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Inglourious Basterds

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Inglourious Basterds
Post By Zorlich. 03/09/09, 08:00 am

Anyone here seen it? Or have intention of doing so?

It's pretty much an entirely fictional story based in France during the Nazi occupation.
Originally Tarantino wanted to name it "Once upon a time in a Nazi Occupied France"

It generally covers a couple of stories of groups/people that rebel against the Nazis and take their revenge, one of these groups named "The Basterds", a Jewish/American squad led by Lt. Aldo Raine (Brad Pitt), and mercilessly killing any Nazis they see.

In my opinion, Tarantino wasn't aiming really to please anyone but himself when he made it, but I'm glad it came out, because it was rather brilliant, and overall hilarious, and Brad Pitt is just awesome at being an "asshole, let alone an American hick

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Re: Inglourious Basterds
Post By Guest. 03/09/09, 08:29 am

I thought it was BRILLIANT.

Shashonna deserves some kind of spot in the female movie hero hall of fame. I mean, wow. What else can I say?

I love the fact that Tarantino does dialogue. A 10 minute sequence on German film? Oh Tarantino, you are a geek. The scenes with the SS officer? O. M. G.

The bar scene. Wow. How frikking tense was that?

(Very uneloquent response but brain is fried right now.)


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Re: Inglourious Basterds
Post By Zorlich. 03/09/09, 09:12 am

Oh man, I was sososososo restless during the bar scene. I thought Hugo was going to lose it.
I really wanted him to.

I have to say overall my favourite character was Hans, he was great at what he did, and in the same, being indulgent.

And yes, I agree on Shoshanna, her plan was excellently pulled off

Number of posts : 278
Age : 36
Location : Christchurch
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Registration date : 2008-05-30

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Re: Inglourious Basterds
Post By Thornback. 03/09/09, 02:03 pm

I've heard good things...I'm going to see it tomorrow.

From the sounds of it, It will appease my inner 13 yr old boy wonderfully.


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Registration date : 2009-04-06

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Re: Inglourious Basterds
Post By Annabel. 03/09/09, 03:37 pm

Man I wanted to punch Brad Pitt in the face during this. xDDD
Christoph Waltz was amazing; scared the crap out of me.
I got snuck into this by my friend despite being underage. 8D I am very glad I went. I likes me some good ol' fashioned carnage.

Ho hum. A Basterd's work is never done.
Would come up with something a bit more intelligent than this but meh.

I liked that this film wasn't trying to be too deep and meaningful. Just good ol' Tarantino mindf***ery.
paoupu fruit

Number of posts : 411
Age : 31
Location : Christchurch, NZ
Gender : Female
Registration date : 2007-12-15

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Re: Inglourious Basterds
Post By Guest. 04/09/09, 05:44 am

I really, really want to see this.
-needs money + someone to convince to come with me- 8D


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Re: Inglourious Basterds
Post By Zorlich. 04/09/09, 07:16 am

Oh! Oh! I'll go!

Let's go see it

Number of posts : 278
Age : 36
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Registration date : 2008-05-30

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Re: Inglourious Basterds
Post By Guest. 04/09/09, 11:05 am

Saw it last week and it was an awesome movie


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Re: Inglourious Basterds
Post By Guest. 04/09/09, 12:28 pm

Zorlich wrote:
Oh! Oh! I'll go!

Let's go see it



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Re: Inglourious Basterds
Post By IcyRose. 04/09/09, 02:36 pm

Saw it the day it came out, pretty much loved every scene that included Hans. Also almost every scene was filled with so much tension and you're thinking something is going to happen, someone will snap and everything is just going to explode... and in some cases it did.

Great movie, easily the best I've seen this year.

Number of posts : 1142
Age : 37
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Transforms into : That Dark Handsome Swordsman
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Registration date : 2008-04-21

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