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[ACB09] FeedBack (ACB-1)

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[ACB09] FeedBack (ACB-1)
Post By Guest. 26/07/09, 12:19 pm

Hey guy first of all we would like to thank all those that attended the very first Auckland Cosplay Ball. <3
There is a very good chance that ACB will be returning next year, we hope those that couldn't make it this year can make it to that one nodnod

So to help us improve, we would love to hear any & all Feedback you guys may have on the ball.
What was the best part?
What was the worse part?
How could we improve?

things like that & any little thing you think may help the event become better for next time <3

Love you guys & Thank you <3

Duckeh says: OTL
Sorry guys. I was thoroughly tired. I know the choice of music wasn't overly appropriate at all and it had the feel of a disco more then a ball... But yes. I know what to do better for next year now! Also, for next year I've asked Berry/Saiko to help me with organising. So hopefully we'll be back bigger and better~ <3

Berry Says: THANK YOU!!!
I noticed others that were helping out with things like "Rolly" with the tickets & cleaning up & "Zorlich" with tickets also.
So for all those people that helped out at the event we would like to double thank you, as I feel we really needed it Very Happy .
Also thank you to all those that preformed, lots of love to you guys <3

Last edited by Saiko on 26/07/09, 01:08 pm; edited 2 times in total


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Re: [ACB09] FeedBack (ACB-1)
Post By Interstella. 26/07/09, 12:24 pm

I have a suggestion for the improvement XD It took a long time for people to be ready to take the money so that we could get in. I think that maybe there should be two desks, maybe outside (if it's warm enough), one for pre-paid and one for door sales.

Other than that... yeah, it was epic ^^

Best part....? Uh, having everyone together in masks and having to go... "I know you... don't I?" And having an excuse for asking who people are without feeling rude and having that nagging feeling of 'I should know this...' in the back of your mind XD

Worst Part...? The end XD I dunno- I thought I'd be cheesy

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Re: [ACB09] FeedBack (ACB-1)
Post By Guest. 26/07/09, 12:30 pm

hehe yeah were sorry about that we didn't really know how much ppl to expect so we kinda just made up the entry tickets as ppl came through the door ^^! meaning people had to wait longer then they should have needed to.
We also got to the hall late & didn't have much time to set things up.

So dont worry Next time there will definatly be two lines Wink


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Re: [ACB09] FeedBack (ACB-1)
Post By fleyer. 26/07/09, 12:31 pm

What was the best part?
It was fun to meet everyone and shizzz and masks were cool

What was the worse part?
There was no slow music, I mean it's a ball (I sound a bit bitchy there)
But I probably would have called it more of a disco

How could we improve?
Don't let Kitten come in a dress O.o
Sushi ;O

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Re: [ACB09] FeedBack (ACB-1)
Post By Wishe. 26/07/09, 12:32 pm

I think the lighting could of been better? It was kind of dark in the hall. >..>''
The hall was freezing... (But I probably just needed to dance more.)
The drinks also ran out pretty fast that you had to buy the can drinks instead.

Other than that, it was fun~ ^^

Best Part - When everyone joined in a line and ran around the hall. xD

Worst Part - When I went to get food and overheard something about roasted moogle... D8 Hmm... Maybe how songs kept getting cut off? >.<''

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Re: [ACB09] FeedBack (ACB-1)
Post By Duckeh. 26/07/09, 12:42 pm

I wasn't aware of how lighting was in that hall. If I had known, I would've hired my own lights. :3 My fault for not being specific in my questions.
I'm unsure of what hall we'll be using next year. But yes, wherever we are, that'll be sorted.
I might get onto halls as soon as the date of DO is announced and ask to partner with DO and be able to sell tickets there, etcetc.

Sorry about the drinks, numbers were iffy as people did not pre-buy. So as much as I really shouldn't say that, that was the fault of the people who didn't.

At first before pre-buying happened I expected 100. Day before I expected 50. On the day we got around 85. So you can see why the food/drink wasn't as balanced as it should be.

Also, edited first post with my message. Then luld when I saw fleyers post.
GOD of all things EPIC

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Re: [ACB09] FeedBack (ACB-1)
Post By Guest. 26/07/09, 12:58 pm

fleyer wrote:
What was the best part?
It was fun to meet everyone and shizzz and masks were cool
i must agree i meet alot of people i had not yet meet tell then & the Mask's will most likely return with the Ball Next year ^^ so get creating.

fleyer wrote:
What was the worse part?
There was no slow music, I mean it's a ball (I sound a bit bitchy there)
But I probably would have called it more of a disco
Slow music, i beleave the music was one of the last things that had been organized hence the lack of selection even thought we had the selection we didn't have time to go through it & create a playlist.

fleyer wrote:
How could we improve?
Don't let Kitten come in a dress O.o
O: but but i found that was a nice touch to the event hehe

Wishe wrote:
I think the lighting could of been better? It was kind of dark in the hall. >..>''
The hall was freezing... (But I probably just needed to dance more.)
The drinks also ran out pretty fast that you had to buy the can drinks instead.

Other than that, it was fun~ ^^
Yes this is 100% true... We(Me & Shannon) talked about lights Before the event but due to money could not hire any lights for the night, & the lights we did have we couldn't find plugs to pulg them into DX

hehe what if i told you the drinks were ment to run out so we could sell the others??? lol JK,
There was ment to be more, that i was ment to buy but i kinda went into fail mode before the event & never got around to buying any DX im so sorry...

Wishe wrote:
Best Part - When everyone joined in a line and ran around the hall. xD

Worst Part - When I went to get food and overheard something about roasted moogle... D8 Hmm... Maybe how songs kept getting cut off? >.<''
Hehe i walked in when you guys were doing that & was tempted to join...
Next time we will try to have a DJ or someone with skillz with linking music. I also noticed the music had few gaps between that were far to long.
Also the start of a song & then skiping to a new song.
I my self will organize the music for next time & creat a playlist that no matter what will just run straght through so there will be no repeats of songs or long gaps.
I dont blame the people that were in controle of the music/sound system, As im pretty sure they weren't asked to stay there all night making sure music was playing & the skits/mics worked well.


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Re: [ACB09] FeedBack (ACB-1)
Post By spazattack. 26/07/09, 01:10 pm

best part...
wen everyone got into a huge cirle and started carameldansen and some ppl were brake dancing~ and wen it got cold
there was that pipe / hose thing / heater thing to warm me and three other ppl up. ^^

worst part...
lol, same as Stella teh end~

how to improve...? ?
i cant think ov anything~ ^^''

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Re: [ACB09] FeedBack (ACB-1)
Post By Rolly. 26/07/09, 01:27 pm

I wish that there was plain water as a choice for drinks - I myself has a habit of not drinking soft drinks since I was little... I just don't because I'm weird that way. D:
Juice I occasionally drink, but since I was dehydrated for the whole day, I would've really liked water.

people may have special dietary needs as well, like gluten intolerance, allergies, etc. So if you didn't ask people beforehand about special dietary needs you could do that next time.

The best part was when everyone had fun and mass danced like Caramell Dansen and the train line thing! I think lots of people had fun air-instrumenting on stage....! ^_^

Next time, I think if 3-4 people were on the organising committee it would help Duckeh a lot. I'm guessing it was a lot of stress on her as she was pretty much the one who organised everything.

For music - we could have some ballroom dancing sessions and then some disco session bits. At my school ball we had ballroom dancing beforehand and then everyone got into a mosh pit.... with disco lights and stuff lol. Everyone had fun.

Best part - I can remember those little hamburger buns being so delicious! I went back for more.... but I tried not to eat too much since other people would want to eat as well! <3

Warmer venue next time, especially in winter? D:

Prizes? For best.... or Most... like the H!ACP? Very Happy

/tree hugger could we recycle the drink bottles next time? D: /tree hugger

Worst part - Paul's announcement. D:
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Re: [ACB09] FeedBack (ACB-1)
Post By Basaka. 26/07/09, 01:44 pm

The selection ended up as a bank of about 4700 SONGS, so it was kinda... argh.

We had some slow songs planned, but then we had the performances, the lip synching and all that, so a lot of requested songs didn't actually get played. We'll probably need to organise music earlier next time...


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Re: [ACB09] FeedBack (ACB-1)
Post By Roxas-Has-A-Stick. 26/07/09, 02:07 pm

For the improvement area, I have a long history of getting sick easily (the Bagel Incident for anyone who cares to hear it), so plenty of water/juice and the lights/music not suddenly starting or stopping all the time possibly would've made it all a little bit better.

The best part was when everyone did caramel dansen, and the air instrument competition where I air guitar'd to a version of a song with no guitar in it!

The less than best part was how far away ACB was from the DO. It was easy to get lost/not be able to go because of that.

Oh and prepare first aid for the next time Kitten comes in a dress -_-"
Le grande

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Re: [ACB09] FeedBack (ACB-1)
Post By Duckeh. 26/07/09, 02:15 pm

We're thinking of getting a DJ for half the event next year so we can have dance music and then for the rest go into performance/Slow music mode.
So yeah.

The venue I was actually trying for was booked out and as much as I thought you'd all rather come to the shore...
Also, because of how insanely cheap we got that one we were able to keep the ticket price low.

Water... I was planning on getting on the day those huge containers... But somehow completely forgot.


You have to make mistakes in order to improve. I can't say next year will be perfect, but it will be a hell of a lot better.
Basically, thank you for all advice.
GOD of all things EPIC

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Re: [ACB09] FeedBack (ACB-1)
Post By Kitten Slave. 26/07/09, 02:32 pm

Lol, yes, Pauls "announcement" did leave much to be desired.
I think next time we need to get him a matching dress to mine. Im certain this would doubly improve the event.

The venue wasnt too cold (in comparison to outside), but this may have been because I went all hyper and jumped around a lot...

but yeah, I suspect some things were forgotten etc simply because we placed all the pressure on munchkin. Next time more ppl will help you munchkin...

I think there was also a lot of uncertainty as to how many people would actually come, so I guess in some respect duckeh took a bit of a chance and probably got somewhat confused.
Just get more people on board to help next time, and do all of the above.

Nothing is ever going to totally please everyone, but if everyone was at least somewhat pleased, then I think that is good.

I think it went well for a first draft, learn and improve.

Kitten Slave
Kitten Slave
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Re: [ACB09] FeedBack (ACB-1)
Post By Duckeh. 26/07/09, 02:35 pm

Of course...

I never really expected the first one to be amazing but chyeah.

Also, sometimes I relied on people and that's what physics me up. They did it wrong. 8D
GOD of all things EPIC

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Re: [ACB09] FeedBack (ACB-1)
Post By Guest. 26/07/09, 02:38 pm

.... i think i missed paul's announcement. what the hell was it? o_o;;;;


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Re: [ACB09] FeedBack (ACB-1)
Post By Ginger Ninja. 26/07/09, 02:40 pm

What was the best part?
Either Kitten (okay it was disturbing but very amusing as well. It made it interesting) and also the Caramelldansen xD

What was the worse part?
Probably how the music didnt seem very organised and some parts were a bit random. It kind of seemed like people were making up competitions on the spot?

How could we improve?
I agree with some of the others, the music needs to be organised better and also probably the event a little more organised in a sense of whats going on. Also yeah more drink would be good. I think it was good having the dance music, especially to start with cause everyone was really energetic but I think later it would have been nice to switch to some slow music. Maybe like, how we had food, start with dance music, take a half hour break for dinner and then move to slow music? Not completely sure, just throwing ideas out there =3

But yeah, I still had an awesome time Very Happy
Ginger Ninja
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Re: [ACB09] FeedBack (ACB-1)
Post By Kitten Slave. 26/07/09, 02:42 pm

Lol, yeah, I know the feeling - if you want something done, do it your self. No one else can then fudge it up.

Ultimately you have to become a manager, and then you delegate tasks to ppl, check their work, and ensure it all gets done - rather than trying to do it all your self.
Everything still comes through you, you just spread the work around.
You dont lose your control, you just have to plan better, and things will probably work out at the end.
There are those on the forum who are reliable, talk to them, you know who they are. Plan with them, you can do like statics committee thing she made a while back, and the you have "helpers".

Or at least, this is how I suspect it should work - Im the "do everything your self" type, but with this kind of endeavor, well... you will kill your self.

Kitten Slave
Kitten Slave
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Re: [ACB09] FeedBack (ACB-1)
Post By Rolly. 26/07/09, 02:44 pm

syne wrote:
.... i think i missed paul's announcement. what the hell was it? o_o;;;;

All I heard was 'volunteer' and 'kick in the balls'. O_O
It was pretty much inaudible.
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Re: [ACB09] FeedBack (ACB-1)
Post By Wishe. 26/07/09, 02:46 pm

Rolly wrote:
syne wrote:
.... i think i missed paul's announcement. what the hell was it? o_o;;;;

All I heard was 'volunteer' and 'kick in the balls'. O_O
It was pretty much inaudible.

I think there was something about pushing him off the stage? o.o''

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Re: [ACB09] FeedBack (ACB-1)
Post By Kitten Slave. 26/07/09, 02:46 pm

syne wrote:
.... i think i missed paul's announcement. what the hell was it? o_o;;;;

Random pointless dribble - he was just jealous I looked so hawt and wanted some of the spotlight. He was so desperate that he wanted to get publicly kicked in the testicles.
Next time, Paul gets a dress.

Kitten Slave
Kitten Slave
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Re: [ACB09] FeedBack (ACB-1)
Post By Guest. 26/07/09, 02:48 pm

Kitten Slave wrote:
syne wrote:
.... i think i missed paul's announcement. what the hell was it? o_o;;;;

Random pointless dribble - he was just jealous I looked so hawt and wanted some of the spotlight. He was so desperate that he wanted to get publicly kicked in the testicles.
Next time, Paul gets a dress.


..... lol. XD


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Re: [ACB09] FeedBack (ACB-1)
Post By Duckeh. 26/07/09, 02:48 pm

I'm pretty sure I can do it by myself to a much better standard, but as I said, I'll be asking Saiko/Berry and a few other people I personally trust to take up an organiser-like role.

Music was very disorganised. So yes, definately need to get that sorted. :3

I'm really happy that most of you had an okay time though~

This was indeed just testing the waters... So next year will hopefully be something close to amazing compared to this one~ >.<

@EveryoneaboutPaul- He was bored and attention starved... Also wasn't speaking clearly. I told him to get off at one point.
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Re: [ACB09] FeedBack (ACB-1)
Post By Kitten Slave. 26/07/09, 02:53 pm

*Pets Munchkin*
Im watching you... Closely...
Kitten Slave
Kitten Slave
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Re: [ACB09] FeedBack (ACB-1)
Post By Static. 26/07/09, 03:01 pm

Only things that were really a shame were the lack of lighting on the performers (onstage...but I think something went wrng with that or something?), lack of time to get everything sorted - but hey, it was a pretty awesome shindig for such a rushed event by one small girl Razz - and my fail escapade with lighting for photos. I am so sorry about that of the reflectors got melted. T___T

@Duckeh: I know I physics up the photography stuff royally, but I'm more than happy to take care of tickets again next time if you want. Small thing like that can't POSSIBLY GO WRONG!

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Re: [ACB09] FeedBack (ACB-1)
Post By secretasianman. 26/07/09, 03:04 pm

Ball was awesome, had fun, Kitten was hot and I want that photo with me and him!!! WHO HAS IT?!?!? RAAAAA~~~

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