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St Valentines Day Dinner Reflection!

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St Valentines Day Dinner Reflection!
Post By Auroa. 07/02/09, 03:26 pm

You guys... it was TOTALLY AWESOME!!!!!

Thanks so much Lady Phantomhive for coming up with the idea and organising it. Its the first official formal club meetup thingie we've had and it was win! Thanks also to your friend for cooking the dinner. Thanks also to the Host Club, - you guys did an amazing job! In-character, great service, just everything!

I'm so sad its over ;-;
It was one of the best times I've had in cosplay, thats how awesome I think it was!
The skits were fantastic!!
Everyones cosplays were awesome!
The dinner was amazing, despite the fact that there was no ramen *shot* and how you guys organised it with the code thing and gave us the most random cutlery was just genius cause it was so funny!

Oh and thank you guys so much for the teddy whee BUT WHY COULDN'T SAKURA AND I BE THE BEST COUPLE?!

And, and...

actually I have a lot to say but I'll come back xD


though I still managed to lose Sakura to Sasuke. DAMNIT.

So guys, what was your favourite moment? Memory? Quote?

Last edited by Auroa on 27/10/11, 07:42 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Re: St Valentines Day Dinner Reflection!
Post By Pyro. 07/02/09, 03:50 pm


Kudos to the Hosts for being so great and in-character all the time, and well done Lady Phantomhive for organizing it all so well!!

Having dessert for dinner was preeetty cool. =D

And thank you for the chocolate. x3 Heehee, yay, best female cosplayer. xD

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Re: St Valentines Day Dinner Reflection!
Post By Guest. 07/02/09, 04:09 pm

Thanks Lady Phantomhive, for thinking up such a cool idea.

No longer a ''Cosplay Virgin '' thanks to Kyouya That sounds wrong >->''

Finally feel like, starting to feel to fit in with the Cosplay Club & everybody here..
It was a great night, ( Turns back time and does it all over again )

Thnks U Lady P !

Oh yeah, kind of got carried away and addicently dropped the chocolates in the carpark- if anybody from the Church group sees it tomorrow, or Switch 180 sees a small box of random chocolate on the carpark floor ground- Thanks XD...

Stands in Tamaki's <* Fail Corner * >


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Re: St Valentines Day Dinner Reflection!
Post By Rocky. 07/02/09, 04:17 pm

YAY *rolls around*

I'm still on a bit of a high from it. 'Twas wicked fun. We should have formalish dinners more often.
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Re: St Valentines Day Dinner Reflection!
Post By Auroa. 07/02/09, 04:26 pm

That was the first time you've cosplayed with the club isn't it Mefushimi? Way to go! I'm glad you feel like you're fitting in more, you did really well! thumbsup naruto

I want to go in a time machine and do it all over again also!!!!

Rocky Iknowrite?! I can't sleep now xD

I had dessert for my entry and my dinner and not dessert ... o_O LOL THE MYSTREY OF THE RANDOM CODES!
I should have circled all of them. I really should of, but I didn't want Mori to beat me.

So lets see, I got myself tangled in the streamers, I got dragged across the floor a couple of times, there was no ramen, I spilt drink on me, I had to pay for the dinner but there was no ramen, Sakura rejected me by breaking my chocolate heart, I was turned into a mummy, had more drink spilt on me, Sakura rejected me, Sasuke stole Sakura, I was sentenced to the emo chair, Kaoru whacked me with the tea-towel, I was peer-pressured into yaoi photos, Mori forced me to join the crazy dance, Sakura and Sasuke won best couple, and finally Mori choked me.

...good times Razz
and thats just the start =D

Aww it was just so awesome nodnod
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Re: St Valentines Day Dinner Reflection!
Post By Lady Phantomhive. 07/02/09, 04:32 pm

wow thanks guys SO much! i'm just so glad you all liked it!!! ;D!!! bed time for emi soon XD

oh and steve, mandie and anne and molly and peoples thanks SO much for waiting with me ;__;
and steve my phones hates me and didn't save your number ;__; *shoots phone*

The skits were amazing

BIG thanks to my awesome hosts, to angie, to all of you for coming, for those who helped clean up after ;DD thank you thank you!!!! XD
Lady Phantomhive
Lady Phantomhive
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Re: St Valentines Day Dinner Reflection!
Post By Riven_. 07/02/09, 04:48 pm

" . . . "
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Re: St Valentines Day Dinner Reflection!
Post By Lady Phantomhive. 07/02/09, 04:50 pm

lol mori-senpai STILL in character ;DD
Lady Phantomhive
Lady Phantomhive
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Re: St Valentines Day Dinner Reflection!
Post By Auroa. 07/02/09, 04:52 pm

I am so very tired also, but I can't get to sleep cause I keep thinking of how awesome it was!
I'm uploading mine at the moment, but we'll see how long it takes on my epic slow computer.

LOL I saw Riven online and knew she'd do that XD


I loved how Tamaki and Haruhi, Honey and Mori, began dancing in the middle of the dinner, and the twins were trying to trip them up
And then Kyoya and the twins were throwing Honey's bunny to each other and poor Honey was trying to catch it, gave up and sat on the ground - then Mori came in and got it. AWWW =3
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Re: St Valentines Day Dinner Reflection!
Post By Lady Phantomhive. 07/02/09, 05:18 pm

LOL they did?! XDD haha i'm beginning to edit the photos ;D
Lady Phantomhive
Lady Phantomhive
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Re: St Valentines Day Dinner Reflection!
Post By Auroa. 07/02/09, 05:35 pm

Yup! It was really funny XD
I'll have to upload videos =D

here's one photo:

spoiler for size

I took that before you guys chased me out of the kitchen. ninja
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Re: St Valentines Day Dinner Reflection!
Post By Lady Phantomhive. 07/02/09, 05:36 pm

*GASPS!*!! intruder!! ;DD i'm working on siney and dana's photo at the moment ;D just the way siney wants it ;D
Lady Phantomhive
Lady Phantomhive
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Re: St Valentines Day Dinner Reflection!
Post By Auroa. 07/02/09, 05:39 pm

Well I was naruto ... ninja heheh Sly heh nyahaha

I shall go bed now I think maybe if I can =P
Don't stay up too late Emi xD
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Re: St Valentines Day Dinner Reflection!
Post By Lady Phantomhive. 07/02/09, 05:47 pm

i won't i'm off to bed as well zzz i've finished one photo ;D
Lady Phantomhive
Lady Phantomhive
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Re: St Valentines Day Dinner Reflection!
Post By Mandie_Chan. 08/02/09, 05:43 am


well that was SO AWESOME! had a great time and im so glad i was a host *yay for choosing what i want to eat and with what i ate it with!*

thanks so much to you Emi for organising and your amazing friend Sam who did food!!! it was BRILLIANT!! and worked really well ^_^

now... to all my sons...
*deep breath*
im glad 2 say my daugther is still 2st in my heart =P

oooo and picture taking was great fun! wacthing people and being in them (and my Tamaki box!) hehehehhehehhe

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Re: St Valentines Day Dinner Reflection!
Post By Lady Phantomhive. 08/02/09, 08:44 am

;D i'll be putting up photos there ;D
Lady Phantomhive
Lady Phantomhive
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Re: St Valentines Day Dinner Reflection!
Post By Auroa. 08/02/09, 08:53 am

So our green blue screen worked?! Or photoshop ftw?
MWHAHAH Now I'm watching you ninja
(I mean on DA lol)

edit: They are so awesome cheers
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Re: St Valentines Day Dinner Reflection!
Post By Lady Phantomhive. 08/02/09, 09:19 am

photoshop is ftw ;D

D:!! *looks around* lol (i know what you mean XD)

D:! really?! oh angie i changed your eyes blue ;D
Lady Phantomhive
Lady Phantomhive
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Re: St Valentines Day Dinner Reflection!
Post By Lost in Shangri-La. 08/02/09, 09:34 am

that was funnnnnnn!
thanks emi~ and aura, i thought you were amazing... and sakura so should've been yours. -ish on your side-

coz you know, sasuke has a probability of 43.2534289% of being KIRA!!!!

yay for the cool organisation and everything~ all of you guys were wonderful... (honey was so cute... >A< and mori was so cool! lol)
Lost in Shangri-La
Lost in Shangri-La

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Re: St Valentines Day Dinner Reflection!
Post By Lady Phantomhive. 08/02/09, 10:00 am

XDD i loved your skit~!!

and the singing was awesome too ;D

Can i have a cupcake? ;D XD
Lady Phantomhive
Lady Phantomhive
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Re: St Valentines Day Dinner Reflection!
Post By Mandie_Chan. 08/02/09, 10:18 am

ah... the cupcakes...

you kinda left them behind lol
Optimus Prime

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Re: St Valentines Day Dinner Reflection!
Post By Lost in Shangri-La. 08/02/09, 12:09 pm

coz they weren't cool enough for me anymore... -nods-

and you were such a dramatic temaki-senpai! hHAHAHAHAHAHAH~~~~
Lost in Shangri-La
Lost in Shangri-La

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Re: St Valentines Day Dinner Reflection!
Post By Lady Phantomhive. 08/02/09, 12:26 pm

lawl XD the emo corner ;DD
Lady Phantomhive
Lady Phantomhive
marshmallow ninja

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Re: St Valentines Day Dinner Reflection!
Post By Guest. 08/02/09, 01:17 pm

Naruto spent more time in the Emo corner, and Sasuke..

Tamaki never went into his Emo corner, did he ??


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Re: St Valentines Day Dinner Reflection!
Post By Auroa. 08/02/09, 01:23 pm

Aww thank you, Lost in Shangri-La! I loved your L! And your skit, specially L's thoughts, that was genius ... well of course it was genius cause you were L =D

Yay someone is on my side! Sakura should have been mine! ;-;

I did... I spent a lot of time in that emo corner on the emo chair :<
and then daddy Tamaki laughed at me :sadcry:
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