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Back-Up Project: Sexual Harrassment Prevention

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Back-Up Project: Sexual Harrassment Prevention
Post By Guest. 18/03/09, 08:08 am

I'm sticking this in general discussion - mods feel free to move it.

Lookee HERE:

We all know Armageddon is not an arsehole free zone - and cosplaying in public even more so. I'm too feverish (still) to comment sensibly but lookit, thinkit, doooeeet.

A SEM feild was invented by Douglas Adams (RIP).


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Re: Back-Up Project: Sexual Harrassment Prevention
Post By JVCA. 18/03/09, 09:45 am

I think this does deserve to stay here, but I've changed the title a little. :)

I'm all for it - and would do so before seeing this project, really. I only hope someone might do the same for me.
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Re: Back-Up Project: Sexual Harrassment Prevention
Post By Guest. 18/03/09, 10:49 am

Oh fine then...-pouts childishly- Move my topics...Not hers -.-...

Well, I understand. Cause everyone reads the 'general discussion'. So it would be suitable even if kept here! -nodds-

Dang...You do not know how much of a n00b I sounded...


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Re: Back-Up Project: Sexual Harrassment Prevention
Post By JVCA. 18/03/09, 11:00 am

Lol, it was tammy who moved your other topic, not that I remember what it was. XD

But no, I do agree with Mel - cosplay sexual harrassment is actually a problem - not so big a problem here as it is in the states, but still a problem (I've had a guy track me down on msn and try to initiate cyber sex with me, which was the worst thing I've had, and had lewd comments yelled which is the least bad I've had), and anything to encourage each other to look out for each other is really important, so it doesn't GET as bad as it is in the states.

The fact that we're dressed differently makes us more of a target, so it's sadly more likely to happen to us in costume than out of it. (Unless by out of costume you mean naked, in which case I'd say naked would be the most vulnerable!) (<---joke made in poor taste)
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Re: Back-Up Project: Sexual Harrassment Prevention
Post By Mischa. 18/03/09, 11:33 am

This is a good idea! Sometimes people get a little overexcited and the line between flattering and creepy gets blurred.

(also lol irony at my choice of cosplay)

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Re: Back-Up Project: Sexual Harrassment Prevention
Post By Guest. 18/03/09, 11:35 am

I always got weird looks when I went in to the supermarket in Medieval get-up...but everyone in town knew I was weird and in the re-enactment club...and weird, so I didn't get much comments...

But if I hear anyone yelling to people in costume rude comment etc, I get really protective...if I know but now I am getting to know you guns, be prepared to be protected! *Super-Jackie to the Rescue!*



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Re: Back-Up Project: Sexual Harrassment Prevention
Post By Rolly. 18/03/09, 11:56 am

Wow, I know I would most certainly be worried about such perverts, creepy guys and the sort trying to have a go at me and eat my tofu.

I think this is a wonderful idea! However, it might just be another creepy guy coming up and trying to act as a nice guy and trying to get a go at you. O_O
Let's just hope that doesn't happen *me and my paranoia*.
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Re: Back-Up Project: Sexual Harrassment Prevention
Post By KotoneVersus. 18/03/09, 12:22 pm

Yes. This is a good idea. A very good idea. We need to utilize this.

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Re: Back-Up Project: Sexual Harrassment Prevention
Post By Lumissne. 28/01/10, 09:12 am

KotoneVersus wrote:
Yes. This is a good idea. A very good idea. We need to utilize this.


One of my worries is going into the city for geddon in cosplay and having the "creepy guy" come up and start following/cornering/harassing us. ("us" being my friends)

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Re: Back-Up Project: Sexual Harrassment Prevention
Post By jpwise. 28/01/10, 09:17 am

I agree with the idea completely, and although it's slightly OT I'm always amused by the fact someone thinks they can get away being creepy with cosplayers.

Essentially being creepy to any individual, who's part of a pretty tight group, who all carry weapons/props around at cons, isn't usually the greatest idea in the world. Although the mental images of some creep being chased by an army of cosplayers welding their props is quite amusing. :)

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Re: Back-Up Project: Sexual Harrassment Prevention
Post By RainbowMoonDust. 28/01/10, 10:25 am

Quote :
Essentially being creepy to any individual,
who's part of a pretty tight group, who all carry weapons/props around
at cons, isn't usually the greatest idea in the world. Although the
mental images of some creep being chased by an army of cosplayers
welding their props is quite amusing. :)

This ^^ does make for a very amusing mental image! Back-Up Project: Sexual Harrassment Prevention 518948

But seriously guys, isn't this thread about coming up with ideas to prevent sexual harassment? I'm not seeing a lot so far so I'm going to throw a few out there:

1: Contact Bill and discuss this with him I think would be a prudent idea? I'm pretty sure there is security at Geddons but it wouldn't hurt for them to be more aware of things like this.

2: Try to stick in groups etc, in case people do get separated, maybe arrange to meet up, say for lunch or a certain event or something at a set time so that people are never alone for long.

This is all I've got I'm afraid, well for now anyway.
Back-Up Project: Sexual Harrassment Prevention 37781 Dunno if it's helpful or not but if Bill is to contacted about such a thing then I believe it should be left up to the mods or/and judges to do. Back-Up Project: Sexual Harrassment Prevention 711668
fraggle rock

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Re: Back-Up Project: Sexual Harrassment Prevention
Post By Highlander. 28/01/10, 11:19 am

RainbowMoonDust wrote:
But seriously guys, isn't this thread about coming up with ideas to prevent sexual harassment? I'm not seeing a lot so far so I'm going to throw a few out there:

1: Contact Bill and discuss this with him I think would be a prudent idea? I'm pretty sure there is security at Geddons but it wouldn't hurt for them to be more aware of things like this.

2: Try to stick in groups etc, in case people do get separated, maybe arrange to meet up, say for lunch or a certain event or something at a set time so that people are never alone for long.

This is all I've got I'm afraid, well for now anyway.
Back-Up Project: Sexual Harrassment Prevention 37781 Dunno if it's helpful or not but if Bill is to contacted about such a thing then I believe it should be left up to the mods or/and judges to do. Back-Up Project: Sexual Harrassment Prevention 711668

This is more positive Emma, I'm impressed.

1) I think Bill and security are surely aware of stopping people being harassed. But Bill is very busy. And security are not going to be everywhere, and are not going to step in until they are obviously needed.
I think that the least confrontational approach is other cosplayers intervening, or just say I have to go and attach yourself to a group walking past?
Unless he has room for a quick three point photographers etiquette guide in the program handout.

And try this 3) The slowest method, but do have a cellphone and a reasonable number of peoples cellphone numbers. When everything does not go according to plan then it will still work.

4) 2011 ChCh? Sgt. Sagara will deal with all threats, bomb threats included!

5) I know some people in ChCh are leary of bussing with cosplay. Remember that parents can drop you to the front door, there is a layby there. Or groups? Or meet at the exchange for the walk into town? Not sure what arrangements people want to make.

I personally have been to service stations, supermarkets, museums, arts center, geddon, pizza, wondered town, etc, all in medieval garb and/or cosplay. Never had a comment at all.
dark CHii

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Re: Back-Up Project: Sexual Harrassment Prevention
Post By Roxas-Has-A-Stick. 06/02/10, 12:42 pm

Hmmm, I've had quite a few problems with sexual harrassment while in costume (it's the whole little friendly girl thing). My advice is to NOT DO WHAT I USED TO DO.

I used to go missing for hours on end at cons, sometimes ending up falling asleep on a stranger. While you'd think someone would be worried about you, in all the fun and excitement, people can go missing and no one'd notice until it's too late. So look out for yourself and don't assume someone else will.

Also be aware of how you look. I don't really know, but I'm sure harassers would prolly pick on someone wearing a short skirt on their lonesome than a group of friends.
Le grande

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Re: Back-Up Project: Sexual Harrassment Prevention
Post By Guest. 07/02/10, 12:06 am

How you look is not important. I've been oogled when I was wearing a day old t shirt and my ugliest pants.
The point is that wearing a short skirt =/= "attention all y chromosome, come hit on me".
Short skirt = hey I love this skirt.


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Re: Back-Up Project: Sexual Harrassment Prevention
Post By creature124. 07/02/10, 02:43 am

otz How did I not see this thread when it was first posted?

I suppose I'm probably already a part of the Gentlemen's Auxillary - my best friend is the undefeated master of unwanted attention, so I am very used to stepping in and telling him to back the physics off. Of course, there is no Someone Else's Problem field to deal with in those situations - I consider him my problem ;-;

Realistically, I'd probably only be able to claw my was through that bubble if it is someone I know :\ Too damn timid sometimes.
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Re: Back-Up Project: Sexual Harrassment Prevention
Post By Mischa. 07/02/10, 03:03 am

u_ne_korn wrote:
How you look is not important. I've been oogled when I was wearing a day old t shirt and my ugliest pants.
The point is that wearing a short skirt =/= "attention all y chromosome, come hit on me".
Short skirt = hey I love this skirt.

Sometimes this is true, but at a con someone in a bikini and hotpants is going to get more sexual attention then someone in a baggy fursuit.

I have no problem with beeing oogled- hell I oogle too! (it's also impossible to tell if someone is looking at your bottom or admiring the trim on your costume.) Just don't touch or make sleazy comments.

I do feel a bit sorry for guys as it's hard to tell the difference between a 15 year old and a 20 year old.

You show, people will look.

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Re: Back-Up Project: Sexual Harrassment Prevention
Post By hyolee123. 09/02/10, 09:41 am

Ahh this is helpful because I am gonna be so paranoid for my little sister when at Wellygeddon. {Even know I don't like her I can still worry} She's going as misa in a 13year old form.

I fear for myself and my family...It's my first con at Wellygeddon and none of my {Immideiate} friends are going. So I'm going to be stuck with just me and my sister. I am really paranoid with this sort of well. Anywhere.
Even at WOMAD lol {Even know that is full of werido's, druggies and THAT guy who is guaranteed to be there} Anywho for my first con I really don't fancy the idea of being harassed.

P.S sorry for any spelling mistakes...this computer has no spell check :/

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Re: Back-Up Project: Sexual Harrassment Prevention
Post By mystix-candy. 09/02/10, 09:48 am

Anyone remember that thread with the link to that guy in the cosplay community in Singapore that felt up some female cosplayers? D': I don't want that to happen here~
This S.H.P. is a good idea
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Re: Back-Up Project: Sexual Harrassment Prevention
Post By Highlander. 09/02/10, 09:59 am

hyolee123 wrote:
Ahh this is helpful because I am gonna be so paranoid for my little sister when at Wellygeddon. {Even know I don't like her I can still worry} She's going as misa in a 13year old form.
Anywho for my first con I really don't fancy the idea of being harassed.

Being harassed is the exception, not the rule. And it can happen anywhere. I know I got hassled at school, and still had to go. Go, enjoy the con, and introduce yourself to the other cosplayers. Also go to an event, if there is one before Geddon, so you already know some people.

mystix-candy wrote:
Anyone remember that thread with the link to that guy in the cosplay community in Singapore that felt up some female cosplayers? D': I don't want that to happen here~
This S.H.P. is a good idea

I don't think that it would happen here. The females there were submissively role playing. O.K. they were young and vulnerable. But I get the impression not may people here care about the play, just the cos. And they would not play that way anyway. And they would not go to some old geezers house to be submissive.
dark CHii

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Re: Back-Up Project: Sexual Harrassment Prevention
Post By Olli. 09/02/10, 10:03 am

As long as you're with someone you trust and know who you can go to if someone starts being all creepy to you then it should be ok

Just remember that short skirts and revealing outfits will get you more attention than if you were cosplaying a guy ^^ (Just make the outfit to cover more ^^ that's what I try to do)

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Re: Back-Up Project: Sexual Harrassment Prevention
Post By jpwise. 09/02/10, 10:38 am

Also in terms of your little sis, just introduce her to everyone aswell. It'll give her people to tag around with and let people know who she is to keep an eye out for.

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Re: Back-Up Project: Sexual Harrassment Prevention
Post By azeria. 09/02/10, 11:58 am

hyolee123 wrote:
Ahh this is helpful because I am gonna be so paranoid for my little sister when at Wellygeddon. {Even know I don't like her I can still worry} She's going as misa in a 13year old form.

I fear for myself and my family...It's my first con at Wellygeddon and none of my {Immideiate} friends are going. So I'm going to be stuck with just me and my sister. I am really paranoid with this sort of well. Anywhere.
Even at WOMAD lol {Even know that is full of werido's, druggies and THAT guy who is guaranteed to be there} Anywho for my first con I really don't fancy the idea of being harassed.

P.S sorry for any spelling mistakes...this computer has no spell check :/

You can hang with me!
There is safety in numbers 8D
And also you look way more intimidating hurr
ACB Queen '10

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Re: Back-Up Project: Sexual Harrassment Prevention
Post By Tsunami-Chan Xo. 09/02/10, 12:57 pm

I never actually though of this,
When my I showed my Mum the peoples i wanna cosplay she was like "What about the perverts!?"
And just looked at her like this: T___T and kinda brushed it off
To Be Honest i wouldnt really mind people perving if i was wearing something revealingish... as it would be my own fault LOL, but HEY! i know ill be perving:)
Roxas' WATCH OUT!!
Back-Up Project: Sexual Harrassment Prevention 65988
Tsunami-Chan Xo
Tsunami-Chan Xo

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Re: Back-Up Project: Sexual Harrassment Prevention
Post By hyolee123. 09/02/10, 01:01 pm

Good ideas...I will hang with Azeria...and numbers is always good. I'm going in normal clothes on Friday of Wellygeddon cause I'll get to Welly just as it starts xP But Sat and Sunday morning I'm onion knight!!! xD

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Re: Back-Up Project: Sexual Harrassment Prevention
Post By azeria. 09/02/10, 01:20 pm

I shall keep an eye out 8D
Of if you want I can give you my number lol.

I shall be sure to top my phone up lots of extra-ness (OTL no sense there) for Armageddon.

....Everyone remember to buy top ups, since it's the 2nd of April but Good Friday so I think everything will be closed? I'll get one on the first 8D
ACB Queen '10

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