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I need Voice Acting practice - help me out?

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Re: I need Voice Acting practice - help me out?
Post By porkbun. 30/09/09, 08:46 am


lol: I like the "Im gonna kick you *butt* one"
it was fun to listen to.

The nz one was cool, so true~ 8D
paoupu fruit

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Re: I need Voice Acting practice - help me out?
Post By _Yuki. 25/10/09, 02:45 pm

Oh, you've got a nice voice.

A better american accent than I've heard from some other people who live in new zealand. *shiver* I lol'd at your seemingly NZish tribute.

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Re: I need Voice Acting practice - help me out?
Post By Li-Bai. 22/04/10, 04:27 am


This time I have some time (not a whole amount but y'know) buuut I'm having a bit of trouble finding projects on the VAA I'd like to audition for. So I come to ye fellow CNZers for 'help'... even if you just want a chance to make me sound dumb. 8Db

Semi-copypasta from the first post:
My range is all up and down the feminine scale and sometimes if I try, a bit lower onto the higher-male scale (since I have a MANRY VOICE ohoho. Btntrly.) But I'll fail at trying to be an actual adult manly man, just by the way.
Although if I try to do seductive, I end up sounding like a five-year-old apparently. Accents I can do are generic English, generic American and French. And sometimes Cantonese Chinese. >w> BUT ONLY WHEN I'M IN PRACTICE, which I am not. I am out of it. Practice, I mean. That's why I am here. To get back into the practice. Of practicing. So for now none of these, haha.

Copypasta the following and fill out as you please:

1) Character name (M/F?)
2) Age
3) Fandom (if they come from a fandom. Original characters are appreciated also.)
4) Brief run-down of personality (a picture could also help)
5) Pitch (high? mid-high? leave open for interpretation?)
6) And then a few lines of what you'd like to be said in that voice. Can be a few lines up to a soliliquy.

Also I don't do swearing or dirty lines plz. My parents would kill me if they heard me speak such filth. 8DDb (Also I wouldn't be able to say it myself haha. I had trouble with a line that once required me to scream "I'M PREGNANT!!". AWKWARDDIZZLE.)

Last edited by Li-Bai on 22/04/10, 03:22 pm; edited 1 time in total
Sushi ;O

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Re: I need Voice Acting practice - help me out?
Post By Reiko Arashi. 22/04/10, 11:13 am

1) Saitou Fujiwara (MALE)
2) 20's
3) Original Charachter
4) Sai's a bit of a rogue, while a good way to put it he's the golden eyed tiger. He's quick to support those around him, but he's not always looking after himself. Good with family, bad in love - but good in bed Razz // >> he's also gay as a fruitcake, he says he's bi .. .but he'll take teh co-over any va any day XD
I need Voice Acting practice - help me out? - Page 3 Sai_Fujiwara_3D_by_Fuctrack
5) Pfft o_O he's japanese is that enough?
6) "You're not expecting me to touch that are you?" "Reiko...... REIKO. WAKE THE ... >_> ok fine just lay there and act dead you retard." "Tochan <.< wth are you talking about, Yochan's over here - stop smoking the jay jays and get with the picture." " o__o bewbies. " "bewbs." "Zazazay ZOOOOOOOOOOOOOM." <-- That's where tensei asks him if he's on crack <.< lol.

Other than that just have a play XD i randomly made lines for him cause i havent had a storyline for him in a while
Reiko Arashi
Reiko Arashi

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Re: I need Voice Acting practice - help me out?
Post By Li-Bai. 22/04/10, 04:32 pm

Sorry, I don't do adult males sweatdrop
Sushi ;O

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Re: I need Voice Acting practice - help me out?
Post By _Yuki. 22/04/10, 05:11 pm

1) Kamizawa Ayane
2) 16
3) She's my friend's character, I just wanted to hear your take on her... >3
4) She's cute and easily embarrassed, cheerful and bubbly etc. She's very much in love. Oh, and she also has a demon sealed inside her. Bummer.
5) Quite high, and yet not childish. American accent if you would.
"I've never seen the stars like this! It's like a whole new world."
"Mmm..!! It's delicious!"
"Kisuke... do you really like me?"
"It's hurting me...!! I don't want to be like this anymore!!"
"Look at me. This is what I am! Don't you understand?"

Something like that. Lol I should let him listen to it if you do it...

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Re: I need Voice Acting practice - help me out?
Post By Pyro. 22/04/10, 05:36 pm

A bit of copy-pasta from the beginning of the thread, since you asked for a few more Clara lines~ 8D

1) Clara Kirishima (F)
2) 13
3) World Embryo
4) Clara is a somewhat bratty girl who loves Americanizing things. With a naive personality, she enjoys hiding her confusion under a bubbly facade. She absolutely adores her brother, Joe, who shares her optimistic nature, and the both of them often indulge in ridiculous antics in an effort to entertain themselves while all their friends discuss more serious topics.
5) High, preferably with a little bit of a fake American accent.
6) [in a quiet, knowing voice] "You're lying." [still quiet, but sounding smug now] "I'm always on the watch for people who hold a screen over their hearts... Even if they manage to put a friendly expression on their faces. Heh..." [like a warning, a kind of 'I'm watching you' sort of tone] "... I'm very good at detecting lies."

[nostalgic] "That photo was taken two years ago... It wasn't long after Yohei joined our unit, but it felt as though we'd known each other for a decade."

[disappointed, lecturing] "Oh me oh my, how incredibly rude! You should provide a spontaneous welcome... It's just not gentlemanly if you don't!"

[distant, and sad] "I sense... a storm coming."

1) Seraph (F)
2) 20 (or so it seems...)
3) OC, but she comes from the Shadow Hearts universe
4) Seraph... is... haughty. Haughty, and insane, and seems to think everyone else is beneath her. Well, fair enough-- she is a goddess after all. She makes unreasonable demands and always gets her way, much to the annoyance of the people around her. She also has a habit of flirting with anything remotely attractive and remotely human.
5) Medium pitch, slightly spoilt and very well spoken.
6) [says it like 'god, isn't this obvious?'] "And I'd appreciate it if you called me Seraph while I'm like this. I hate my given name, and all those stuffy gods call me by it. I'd like to try and escape it… While I can."

[angrily] "If you hadn't followed your dumb mind and fused with me, back in Shanghai, I wouldn't be here!" [lecturing] "As it were, I'm bound to you now, until you die. For my own safety, as it were."

[sternly] "We gods don't like trusting humans." [she sounds kind of tired for the next line, like 'here we go again'] "I mean, we gave Pandora her box, she opened it and let out all sorts of creepy stuff. We send warriors to fight your demons, and more often than not, they fight you guys instead. We've learnt from our mistakes."

[brightly] "Bingo! Hope you guys like having me around."
Winner of the Infinitely Quotable Award

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Re: I need Voice Acting practice - help me out?
Post By Li-Bai. 23/04/10, 07:40 am

I am badly out of practice. CAN YOU TELL?? CAN YOU TELL??

[Kamizawa Ayane for _Yuki]
[Clara Kirishima 2 for Pyro]
[Seraphic Radiance for Pyro]

Critique me, for the love of God, critique me!!
Sushi ;O

Number of posts : 2251
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Re: I need Voice Acting practice - help me out?
Post By Pyro. 23/04/10, 11:29 am



Clara is good, but the first line should probably sound a little more foreboding. You kind of sound like you're having a casual conversation, when it should be a bit more serious... like, you're really wary of what this person is up to.

The second line could do with a little bit more of a sad tone, though frankly, I forgot to mention that in the first place, so it's my fault. =_=;; (the guy she's talking about, Yohei, is dead)

The other two are peeerfeeect~ 8D

Seraph could be a bit more classy, but overall, her lines are good too, though the voice doesn't fit quite as well as Clara does~ (that's okay though, I was just messin' around and getting you to try her FOR THE LULZ~ >=D!)
Winner of the Infinitely Quotable Award

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Re: I need Voice Acting practice - help me out?
Post By Thornback. 23/04/10, 01:13 pm

You never got around to this one the first time, so...

1) Wilhelm-"Wil"-Shemale
2) 17
Original Character from the addled brain of a history nerd
EXTREMELY neurotic lab assistant, stuck on the wrong side of the Berlin
wall, 1962. Frequently abused, and too girly for his own wellbeing.
Pitch-Mid, extremely high when startled or stressed. Painfully generic
teenage boy British accent(think London)-a nod to Early Hollywood talkies, where you
could say you were from anywhere in Europe as long as you had some form
of British accent.
6) "Why do I always have to be the Grandma?!?"(Forced to dress in drag forn the umpteenth time, exasperated)
I have nothing against them personally, but I find it a little hard to
bond with people who want to shoot me."(Starting fairly calmly, building up to a state of panic, or deadpan snarkiness.)
"But he looks so
happy..."[worried, yet wistful...]
"I do respect you(awkward
pause)just not that much."(First part should sound comforting and heartwarming, before giving way to more deadpan snark.)
And a random little foley to finish it
off....{High piched girlish scream, activate!}

That is your
quest.Now, away!


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Re: I need Voice Acting practice - help me out?
Post By damian. 23/04/10, 01:46 pm

1) Kirinon Allens
2) early twenties
3) original character~
4) x | x | x plz excuse lack of human images and newer/better drawn images, i've just dug him back up from the farthest dungeons of my imagination recently and haven't actually had the opportunity to draw him yet. orz
around people he's bubbly and happy, one of those kind of so-sweet-it-gives-you-cavities kind of sweet. he's a bit of a jokester, and on occasion overreacts to (usually comical) situations in a comical way-- just to amuse people. if he ever appeared in an anime, he'd be one of those characters drawn chibi-style for a good portion of the show, just to exaggerate his overreactions and his general 'cute'ness.
5) rather high for a guy; voice can be mistaken for a medium- to low-pitched female voice. uh. have fun with him?

(in disgust) Get away from me, Rheexa [pronounced REEK - za]. I want nothing to do with you. Nothing.

(teasing tone) Turn. What did I say about lunch today? You promised you'd eat with me~ don't try to weasel your way out of this!

(exaggerated surprise/disbelief) *gasp!* No way! You actually finished your assignment on time for once?!

(exaggerated despair) Tuuuuuurn. I'm going to diiiiiie. I haven't finished my boards yet, my old hag of a teacher is going to kiiiiill meeeee. *loud yelp, guess who got smacked upside the head for being silly*

(deadly sweet, kiri-is-about-to-strangle-you-in-a-moment tone) Did you just call me... Mikki?


hurr, okay, so he's technically an adult male. he sounds like a girl though, so i thought i'd throw him at you. just for the heck of it |D

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Re: I need Voice Acting practice - help me out?
Post By Reiko Arashi. 24/04/10, 01:21 am

Li-Bai wrote:
Sorry, I don't do adult males sweatdrop

Heh :) but he's actually ..... VERY uhm o_O workable? >.> like he's even been in high school arcs?
.___. lol i'll find you someone else in a while XD i can't think of anything
Reiko Arashi
Reiko Arashi

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Re: I need Voice Acting practice - help me out?
Post By _Yuki. 25/04/10, 04:21 pm

You're sounding good, what's this about being out of practice?

1) Kanna (surname excluded)
2) Maybe 2000 years old. 10 or so?
3) OC ;D
She makes her appearance in this awkward meme here.
Let's tap into your inner ADORABLE.
6) ">:L I'll clean you out, you filthy impurity you! *sounds of waving around a wand*"
"Please don't take him seriously, someone will come along and give you real instructions soon. I'm going now to clean the courtyard, so sit here."
(sits down)
"Ahh... why is it so busy? Kurihara's having his work cut out..."
(serious defender power ranger mode)
"Don't you take one step from there! I'm going to teach you why impurities like you are called DIRTY!"
(down for the count - not quite)
"Nngh... you won't take me down so quickly... there's.... a reason why I've... managed to live this long!! lol insert some sort of yell here"

Number of posts : 741
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Re: I need Voice Acting practice - help me out?
Post By Li-Bai. 28/04/10, 09:54 am

Mmkay, so while I have time to record, finding the time to record is a different matter. My parents work from home, so this is sometimes difficult. 8D

I've only done one so far but I'll get to the others as soon as I can!

[Wilhelm for Thornback]

@Thornback Like I said today, I can't scream, so I had to omit the foley. ...Well, I can, but while I've never acquainted myself with my own scream before, I feel like it's very loud and shrill one. Probably perfect for Wil but not so much for my microphone. 8Db
Sushi ;O

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Re: I need Voice Acting practice - help me out?
Post By Thornback. 28/04/10, 03:40 pm

Brilliant! You did the final line perfectly!


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Re: I need Voice Acting practice - help me out?
Post By Li-Bai. 23/05/10, 09:26 am

Well. Here is _Yuki's. I'm going to work on tangent's soon at another point. 8D

[Kanna for _Yuki]

I think I can go higher than this by a bit. But. I'm out of practice again. 8D;
Sushi ;O

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