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How would it look without a Wig?

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How would it look without a Wig?
Post By Rikashiku. 07/12/08, 10:59 am

Has anyone actually worn their hair up like FF characters?

Instead of a wig you used not so much hairgel, a hair straightner? and other stuff?

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Re: How would it look without a Wig?
Post By Kimusafox. 07/12/08, 11:02 am

I haven't myself, (yet Razz)
but I've seen people who have, and it usually looks better than a wig (I rekon)
seXAH <3

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Re: How would it look without a Wig?
Post By Rikashiku. 07/12/08, 11:05 am

I rekon too.

.....Must.....Go..........................To....Official.......CPS...instead of this budget site :p

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Re: How would it look without a Wig?
Post By Duckeh. 07/12/08, 11:21 am

Also, the thing with styling your own hair is that you have to do it each time you want to wear the cosplay & it moves alot & can't be held in place as well as a wig.
Also, I can probably point out to you multiple cosplays that look better with a wig over the ones that don't have wigs... It can be done but tis tricky to keep it looking good for longer then an hour? :3
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Re: How would it look without a Wig?
Post By Rikashiku. 07/12/08, 11:26 am

I dont think so.
Punks manage purrdy well =]....Not that i am a punk but have friends who thinks?

Try hairspray, Hairgel and use something to straighten it so it stays? Egg yoke maybe?

I have no idea what im saying but it sounds kinda good ish.

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Re: How would it look without a Wig?
Post By Duckeh. 07/12/08, 11:27 am

Uhrrr, still, what's CPS?

Also, punks arn't trying to immitate other hairstyles?
Anyway, if you think you can pull it off, go for it?

Egg yoke? o-o'
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Re: How would it look without a Wig?
Post By fleyer. 07/12/08, 11:30 am

I've done Rikku a couple of times before both versions, I think it stays pretty well much easier than a wig.
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Re: How would it look without a Wig?
Post By Rikashiku. 07/12/08, 11:34 am

Lol Egg yoke(if im spelling it right which i am?) is what most punks mix up to use on their hair and make it stand up really high.

I never tried it.

CPS is Cosplay site ya ninny.

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Re: How would it look without a Wig?
Post By JVCA. 07/12/08, 02:07 pm

*Yolk*, lol. I still have no idea what you're talking about - do you mean *Hasn't heard of 'cosplay site'*

Vaughan's cousin used to do the hard core hair thing. Apparently he used a combination of egg yolk and wallpaper glue.

TBH: Using your real hair actually doesn't work as well because you don't have as much fiber in your hair as you do in a wig. You could get away with it for sort of natural spikey hair styles like Naruto or Ichigo (ignoring hair colour, lol), but, as an example, Cloud + real hair ≠ work. That aside, a lot of the effect of a character's hair style is lost if it's the wrong colour, and I've yet to see someone older than 8 who has that shade of blonde hair that hasn't been bleached. Blonde hair naturally darkens as you get older, and dirty blonde haired Cloud = ew. The advantage of the wig is you're guaranteed perfect hair every time, and the right colour (assuming you buy the right colour/style it right in the first place).

IMO: The only hair styles you should use natural hair for are natural looking hairstyles.
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Re: How would it look without a Wig?
Post By Rikashiku. 07/12/08, 02:25 pm

It seems kinda silly seeing spikey hair thats 3 times the size of your own head :p.

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Re: How would it look without a Wig?
Post By JVCA. 07/12/08, 02:32 pm

It also seems kind of silly dressing up in costume and spending lots of money on making costumes, but that doesn't stop us, does it? Razz

In any case - I'm not sure what you mean. Regardless of whether you were to use a wig or real hair, the spikes should still be the same size (well, they should unless you're being inaccurate and untrue to what the character looks like).
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Re: How would it look without a Wig?
Post By Rikashiku. 07/12/08, 02:35 pm

Maybe some realism?

Like style it the same way the characters do but it isn't as Gigantic as the characters

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Re: How would it look without a Wig?
Post By JVCA. 07/12/08, 02:44 pm

Well, that depends on how you go about it. Part of the advantage of having such long spikes is that the body of the hair has a longer time to taper - think of each spike as a triangle. Going with the Cloud example again, Cloud has long, thing triangles as spikes. If you were to make the spikes shorter, they would look short and fat, which wouldn't look a) anywhere near as good, or b) anything like the character.

It largely depends on the degree you go to. Ideally, accuracy is key - while realism has it's merits, cosplay is dressing up as fictional characters. While you want to look like a 'real-life' rendition of the character, you have to realise that these characters aren't real, and there are always things on them that are never going to look entirely natural, no matter what you do. Having said that, I've seen plenty of 'real hair'-looking Clouds, because they have good wigs which *make* it look real. The best thing to do it mix and match - make educated decisions (note, this applies to cosplay in general, not just wigs). Ideally, what you would do is measure the height of your character's head and hair, and do some funky math to scale it up to the size of your head, to find out what height you should make the hair.

Ie. - your head height divided by cloud's head height = scale-ratio (for lack of better word). So, you would multiply cloud's hair height by the scale-ratio, to get the height it should be on your head.

I think I rambled a little... sweatdrop
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Re: How would it look without a Wig?
Post By Rikashiku. 07/12/08, 02:58 pm

Quote :
I think I rambled a little...
I little? lol

That was the first thing i read lol.

:Finished xD

You sound like your saying that your doing the same thing Square enix does and thats make cartoons of yourselves, Literally.

Which is the whole point Shocked

idk, i like the idea of making it look more in proportion. The characters on anime and games have very very very large heads. and then BOOM! the hair takes half the screen lol.
Even the non-spiked ones.
Squall is a mix of both 0.0

I think i rambled "a little" ;)

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Re: How would it look without a Wig?
Post By Guest. 07/12/08, 03:01 pm

It will work, but - I hate to say this, but I find that when I see cosplays without a wig they don't look as stunning (and yes, I'm a hypocrite here as my first cosplay had no wig - regret~ >>; )- a wig would have been about $30 & would have made your costume just that much better. Saying that though, some cosplays look amazing without wigs.

Also, from all the heavy styling you will have to do your hair will be mucked up for at least the next few days. So if you're going in the same costume on back to back days, it'll be harder to get the next day & the products that you will have to use to get the product out in time will cause damage. Also, a good FF wig (ie, Cloud) will take AT LEAST 2 weeks. Seeing as you don't have 2 weeks to work on your real hair style each morning, it just won't be possible. And unless your hair is amazingly thick & straight as a ruler, it won't stay up in anything that will even resemble the characters - as it's been mentioned, they're fictional and thus have fictional, perfect hair. We don't.

It's also been pointed out that if you use enough product to get it up like that, you're likely to cause damage to the hair, particularly if out in the sun, and the hair will actually burn. No joke.

So if you want your cosplay to look good and not damage your hair - then just pay up for a wig.

[/end rant]

note - power phrased from this cloud wig tut, which I whole heartedly agree with: . Quoted for truth, I believe that saying goes. whee

Last edited by Aurellion on 07/12/08, 03:12 pm; edited 2 times in total


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Re: How would it look without a Wig?
Post By JVCA. 07/12/08, 03:05 pm

I would also like to add that heavily producted spikes can snap. No joke - like snap like you would a tooth pick.

Quote :
idk, i like the idea of making it look more in proportion. The characters on anime and games have very very very large heads. and then BOOM! the hair takes half the screen lol.

That's what I'm talking about with the scaling thing - by scaling it to the size it should be, were it on your own head, you make it more proportionate. Jen, do you still have the link you gave me that showed how to scale costumes appropriately? It had a photo diagram thingerjiger... *looks through her bookmarks to try source it* Oh hoh, I found it.
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Re: How would it look without a Wig?
Post By Rikashiku. 07/12/08, 03:07 pm

Ahkay Ahkay no need for pics....unless they're rated...hmmm nah.

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Re: How would it look without a Wig?
Post By Duckeh. 07/12/08, 03:12 pm

Wah, thanks~
I've at least learnt of things to think on from Jess & Jen~ :3
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Re: How would it look without a Wig?
Post By JVCA. 07/12/08, 03:18 pm

Uh, thank you/you're welcome? *is unsure how to respond* XD
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Re: How would it look without a Wig?
Post By Guest. 07/12/08, 03:19 pm

Happy to help~. sweatdrop


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Re: How would it look without a Wig?
Post By Duckeh. 07/12/08, 03:21 pm

Heh~ I'm normally too busy rushing to think about exact proportions~
But seeing as I'm starting early I may as well go the extra mile, it'll be worth it, I hope. n.n
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