you in NZ? Pm me if you like~ Bright red hair dye? Icon_smile

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