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Terminator 4: The rape and pillage of our childhood

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Terminator 4: The rape and pillage of our childhood
Post By Guest. 05/06/09, 02:53 am

:sadcry: :sadcry: :sadcry: :sadcry: :sadcry: :sadcry: :sadcry: :sadcry:

OK, so what happens was the people making this film went off and watched the first three films. They made a checklist of all things from those films that they needed to put into "T4: The Rape and Pillage of our Childhood" to appease the fans. And then they're like "Hmmm, we need a bit more material". And instead of reading the novelisations, playing the games, and reading a few character studies and fan-fics, they watched a few seasons of Battlestar Galactica, a few Michael Bay films and some of their favourite post-apocolyptic films - I'm guessing Mad Max, AI, I am Legend and probably Battlefield Earth were in their line-up.
And THEN they wrote a script starring: (probable spoilers)
I'm sorry Linda Hamilton! I repent! Please come back!!!! I will watch "Beauty and the Beast" as penance! I'm sorry!!


Which is not to say it didn't its cool bits. There were some interesting explosions. There were one or two REALLY COOL bots. It was technically pretty much perfect - the CG looked goooooooood.
But it completely missed the point. Utterly and completely.


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Re: Terminator 4: The rape and pillage of our childhood
Post By CMKMStephens. 05/06/09, 07:09 am

24th. Transformers. Michael I WISH I COULD MAKE LOVE TO AN EXPLOSION Bay. Be there Razz

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Re: Terminator 4: The rape and pillage of our childhood
Post By Guest. 05/06/09, 07:21 am

Look, I know you're at uni, don't MAKE me come down to the library and beat you. stare


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Re: Terminator 4: The rape and pillage of our childhood
Post By Thornback. 05/06/09, 02:09 pm

So...I shouldn't go watch this just for the sake of nostalgia and indulging my inner 13 year old boy?


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Re: Terminator 4: The rape and pillage of our childhood
Post By CMKMStephens. 05/06/09, 03:06 pm

Terminator 4: The rape and pillage of our childhood AwesomeTerminator 4: The rape and pillage of our childhood Awesome
u_ne_korn wrote:
Look, I know you're at uni, don't MAKE me come down to the library and beat you. stare

Terminator 4: The rape and pillage of our childhood Awesome
Terminator 4: The rape and pillage of our childhood AwesomeTerminator 4: The rape and pillage of our childhood Awesome Terminator 4: The rape and pillage of our childhood AwesomeTerminator 4: The rape and pillage of our childhood Awesome Terminator 4: The rape and pillage of our childhood AwesomeTerminator 4: The rape and pillage of our childhood Awesome

Number of posts : 634
Age : 36
Location : Wellington
Transforms into : Little Nellie
Gender : Undisclosed
Registration date : 2008-04-13

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Re: Terminator 4: The rape and pillage of our childhood
Post By Guest. 06/06/09, 02:04 am

Thornback wrote:
So...I shouldn't go watch this just for the sake of nostalgia and indulging my inner 13 year old boy?

It depends what you liked about T1-3

If you liked the explosions and the fight scenes... well McG doesn't know how to do fightscenes or chases like the old school.
If you liked John Connor - well the film was never suppossed to be about John Connor and what we see of him he's not terribly likable.
If you liked the strong competent women... nope sorry.
If you liked the Terminators..... sorry.
If you liked the idea of a post Apocolyptic Dystopia, then consider it.

I'm still struggling to give it a fair rating, because I can't dissociate it from the rape and pillage of my childhood. If you ADORE T1-3 this will annoy you. If you've never seen T1-3, you'll be confused as physics. If you've seen T1-3 and kinda liked em, then it might be tolerable.


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