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Post By Dozy. 21/03/09, 05:22 pm

As I tend to stay away from wigs, I find myself dying my hair in various shades for costumes. I was just wondering what have other people's impressions been of hairdye?

I have tended to use what ever was on special when dying my hair which has resulted in some very mixed results. does anyone have a favourite brand. Or to the other extreme does anyone get their hair dyed at a salon for an event?

Number of posts : 156
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Re: HairDye
Post By Rocky. 22/03/09, 12:54 am

I dont have any experience yet... But I'm dying my hair this afternoon in preparation for geddon next weekend x3
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Re: HairDye
Post By Leeni. 22/03/09, 01:18 am

When I did my hair red, I had the most badass dye. Garnier, I think. And it's from a series' of special SUPERBRIGHT dyes.
But.. I can't remember anything more than that v.v

If you're going unnatural colors, I've heard Manic Panic is the best, but if you live in Auckland you have to contend with going to the snobs at Illicit to get some. :\

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Re: HairDye
Post By Freddie. 22/03/09, 01:21 am

:3 Manic Panic for highlights, FudgeBox for Lowlights and Wakk Stain for whatever hairs left over.

As you can see, I like natural looking unnatural hair.
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Re: HairDye
Post By Dozy. 22/03/09, 02:27 am

Luckily my mum was a hair dresser so she had been dying my hair from when I was probably 11. .
Since I have been unable to have her help for a while I have found that there are tricks to making sure not to spread hairdye from one end of the house to the other, or making sure your face isn't stuck the same colour as your hair.
Lanolin, or cold cream around your hairline and on your ears to stop the colour, some people use vaseline. Then I have found the very fizzy? face washes for problem skin are good at getting the colour out of your skin.
Also how long do other people leave the colour in their hair? I always tend to go much longer than recomended?

Number of posts : 156
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Re: HairDye
Post By Static. 22/03/09, 03:20 am

Garnier 100% colour I found really good, but fades a bit quicker than other brands - I've used the badass red and the blueblack from that range. The black was fun - it faded out to purple!

Try to avoid Clairol Nice n' Easy - really, really strong ammonia. It's gross. Loreal casting creme gloss is really nice, long-lasting natural shades; I've been converted :) And it smells GOOD!

EDIT: I try not to leave stuff in my hair too long, unless it's a shade of red - it usually needs it. I know Jp tried some temp stuff, and says the Schwarzkopf live stuff is sugar honey iced tea.

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Re: HairDye
Post By Mischa. 22/03/09, 07:33 am

I love Loreal casting- I've been using it on and off for ten years

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Re: HairDye
Post By Mandie_Chan. 23/03/09, 09:00 am

ive never dyed my hair before but for geddon im planning to go blond for 1 day

hey question:
if i want a temp colour (blond) what would be the best brand 2 use?
my hairs light brown [/strike]tho i think its dark, im told otherwise by my hair dresser[/strike]
any advice welcomed ^_^;
Optimus Prime

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Re: HairDye
Post By venom. 23/03/09, 09:04 am

I use that L'OREAL Highlight stuff (fairly new I guess... a few years old?) those stuff work out to be pretty awesome!
marshmallow ninja

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Re: HairDye
Post By Mandie_Chan. 23/03/09, 09:06 am

highlight stuff aye?
*goes out in search of it*

Optimus Prime

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Re: HairDye
Post By venom. 23/03/09, 09:11 am

Yeah, it's like dye and highlights in the same package.

You do the dye first, let it in, wash your hair, leave it damp, put on the highlights, let it in, wash it and then condition it <333
marshmallow ninja

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Re: HairDye
Post By Mandie_Chan. 23/03/09, 09:12 am

this is gonna be fun then ^_^

it is temp isnt it?
Optimus Prime

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Re: HairDye
Post By SpamTomatoSpam. 23/03/09, 09:48 am

I think it might be difficult to get temporary blonde dye; generally you have to use bleach or something else permanent to lighten your hair.
But you could always bleach your hair and then dye it back to your natural shade afterwards...

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Re: HairDye
Post By venom. 23/03/09, 09:57 am

Mandie_Chan wrote:
this is gonna be fun then ^_^

it is temp isnt it?

No, unfortunately :<

You tend to get better results with permament ones... =/

Fudge Paintbox is alright for "semi" permament, they last for about 3-30 washes.
marshmallow ninja

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Re: HairDye
Post By Mandie_Chan. 23/03/09, 10:13 am

ok ^_^;

we shall see how its all works out then

and no bleach >_<
unless its in manga form!
Optimus Prime

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Re: HairDye
Post By Guest. 23/03/09, 10:20 am

Well, good luck getting temporarily blonde /:

It's impossible to lighten dark hair temporarily.
Just echoing what's already been said-- you'd have to bleach your hair out first, then dye it back to your natural haircolor if you don't want to keep it blonde.
Unless you use like.. colored hairsprays or hairgels. Which... personally, I'd rather not use for a whole head of hair, especially if you want to go Larxene's color.
You probably should've gone for a wig for Larxene, but it's probably too late now ^^;


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Re: HairDye
Post By Mandie_Chan. 23/03/09, 10:21 am

seems ive dugged myself into an interesting hole

thankies anyway guys
Optimus Prime

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Re: HairDye
Post By venom. 23/03/09, 10:22 am

Temporary just doesn't do justice most of the time...

You'd have to recolour your hair back to your original one, but that's gonna leave your hair in a very bad condition... =x

Last edited by venom on 23/03/09, 10:22 am; edited 1 time in total
marshmallow ninja

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Re: HairDye
Post By Guest. 23/03/09, 10:22 am

Hahaha. ;;;
Good luck with Larxene.


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Re: HairDye
Post By Dozy. 23/03/09, 12:38 pm

I have actually been hunting for some semi-permanent hairdye lately. I don't really want to be stuck with a hair colour. And I can not find it some of the little fudge 15 wash boxes, but nothing like 25 - 30 wash. It is very frustrating.

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