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Superly-Duperly Awesome Multi-Purpose AMV thread~!

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Re: Superly-Duperly Awesome Multi-Purpose AMV thread~!
Post By Pyro. 29/03/08, 05:50 am



That's great that we can now see both the things we wanna see. x3

-laughs- And it'll mean more people come to the AMV contest, too! W00T.
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Re: Superly-Duperly Awesome Multi-Purpose AMV thread~!
Post By _BlazingBlossom_. 29/03/08, 06:01 am

I am so happy now. I was even planning to get my friend to tape it, but now I don't need to.
We need more people to watch amvs cause they are cool and everyone puts so much time into them.

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Re: Superly-Duperly Awesome Multi-Purpose AMV thread~!
Post By Pyro. 29/03/08, 06:08 am

I have to agree on that-

Eee~ It'll be so cool to see your AMV!

(I'm annoyed- I discovered just earlier that the AMV which I thought had never been done before had, and my Youtube searching failed me. >> Hopefully Zeb lets it slide on the techicality that I used the entire Compilation of FFVII, not just Crisis Core... ><)
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Re: Superly-Duperly Awesome Multi-Purpose AMV thread~!
Post By _BlazingBlossom_. 29/03/08, 06:18 am

Ah! amv is bugging me. I will have it done by monday hopefully. It is so annoying, but I am getting there ><....slowly

Has it been done heaps or just a couple?

Yea, we are getting some REALLY good amv these days here

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Re: Superly-Duperly Awesome Multi-Purpose AMV thread~!
Post By Pyro. 29/03/08, 06:37 am

Good luck~!

Only three times- mine, and the other two (which both have thousands of views)

I wonder what kind of amazing stuff people'll have this year? *0*
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Re: Superly-Duperly Awesome Multi-Purpose AMV thread~!
Post By _BlazingBlossom_. 29/03/08, 06:40 am

I'm sure it will be ok. It's not that over done. I think she might have meant if it has been done like 50 times before.

I wonder too. I wonder if I can find anything on youtube? *goes to look*

Thankyou ;3

*Edit* I found an amv!

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Re: Superly-Duperly Awesome Multi-Purpose AMV thread~!
Post By Guest. 29/03/08, 06:55 am

Gah! @_@ I've missed so much on this thread.. serves me right for going to bed early. >_> [pouts]

Aww, thanks for reviewing my AMV~ Yeah, I realised about the aspect ratio thing - I'm tweaking it now. :)

I know, I didn't know there was a Bambi II as well! So we're both behind. xD

...and I'm really wishing I could make it to Welly Geddon now. >_< I want to see AMVs too! Hopefully there will be more entries than last year at Christchurch Geddon, or people put more things on You Tube. xD

Speaking of which, Pyro's AMVs are up~! Hurrah! [runs off to look]

and it's so awesome that the AMV scene in NZ is starting to pick up. :3 We may not have as much awareness as other countries, but the stuff we do have is to a good standard. :3


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Re: Superly-Duperly Awesome Multi-Purpose AMV thread~!
Post By _BlazingBlossom_. 29/03/08, 07:20 am

I was doing my Melancholy Of Haruhi Suzumiya amv and then I was looking at a picture and switched to forums and the same face is your icon XD

We are getting there with anime in general. I remember the year before last at auckland there was about 6 people that entered the amv comp and then last year about 30. That is a HUGE improvement in my opinion.

All these new disney movies. I just found out that their was a Cinderella 3 *shakes head*. The only sequel I really liked was Lion King 2, but I haven't watched that for ages.

Your welcome. Are you only entering Christchurch?

*I found another one for christchurch*

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Re: Superly-Duperly Awesome Multi-Purpose AMV thread~!
Post By Guest. 29/03/08, 08:02 am

xD Awesome~ I love Haruhi! Can't wait to see your AMV~ ^^

mm, yeah - that's definitely true... ^^ I didn't know about that - last year was my first Auckland Geddon, so I thought that about that many entries was standard, but oh well! >_< I guess it's because anime is so addictive. ;3

o_O Cinderella 3!? >_< That might be painful... and apparently there's a Mulan 2.. x_x How are they gonna pull that off!? The first Mulan was perfect...

Yep. Only entering Christchurch - and well, Auckland, but that's faaar way yet.

Although not really. =/ It's scary to think that it'll be April soon. Where has the year gone!? x_x

Ohhh, you did, you did!? Share, share! xD


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Re: Superly-Duperly Awesome Multi-Purpose AMV thread~!
Post By Pyro. 29/03/08, 08:08 am

Cinderella itself was hellish- how could ANYONE survive watching sequels?!

(They're making a third Little Mermaid movie right now, which'll rawk- KARI WAHLGREN IS ONE OF THE PRINCESSES! *0* And she uses a watered down version of her Lady voice from DMC3 and 4... In the same tones she uses to scold Dante. So when I close my eyes whilst watching it, I can imagine Dante as Ariel. xD)

YES, Re:Play, share! xD
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Re: Superly-Duperly Awesome Multi-Purpose AMV thread~!
Post By _BlazingBlossom_. 29/03/08, 08:27 am

I loved Mulan as a kid and appreciate it a lot more for soundtrack, positions etc. After our English teacher made us do film studies I can never watch a movie normally again ;.;

They are making a little mermaid. When will they stop! Hmm...I haven't seen Devil May Cry. I read some of manga, but stopped as the art was kinda annoying

I love Haruhi too! I was disputing if I should make an amv with it, but it won in the end xD

Ok I will go get the link~

Where has it gone indeed *sigh*

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Re: Superly-Duperly Awesome Multi-Purpose AMV thread~!
Post By Guest. 29/03/08, 06:02 pm

aww.. yeah, I don't like studying films in English/Media Studies... takes the joy out of them. xD in my opinion. Oh well. =/

Thanks for the link~ ^^

I know, it's been crazy! It's so scary to think that term one is gonna be over soon - GAH. I mean, 11 weeks normally takes FOREVER... but apparently not. =/

Anyway, on an AMV related note - I "re-mastered" my AMV, and I'm now a lot happier with it. ^^ I followed your guys advise, so thank you! ^_^

and this time round I've burnt it proplerly onto DVD. xD;;


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Re: Superly-Duperly Awesome Multi-Purpose AMV thread~!
Post By _BlazingBlossom_. 30/03/08, 01:55 am

Yea...that was the only one I could find, but I will look for some more amvs after I come back from my nana's tonight.

Our life is rushing before our eyes! No it just seems that everyday takes long, but then overall it seems fast...if that makes any sense at all. I seem to spout a lot of nonsense.

I was wondering why yours wasn't on the big screen XD. I was like "How did that one not get in. It was really good!".

The remastered one is a lot better. Is it just me or is there more colour as well?

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Re: Superly-Duperly Awesome Multi-Purpose AMV thread~!
Post By Pyro. 30/03/08, 04:23 am

Jen's wasn't on the big screen at 'Geddon because the disc didn't work. >>
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Re: Superly-Duperly Awesome Multi-Purpose AMV thread~!
Post By Admin. 30/03/08, 08:09 am



<cough> Yeah. I've never made an AMV but I want to make a KHR one.

However, I have no idea what song I should put it too. ;-; Any ideas? I had a few.

Move - Thousand Foot Krutch

Fight Like This - Decyfer Down

Fight Song - Scott Stapp

Slow Bleed - Thousand Foot Krutch
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Re: Superly-Duperly Awesome Multi-Purpose AMV thread~!
Post By _BlazingBlossom_. 30/03/08, 09:56 am

Pyro wrote:
Jen's wasn't on the big screen at 'Geddon because the disc didn't work. >>

Yea I know, I was surprised it didn't work. Most dvds play data discs these days or it was taken out from the competition.

Sowlio: I haven't seen KHR, but I like Move the best out of those songs.

Yes! Another amv maker

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Re: Superly-Duperly Awesome Multi-Purpose AMV thread~!
Post By _BlazingBlossom_. 01/04/08, 02:13 pm

Ah! Help! I have finished it and trying to burn it to dvd, but the program I use doesn't want to work. What do you guys use to burn the amvs to disc?

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Re: Superly-Duperly Awesome Multi-Purpose AMV thread~!
Post By jpwise. 02/04/08, 01:55 am

Think most video production programs support writing directly to disc. If it doesn't see if you can get it to output to ISO or similar image file and then burn the iso. Under Windows I usually use ImgBurn (ImageBurn) for most of the stuff I do. Small (less than 2 megs), fast, and has a tidy interface without all the dross most of them have.

Edit: PS: It's free too. Razz


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Re: Superly-Duperly Awesome Multi-Purpose AMV thread~!
Post By Pyro. 02/04/08, 02:46 pm

I used Sonic MyDVD. <3

It's very easy to make stuff with; but I think you have to pay for it if it isn't already on your computer.
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Re: Superly-Duperly Awesome Multi-Purpose AMV thread~!
Post By _BlazingBlossom_. 02/04/08, 02:50 pm

Thanks. I have it done now and already to post in the morning <3. It was the fromat of avi it I published in that was making it skip all the time at flashing or fast scenes.

Now to just put it on Youtube!

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Re: Superly-Duperly Awesome Multi-Purpose AMV thread~!
Post By Pyro. 02/04/08, 02:51 pm


Can't wait to see it, Re:Play!
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Re: Superly-Duperly Awesome Multi-Purpose AMV thread~!
Post By _BlazingBlossom_. 03/04/08, 11:51 am

It's just taking a bit longer then expected to encode it to H.264 for youtube ><. Apparently you get quality by encoding to that format. I just hope it is right. I will have it up hopefully tonight

*Real words in mind* Hurry up. You stupid thing. HURRY UP! XD

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Re: Superly-Duperly Awesome Multi-Purpose AMV thread~!
Post By _BlazingBlossom_. 04/04/08, 12:18 am

It is finished~!

I now no longer want to make any amvs for a while XD

Please give me some feedback or criticism

Please put "&fmt=6" (without the quotes) at the end of the url for better quality

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Re: Superly-Duperly Awesome Multi-Purpose AMV thread~!
Post By Pyro. 04/04/08, 08:31 am


It's not working! ;_;

It says you took it down. >>;;

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Re: Superly-Duperly Awesome Multi-Purpose AMV thread~!
Post By Guest. 04/04/08, 08:46 am

YAY! ^_~ It is finished~ I want to seee~


But for some strange reason, it's not showing up... o_O Is it still processing~?


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