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A poem of the nameless variety.

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A poem of the nameless variety.
Post By Guest. 13/05/09, 03:11 pm

I’m in the years of long ago,

Lying in the grass and colours.

The setting sun paints the sky,

Not a cloud is out of place.

The pinks fade to dark night,

Stars perfectly positioned in blue.

But the landscape is changing,

Time takes its disheartening toll,

Grass turns to hard concrete,

Green fades to dirty gray,

White clouds replaced with smog.

I open my eyes, losing the dream.

A sunset is now a billboard,

The stars are neon lights.

I stand from the pavement,

Letting lose a wounded sigh,

A sky once painted,

Is now tainted…

We live under a tainted sky.

Eheh... I wrote this on the way back from Wellygeddon. The sky was just... It was really, really amazing. Then we drove through a city and I just wanted to shake my fist at humanity.


A poem of the nameless variety. Vide
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Re: A poem of the nameless variety.
Post By creature124. 13/05/09, 04:46 pm

I like it. The fact that you wrote it on a whim amazes me~
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A poem of the nameless variety. Vide
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A poem of the nameless variety.

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