Make-up for Wellygeddon? Help? Please? <=D By Pyro. 03/04/09, 02:37 am |
| Oi, oi!!
Does anyone in Welly have some cherry-red nail polish I could nab for Sunday of 'Geddon? I need some~ x_x
Help, guys? =D I will love whoever has some they can lend me forever and ever and ever and ever. <3 |
| Pyro Winner of the Infinitely Quotable Award
Number of posts : 3934 Age : 29 Location : Auckland Transforms into : Tik-Tok Tibenoch Gender : Female Registration date : 2007-12-03
Re: Make-up for Wellygeddon? Help? Please? <=D By Mischa. 03/04/09, 12:41 pm |
| I have some express finish in racing rubies- it's not bright red , but you're welcome to it if you want it.
Number of posts : 1045 Age : 118 Location : Wellington Transforms into : GRIMDARK Gender : Female Registration date : 2009-03-15