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Mad Hatting Tea Party

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Mad Hatting Tea Party
Post By angellsnz. 18/03/08, 10:03 am

The Winnowed Spinach Ladies Tea Society
gentlemen by appointment



Mad Hatting Tea Party FPFD1540~Alice-and-the-Mad-Hatter-Celebration-in-Wonderland-Posters

When: Saturday 5th of April 2008
Where: At the home of Miss Verity Pride
RSVP: Please email by the 28th of March
What is happening:Tea drinking, conversation and hat decorating
What to bring: $5.00 - $3.00 for the hat and materials $2.00 will go towards costs of the food and drink

All questions and comments are to be made to

Yours sincerley,

Miss Rebel Fortune
Local Guide
Winnowed Spinach Ladies Tea Society Member
Armageddon Cosplay Contest Assistant

Number of posts : 199
Age : 52
Location : Auckland
Transforms into : I have one
Gender : Female
Registration date : 2007-12-16

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Re: Mad Hatting Tea Party
Post By Duckeh. 18/03/08, 12:30 pm

I'm a lady!!
If anyone else from here goes I may~ <3 :]
GOD of all things EPIC

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Re: Mad Hatting Tea Party
Post By sakuramiyabi. 18/03/08, 02:01 pm

i'll try and come XP if my schedule allows TTwTT it's so unforgiving

and it also depends on where you live XD and at what time ... i'd prefer it be during the day =3

Number of posts : 3941
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Registration date : 2008-01-09

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Re: Mad Hatting Tea Party
Post By JVCA. 18/03/08, 02:16 pm

I would be quite interested in going if Jen and Val are. Very Happy
Pronounced "Jay-vee-ka"

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Location : Howick, Auckland
Transforms into : a crotchety old woman
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Registration date : 2007-11-25

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Re: Mad Hatting Tea Party
Post By Guest. 18/03/08, 04:17 pm

OMG thats the day b4 i leave NZ i'll see if i can talk my mum into takeing use up the day b4 so i can come XD

Is there a dress code of any kind?


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Re: Mad Hatting Tea Party
Post By sakuramiyabi. 18/03/08, 11:44 pm

if you're going to be coming I suggest you pack at least 3 days in advance =3

i packed a week in advance when i left malaysia for nz =3 it also might relieve some packing stress on your mum XD

i really hope you can come =3

Number of posts : 3941
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Location : Seigetsu Gakuen
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Registration date : 2008-01-09

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Re: Mad Hatting Tea Party
Post By angellsnz. 19/03/08, 02:32 am

Genteel ladies,

Please as suggested, contact the email address with all your questions and queries. I as the local guide have only been asked to direct you to the necessary members who will be running this event. It is not a large event, but I am told it will be creative and a good time will be had by all. The address for the event has not been given as the members are mindful of safety and privacy for the young ladies in the society, and those young women who dain to attend. You can never be too careful in today's times of the 19th and early 20th century. The event will be held during the day, as tea should be drunk only during the daylight hours.

Yours sincerely

Miss Rebel Fortune
Armageddon Cosplay Contest Assistant

Number of posts : 199
Age : 52
Location : Auckland
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Registration date : 2007-12-16

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Re: Mad Hatting Tea Party
Post By angellsnz. 19/03/08, 02:36 am

OK - as you can tell by my attempt (bad at that) that the Winnowed Spinach Ladies Tea Society - gentleman by appointment - is a group that has been formed to mimic humourously a Ladies Society of the Victorian and early Edwardian era. At this point there is no dress code that I know of, but as stated by Miss Rebel Fortune (yes we have even made up silly names for ourselves) that you should email the email addy given in the notice.

Armageddon Cosplay Contest Assistant

Number of posts : 199
Age : 52
Location : Auckland
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Registration date : 2007-12-16

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Re: Mad Hatting Tea Party
Post By neimhaille. 19/03/08, 04:45 am

Tally ho and pip pip and give it a bit of welly!

Miss Verity Pride here (aka, mdb, satine, pinkdiamond..) having had some rather serious issues in the past of the slightly scary sort (I will tell you all of a few incidences in person if you like) I'm a little cautious of giving out my phone number and address. There may be a slight change in location too.

We have silly names that combine aspects of the right and proper way to behave as a true lady of the late 19thC but also the women who defied convention and behaved "badly" and did things. Such as Nellie Bly who travelled the world in 72 days.
We embrace everything from dainty tea cups and flower arranging to travel escapades to charity works (bunny collection still needing to find a home). A website shall be forthcoming but I've been very busy this week getting a broader NZ oriented website up and running. Well working, there are still issues of prettification to happen: (if you have any links please email at That address will be linked to the site from there.

Oh yes, back on topic I have 4 croquet mallets for the tea party so if someone can get a couple of small wooden balls (though tennis balls might be more amusing) we can play a game of croquet. Which is not at all competitive;)
Armageddon Cosplay Contest Judge

Number of posts : 661
Age : 48
Registration date : 2007-12-18

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Re: Mad Hatting Tea Party
Post By Guest. 19/03/08, 05:59 am

XD iv all ready packed gotta think ahead...
I been thinking if i leave on friday(4th) for Aucks would i be able to stay with anyone for 2 nights(Fri & Sat)? that way i could go and i'll just have to find a way to get into the city on Sun.

Oh wow i used to have a Croquet set but that was when i was 12 lol
tennis balls will be far more fun i can see how it will play out all ready ^^


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Re: Mad Hatting Tea Party
Post By sakuramiyabi. 19/03/08, 12:01 pm

lmao i can too

it'll be like

"Oh dear the ball flew out of the way again, Sebastian could you please get the ball for me and set it right here please" lmao XD

this sounds like fun ... although I fail at being lady like =3

Number of posts : 3941
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Location : Seigetsu Gakuen
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Registration date : 2008-01-09

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Re: Mad Hatting Tea Party
Post By JVCA. 19/03/08, 01:33 pm

I'll fail at being lady-like (hahah, when I first typed that, it came out as 'lasy-like') too, but I'm quite curious to attend, and would like to know what kind of dress code is asked of us? I know that it's been said that there isn't one, but what degree of dress is acceptable? EG. Can we just turn up in jeans+t-shirt, or what? XP
Pronounced "Jay-vee-ka"

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Location : Howick, Auckland
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Registration date : 2007-11-25

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Re: Mad Hatting Tea Party
Post By neimhaille. 19/03/08, 02:38 pm

Something you'd feel comfortable drinking tea in;) I'm not sure beyond that to be honest! The last event we had this past weekend was in full Victorian regalia and the one after the tea party will be in Victorian sportsgear (I'll be in hunting dress ;) )

So photos from last time:
(flickr is down for me right now but it might be up again soon)

If anyone has loli style or steampunkable clothing as well I think they would be appreciated:) And oohed and ahhed over:)

Oh and if you are able to bring your own tea cup, saucer and small plate that would be excellent as we are collecting pieces to look at, but there will be extra anyway :)

Oh and the tea being brought is loose leaf and of very nice flavours. I love love love the Earl Grey Rose. So lovely. I wonder if they have a violet flavoured tea. Oh the 1001 nights is really lovely too.
The winter dream also sounds lovely.
Armageddon Cosplay Contest Judge

Number of posts : 661
Age : 48
Registration date : 2007-12-18

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Re: Mad Hatting Tea Party
Post By MoshiMoshi. 19/03/08, 02:51 pm

I'd toally be keen to come!
seXAH <3

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Re: Mad Hatting Tea Party
Post By Guest. 19/03/08, 02:58 pm

I'd love to come. :) I'll try and bring along some varieties of loose leaf tea as well! Somehow I feel a day full of good-tasting-caffeine coming on. xD

[goes to RSVP]

see you there~!


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Re: Mad Hatting Tea Party
Post By neimhaille. 19/03/08, 04:33 pm

Just set up the site for the group, it's not a huge amount yet, but hey I'm tired and need a break from webbing;) Now if I could just figure out a way to purge site stats at the end of each month I'd be happy...
Armageddon Cosplay Contest Judge

Number of posts : 661
Age : 48
Registration date : 2007-12-18

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Re: Mad Hatting Tea Party
Post By Guest. 19/03/08, 04:38 pm

EHH Steampunk? <333 iv been trying to design an outfit for Wai-con 09...
Anyways i'll most likely come in some sort of weird outfit or just Loli <.<


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Re: Mad Hatting Tea Party
Post By neimhaille. 19/03/08, 05:08 pm

I have made the suggestion that the West Lynn Gardens are actually really lovely. It's close to New Lynn and on a bus route (19- and 18- but I'm sure there could be some help to the transport centre which will get people west and into town easily:)
They have a butterfly house too:) I came very close to having my birthday there a few years back.

Also, if you avoid the duckie poo Western Springs is lovely too. Close to the zoo and MOTAT.
Armageddon Cosplay Contest Judge

Number of posts : 661
Age : 48
Registration date : 2007-12-18

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Re: Mad Hatting Tea Party
Post By sakuramiyabi. 19/03/08, 11:57 pm

lmao i live along that route

ill post a link to timetables =3


i'll go check it out during the easter holidays if theyre open =3

So about bus routes

This place is 4 stages from the city (i.e. $5.40 each way ... ir you can tough it out and get down at new lynn and walk the rest of the way ... it's about 30 - 40 min max depending how fast you're walking =3)

The best place to get down would be the bus stop on South Lynn Rd itself which is after or just before the Nazarene Church depending which way youre coming from.

If you take Urban Express stop at the stop just before the Nazarene Church
If you take the Stagecoach stop at the stop just after the Nazarene Church

Either way when you get on the bus just say you want to get down at Seabrook Ave and they can put you down =3

the time table --> Green Bay/ Blockhouse Bay Timetable


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Re: Mad Hatting Tea Party
Post By Raenef. 09/04/08, 06:10 am

Here are the photos

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Re: Mad Hatting Tea Party
Post By JVCA. 09/04/08, 07:31 am

ROFLMAO. That photo of Val... You know the one I'm talking about... XD < sets photo as her desktop background picture >
Pronounced "Jay-vee-ka"

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Re: Mad Hatting Tea Party
Post By Pura. 09/04/08, 12:30 pm

Everything happens in Auckland ...

Wellington is so boring :/
Optimus Prime

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Re: Mad Hatting Tea Party
Post By JVCA. 09/04/08, 12:58 pm

Lol, what're you talking about? Looking at the wellygeddon thread on coscom, you guys have big meetups all the time!
Pronounced "Jay-vee-ka"

Number of posts : 7122
Age : 33
Location : Howick, Auckland
Transforms into : a crotchety old woman
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Registration date : 2007-11-25

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Re: Mad Hatting Tea Party
Post By sakuramiyabi. 09/04/08, 01:45 pm

;; ;; ;; i couldnt find you people ... TTwTT

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Re: Mad Hatting Tea Party
Post By JVCA. 09/04/08, 02:20 pm

Were you wearing all black???

Michaela saw you, and was like "Is that her?" and Val and I went to look for you but couldn't see you. >.<
Pronounced "Jay-vee-ka"

Number of posts : 7122
Age : 33
Location : Howick, Auckland
Transforms into : a crotchety old woman
Gender : Female
Registration date : 2007-11-25

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