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Lady Phantomhive's - Photoshoot Competition ::~ POSTPONED

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Lady Phantomhive's - Photoshoot Competition ::~ POSTPONED
Post By Lady Phantomhive. 16/04/09, 10:54 am

~:: Christmas Party 2009 ::~

Yes, it's almost a whole year away but there are HEAPS of preparation required for this year's Xmas party!!! (Thanks Angie for letting me organise this! chuu~! ) I haven't planned much yet but there are a few things that are DEFINITELY happening FOR SURE. The main event for this year's Xmas party is: THE PHOTOSHOOT COMPETITION!!!!! (Along with other things such as Secret Santa and such which will be explained in more detail closer to the time.)

~:: The Photoshoot Competition ::~

What's going to happen for this is:

+ Cosplayers will get together and form Cosplay Groups, by groups I mean from the SAME Ani-manga or game and get together to form a group.

+ Cosplays from the same ani-manga or game does NOT necessary have to be in the SAME group

+ HOWEVER the MINIMUM number of people in a group is 3 and MAXIMUM is 5-6.

+ Each group will come up with photoshoots for various categories (will be decided later)

+ Each group will submit a photo for each category at the end of the time limit of 4 HOURS (could be changed later)

+ Each group will be provided with a single coloured backdrop

+ Each group can bring their OWN props to use in the photoshoot and can also use application such as photoshop.

+ Each group will need a camera

~How it will be judged~

- The photos must be submitted at the end of the four hours via memory stick or USB.

- The photos will be displayed by category (somehow) and it will be judged by the people who took part in the photoshoot comp.

- The photos will be judged by a point system, 3 points being: AWESOME, 2 points being: Very good! and 1 point being: Good.

- Each group will assign three people to be the judge and each of these people will judge each photos according to what they think.

- Groups can not judge their own photos

- The winning photo, its group will be rewarded accordingly!! XD

Chance for people to come up with new cosplays or bring out the old ones!

~:: Categories ::~

Christmas Spirit: A photo that has the Christmas Spirit feeling with happiness radiating from it! The photo with the best feeling of Christmas from it will be the winner!

Mission Impossible: A photo capturing the most scandalous and IMPOSSIBLE situation amongst the members of your group. The photo with the most shocking situation will be the winner!

Our Memories: Group photo reproducing a memorable pose from the ani-manga or game. The group wil the best replica of the original will be the winner!

The One Man Show: The most stunning photo with only one person in it. Pretty self explanitory, the photo that stands out amongst the rest will win!

Aphrodite's Duet: The most BEAUTIFUL shot of two characters. Please note, the two characters does not have to be a pairing. Can be partners or two characters associated with each other. Photo with the most beautiful composition will be the winner!

Cupid's Match: The CUTEST shot of two characters. Please note, like the previous category, the two characters do not have to be a pairing. Can be partners or two characters associated with each other. Photo with the cutest composition will be the winner!

Action Act: A photo with the ACTION in it. Remember, sometimes simple is the best~! The photo with the most amount of action in it along with good proportions will win!

Parody of Irony: A photo containing some sort of parody or irony amongst the characters! The most creative photo will win!

The Red Curtain: Photo containing dramatic drama-like scene of dramaticness! Best photo must contain drama, drama and MORE DRAMA~! And the one that's chosen to be the MOST BEAUTIFUL of them all will be awarded the grand prize~! *flicks hair*

Shakespearean Tragedy: "The essence of Shakespeare's Tragedy is the expression of one of the greatest paradoxes of life" Basically a depressing theme of life *nods*. The photo must portray some sort of tragedy amongst the characters, be it money problems or the end of life (me no care). Remember this category isn't about drama. It's about EMOTIONS. The most tragic photo will be the winner......

~:: People List ::~

Lady Phantomhive
Lost in Shangri-la
Cloud Strife
Omni L Sama
Master Chaos

~:: Group List ::~

Vampire Knight Night Class: Lady Phantomhive (Souen Ruka), Autumn8004 (Kuran Kaname), Yunnik (Touya Rima), Lost in Shangri-la (Senri Shiki)
Digimon Group: Mandie_Chan (Renamon), Riven_ (Ryo), Pyro (Beelzemon), s-in-c (Impmon), Aura (Guilmon)
Saiyuki Group: People in this group please report to me D:!!

So.. what do you all think? Ideas PLEASE!

Also, when you have formed a group, get one person to actually PM me the people in the group, who each person is cosplaying and what group it is!!!! It would be easier than me hunting through the posts and trying to figure it out myself ;( Thank you!

Also, if you really don't want to cosplay but want to be part of the fun or if you don't think you'll cosplay to be part of a group, please pm me and let me know. Then I can assign you to a group and you can help them with their creation of ART! XD To be fair and square, who goes where will be decided by pulling bits of paper from a hat XD!

Last edited by Lady Phantomhive on 18/05/09, 12:41 pm; edited 16 times in total
Lady Phantomhive
Lady Phantomhive
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Re: Lady Phantomhive's - Photoshoot Competition ::~ POSTPONED
Post By Mandie_Chan. 16/04/09, 11:03 am


*maybe time to pull out digimon group*
Optimus Prime

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Re: Lady Phantomhive's - Photoshoot Competition ::~ POSTPONED
Post By Lady Phantomhive. 16/04/09, 11:04 am

LoL that was SO fast D:! lol well discuss among your peeps! and when you've decided, i'll put them up on the first post! ^-^ remember!! 3-6 people!!! too many will get havocy and hard to put into one frame lol
Lady Phantomhive
Lady Phantomhive
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Re: Lady Phantomhive's - Photoshoot Competition ::~ POSTPONED
Post By Mandie_Chan. 16/04/09, 11:06 am

yip yip ^_^
if you need any help orgainizing (now or nearer to the time) just give me a yell and i'll be there for ya!
Optimus Prime

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Re: Lady Phantomhive's - Photoshoot Competition ::~ POSTPONED
Post By Lady Phantomhive. 16/04/09, 11:07 am

Mandie is my saviour <3 i'll probably need a venue again ;__;
Lady Phantomhive
Lady Phantomhive
marshmallow ninja

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Re: Lady Phantomhive's - Photoshoot Competition ::~ POSTPONED
Post By Mandie_Chan. 16/04/09, 11:08 am

church lounge? i can book it when you sort a date (no such thing as to early!)
Optimus Prime

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Re: Lady Phantomhive's - Photoshoot Competition ::~ POSTPONED
Post By Nazgul. 16/04/09, 11:09 am

wowww that sounds like a lot of fun ^^ I hope Vicky wins if she's gonna participate! 8D

unfortunately I won't be able to come for the xmas party since i wont be around for the summer hols T.T good luck to you guys!

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Re: Lady Phantomhive's - Photoshoot Competition ::~ POSTPONED
Post By Lady Phantomhive. 16/04/09, 11:10 am

okie dokie!!! well i'll try to sort out a date well ahead this time so we have the perfect time!! guess if we have the date set early, people will plan some stuff around that hopefully?

aww but syi~!! ;__; it'll be befoe xmas >.<!
Lady Phantomhive
Lady Phantomhive
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Re: Lady Phantomhive's - Photoshoot Competition ::~ POSTPONED
Post By Mandie_Chan. 16/04/09, 11:11 am

what time do you go Sasuke?
maybe we could have it early for ya T.T
Optimus Prime

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Re: Lady Phantomhive's - Photoshoot Competition ::~ POSTPONED
Post By Lady Phantomhive. 16/04/09, 11:12 am

Precisely what i was thinking!
Lady Phantomhive
Lady Phantomhive
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Re: Lady Phantomhive's - Photoshoot Competition ::~ POSTPONED
Post By Mandie_Chan. 16/04/09, 11:12 am

Optimus Prime

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Re: Lady Phantomhive's - Photoshoot Competition ::~ POSTPONED
Post By Lady Phantomhive. 16/04/09, 11:19 am

Definitely the more the better for this~!
Lady Phantomhive
Lady Phantomhive
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Re: Lady Phantomhive's - Photoshoot Competition ::~ POSTPONED
Post By Pyro. 16/04/09, 03:00 pm

Does the photoshoot contest have to be in groups? D8

-has never been in a group of more than two people before, and doesn't have any costumes for groups. Plus, I want to use Beelzemooon~ <3-
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Re: Lady Phantomhive's - Photoshoot Competition ::~ POSTPONED
Post By Lady Phantomhive. 16/04/09, 05:09 pm

@ pyro: to participate in the photoshoot competition, yes. because otherwise you won't get the workload done on time to submit the photo in. And you'll have to get people in you group to take photos for you so you'll only have single shots if you're in a group of two and you won't be able to enter most of the categories =(( sorry >.<
Lady Phantomhive
Lady Phantomhive
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Re: Lady Phantomhive's - Photoshoot Competition ::~ POSTPONED
Post By Nazgul. 16/04/09, 05:27 pm

No no don't move the whole thing forward for me >.< just make it around xmas time! it'll be much more xmasy that way

Not sure when i'll buzz off from here lol but maybe around 17th of December or so!

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Re: Lady Phantomhive's - Photoshoot Competition ::~ POSTPONED
Post By firecat70. 16/04/09, 05:33 pm

Sounds like awesome!

I almost asked when it would be. Christmas time, duh XD

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Re: Lady Phantomhive's - Photoshoot Competition ::~ POSTPONED
Post By Mandie_Chan. 17/04/09, 12:36 am

Nazgul wrote:
maybe around 17th of December or so!

but that would be a good time! coz lets face it everyone goes away for christmas and people get really busy at that time fo year ^_^
Optimus Prime

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Re: Lady Phantomhive's - Photoshoot Competition ::~ POSTPONED
Post By GrellTheRipperXD. 17/04/09, 12:54 am

woot, count me in on that one ok!!!!! Ithink by that time the Saiyuki group should have their cosplay done !!
Yellow Camaro

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Re: Lady Phantomhive's - Photoshoot Competition ::~ POSTPONED
Post By Lady Phantomhive. 17/04/09, 11:45 am

Lol we'll just have it before the 17th of dec~! lol that is well around xmas!! lol infact the entire month of december before the 25th is all very xmasy~!! XD
Lady Phantomhive
Lady Phantomhive
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Re: Lady Phantomhive's - Photoshoot Competition ::~ POSTPONED
Post By Mandie_Chan. 17/04/09, 12:04 pm

if your in a mall it starts being christmasy around september!
Optimus Prime

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Re: Lady Phantomhive's - Photoshoot Competition ::~ POSTPONED
Post By Snow. 17/04/09, 12:11 pm

Ooooooh a Christmas challenge! Awesome.

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Re: Lady Phantomhive's - Photoshoot Competition ::~ POSTPONED
Post By Lady Phantomhive. 17/04/09, 05:06 pm

So! any groups brewing up yet? XD
Lady Phantomhive
Lady Phantomhive
marshmallow ninja

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Re: Lady Phantomhive's - Photoshoot Competition ::~ POSTPONED
Post By Mandie_Chan. 18/04/09, 12:09 am

um.... i wanna do digimon but im waiting for riven and aura to say they'll do it T.T
Optimus Prime

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Re: Lady Phantomhive's - Photoshoot Competition ::~ POSTPONED
Post By Guest. 18/04/09, 06:08 am

im listening out for a group,
if you need someone for your group and i find it appealing,
im in Very Happy


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Re: Lady Phantomhive's - Photoshoot Competition ::~ POSTPONED
Post By Lady Phantomhive. 18/04/09, 07:15 am

X3 heheh XD we needs more people~!! haha i'll put up some of the categories soon and maybe that'll be easier to pick groups for? X3 remember 3-6 people!!!
Lady Phantomhive
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