Dance photography (early july) By deceptivemagick. 21/06/09, 10:18 am |
| 9th and 10th July (when i get back from CHCH) me and 6 'models' are doing some ceroc style dance photography around hamilton and i have: 1) cameras & equipment 2) (some) costumes 3) locations and time am of course hoping ofr decent weather for my outdoor locations but i would like some suggestions for possible cosplays, any characters ppl would like to see looking all cute, dancey and sexy any suggestions or hints for the technical side of the photography, posing, costuming etc???? any help would be awesome!! |
| deceptivemagick lucky*
Number of posts : 1115 Age : 35 Location : Hamilton Transforms into : an epic fire breathing dragon Gender : Female Registration date : 2009-04-13
Re: Dance photography (early july) By Static. 26/06/09, 02:40 am |
| Ooh, didn't see this post before now! Dance photography is awesome! There are a lot of ways to phtograph dancers, depending on what kind of look you're going for. One of the nicest ways to shoot action is to use a slightly longer shutter speed than usual, to capture a little bit of motion blur. Examples of this: http://www, .
The lighting is by far the most important aspect of making a photo look nice - if at all possible, have an assistant (or two, maybe three) with reflectors to make sure there's enough light hitting the right places - having a nicely lit image is the easiest, quickest and cheapest way to make an image look better For reflectors - cover a sheet of polystyrene with tinfoil, and that's it. Easy peasy!
Be wary of the time of day you shoot at well - if you're out of doors, go to the location a few days before the shoot to see what time of day the light is best. Early morning is one of the most amazing times of day to take photos; the light quality when the sun is coming up (or has just finished coming up) is just beautiful. It's also a lot later now that it's winter, lol! Although it will also be hell ass balls COLD...keeping your models comfy is a good tip too, lol. Bring a few blankets, a thermos or two, and a car with a heater
Costume-wise - anything with a nice flared skirt, or just fabric that moves nicely will look stunning in a motion shot - example here: You don't even need a slower shutter - just capturing the movement of the fabric is stunning!
Also: allow a lot more time than you think you'll need! It's worth it!! Things will always go wrong if you don't have a lot of time lol, and don't ever delete photos until later when you've looked at them closely. What kind of camera are you using? It's always better to use a manual if you can; it just gives you that much more control - but lighting and posing can make any image look great, even if it's just a little snappy digital :) Good luck and be sure to show us afterwards!! |
| Static Souperman.
Number of posts : 3584 Age : 36 Location : Wellington Transforms into : HULKSMASH Gender : Female Registration date : 2008-05-21
Re: Dance photography (early july) By deceptivemagick. 15/07/09, 02:17 am |
| 2 days of photography --- DONE! we ran out of time to visit hamilton gardens but got everything else done so now im sifting and editing photos so should be ready to put up online by next week |
| deceptivemagick lucky*
Number of posts : 1115 Age : 35 Location : Hamilton Transforms into : an epic fire breathing dragon Gender : Female Registration date : 2009-04-13
Re: Dance photography (early july) By Sponsored content. |
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