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You know you're a Cosplayer when...

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Re: You know you're a Cosplayer when...
Post By Mandie_Chan. 04/01/09, 11:38 am

you know your a cosplayer when you go a an AWESOME SCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
camp and you get strange looks the whole time and then find out your the talk of the small town
Optimus Prime

Number of posts : 6753
Age : 33
Location : Middle Earth - Chch
Transforms into : Epic Baker of DOOOOM
Gender : Female
Registration date : 2008-05-15

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Re: You know you're a Cosplayer when...
Post By Rocky. 04/01/09, 01:02 pm

You know your a cosplayer when you get upset cos your not allowed to go have fun at cosplay things.

You also know your a cosplayer when you plan to live overseas for a year, for "experience", but it's really just to go to the awesome cons, and cosplay lots, and meet your cosplay idols.
Winner of the "Wait, what did he just say?" Award

Number of posts : 1656
Age : 31
Location : Auckland
Gender : Female
Registration date : 2008-04-30

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Re: You know you're a Cosplayer when...
Post By Freddie. 04/01/09, 01:13 pm

You know your a cosplayer when your disapproving parents refer to any asians as "Possible Cosnay Partners"
forum prisoner.

Number of posts : 2615
Age : 266
Location : Kapiti Coast!
Transforms into : Doraemon
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Registration date : 2008-11-30

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Re: You know you're a Cosplayer when...
Post By Rocky. 04/01/09, 01:17 pm

You know your a cosplayer when you try convince people younger than you that its fun.
You know your a cosplayer when your parents write about cosplay in the family newsletter that gets sent out to friends every year.
Winner of the "Wait, what did he just say?" Award

Number of posts : 1656
Age : 31
Location : Auckland
Gender : Female
Registration date : 2008-04-30

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Re: You know you're a Cosplayer when...
Post By Madam Madhatter. 10/01/09, 03:09 pm

You know your a Cosplayer when you crack up laughing when members of your extended family tell you that they saw a "bunch of weirdos in fancydress"
...especally when you can figure out who each of the "weirdos" are by the discriptions of the costumes and reply
"Oh that was just my friend (such-and-such) cosplaying (whoever)

You know your a cosplayer when your PARENTS start to explain to your relatives what Cosplay is.

(Yup Family Reunions are fun)
Madam Madhatter
Madam Madhatter

Number of posts : 1044
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Location : Raxicoricofallapatorius ....eer... I mean Christchurch
Transforms into : Reno! <3
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Registration date : 2008-05-20

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Re: You know you're a Cosplayer when...
Post By Freddie. 10/01/09, 03:11 pm

You know your a cosplayer when you can look at a picture depicting the cast of a series you've never read/seen and can name all of them
forum prisoner.

Number of posts : 2615
Age : 266
Location : Kapiti Coast!
Transforms into : Doraemon
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Registration date : 2008-11-30

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Re: You know you're a Cosplayer when...
Post By Korona Korm. 10/01/09, 03:13 pm

You know your a Cosplayer when you see some random piece of junk on the road and think to yourself "That would be perfect for *such-and-such*"
Korona Korm
Korona Korm

Number of posts : 631
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Re: You know you're a Cosplayer when...
Post By Rocky. 10/01/09, 11:27 pm

You know your a cosplayer when you ask for money to buy wigs/costumes for your 16th birthday instead of an Ipod touch.
Winner of the "Wait, what did he just say?" Award

Number of posts : 1656
Age : 31
Location : Auckland
Gender : Female
Registration date : 2008-04-30

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Re: You know you're a Cosplayer when...
Post By Interstella. 11/01/09, 02:40 pm

You know you're a cosplayer when you spend the first three days of your holiday spending all your money on odd clothes...

You know you're a cosplayer when you squeal at being by a huge Spotlight.

Number of posts : 653
Age : 33
Location : Pukekohe, Auckland
Transforms into : The Eye of the Tiger
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Registration date : 2008-10-28

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Re: You know you're a Cosplayer when...
Post By Rocky. 11/01/09, 10:57 pm

You know your a cosplayer when your number one priority before you go away is to make sure you have all the stuff you need to make your costume when you get back.
Winner of the "Wait, what did he just say?" Award

Number of posts : 1656
Age : 31
Location : Auckland
Gender : Female
Registration date : 2008-04-30

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Re: You know you're a Cosplayer when...
Post By Interstella. 12/01/09, 01:42 am

You know you're a cosplayer when 95% of your suitcase contents are cosplays that you felt like you wanted to wair while you were away.

Number of posts : 653
Age : 33
Location : Pukekohe, Auckland
Transforms into : The Eye of the Tiger
Gender : Female
Registration date : 2008-10-28

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Re: You know you're a Cosplayer when...
Post By CarnivalChild. 12/01/09, 09:47 am

u_ne_korn wrote:
You know you're a cosplayer when the fabric is $250/meter but since you only need half a meter you actually consider buying it. Because it's nearly perfect.

Number of posts : 33
Age : 35
Location : Wellington
Transforms into : Heterosexuality.
Registration date : 2009-01-11

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Re: You know you're a Cosplayer when...
Post By CarnivalChild. 12/01/09, 09:51 am

Interstella wrote:
You know you're a cosplayer when you don't pay attention to plots, but rather are thinking "How the F***K do they keep that up like that?" Or "And how is that attatched...?" And "Can I make my cape fly without wind too?"

Fire Emblem, Ike's headscarf is always being blown somewhere in the still art. Never wind if there's no wind, everyone else's fabric and hair (including his own) is hanging flat. MAH SCARF MUST FLOATY!

Number of posts : 33
Age : 35
Location : Wellington
Transforms into : Heterosexuality.
Registration date : 2009-01-11

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Re: You know you're a Cosplayer when...
Post By CarnivalChild. 12/01/09, 10:01 am

1 - I've given your sister over 100 easy-peasy suggestions for what she and her boyfriend could do for Armageddon, despite the fact that neither of them cosplay.

2 - I don't recognize any cosplayers in normal clothes and only know them by the name of the characters they played last year.

And my personal low,
3 - I've never actually played any KH, and have seen so many female
Riku cosplays that when Kelly won best crossplay at the Wellington ball, I was the loser who yelled out "Wait, Riku's a dude!?"

Number of posts : 33
Age : 35
Location : Wellington
Transforms into : Heterosexuality.
Registration date : 2009-01-11

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Re: You know you're a Cosplayer when...
Post By x_Invalid_x. 13/01/09, 03:52 am

CarnivalChild wrote:

2 - I don't recognize any cosplayers in normal clothes and only know them by the name of the characters they played last year.

Haha. Me all over.
Le grande

Number of posts : 168
Age : 33
Location : Fangtasia
Transforms into : At Merlottes, drinkin' me an ABneg
Gender : Female
Registration date : 2008-12-11

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Re: You know you're a Cosplayer when...
Post By Rocky. 13/01/09, 02:29 pm

You know your a cosplayer when you have 2 cosplays which you really need to get completed very very soon, and you just spent the whole afternoon working on another one tht you dont need for months, simply because you finlly worked out the perfect, cheapest way to do it (stealing siblings unwanted clothes)
Winner of the "Wait, what did he just say?" Award

Number of posts : 1656
Age : 31
Location : Auckland
Gender : Female
Registration date : 2008-04-30

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Re: You know you're a Cosplayer when...
Post By CarnivalChild. 14/01/09, 11:34 am

When you give serious contemplation to bleaching your hair ugly and shaving it into the appropriate balding/widow's peak to get your character's hairdo because a skullcap won't quite do it justice.
All this despite the fact that your hair is nearly back it's natural colour after your last three costumes requiring dye.

Number of posts : 33
Age : 35
Location : Wellington
Transforms into : Heterosexuality.
Registration date : 2009-01-11

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Re: You know you're a Cosplayer when...
Post By Rocky. 14/01/09, 01:29 pm

You know your a cosplayer when you can keep coming up with ways to know hat your a cosplayer.
Winner of the "Wait, what did he just say?" Award

Number of posts : 1656
Age : 31
Location : Auckland
Gender : Female
Registration date : 2008-04-30

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Re: You know you're a Cosplayer when...
Post By CarnivalChild. 14/01/09, 03:38 pm

Rocky wrote:
You know your a cosplayer when you can keep coming up with ways to know that your a cosplayer.
You know that you're a cosplayer when you know more reasons that you're a cosplayer but don't want to overpost in case cosplayers think that you're a bit too much.


Number of posts : 33
Age : 35
Location : Wellington
Transforms into : Heterosexuality.
Registration date : 2009-01-11

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Re: You know you're a Cosplayer when...
Post By Mandie_Chan. 15/01/09, 03:31 am

you know your a cosplayer when on naitonal cosplaying day you'll still cosplay even if you have no other cosplayers with you
Optimus Prime

Number of posts : 6753
Age : 33
Location : Middle Earth - Chch
Transforms into : Epic Baker of DOOOOM
Gender : Female
Registration date : 2008-05-15

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Re: You know you're a Cosplayer when...
Post By CarnivalChild. 15/01/09, 04:08 am

You know you're a cosplayer when you think that Halloween is just for posers.

Number of posts : 33
Age : 35
Location : Wellington
Transforms into : Heterosexuality.
Registration date : 2009-01-11

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Re: You know you're a Cosplayer when...
Post By Trisana. 15/01/09, 01:54 pm

When you ask another person to do something strange and unconventional like lick their arm and comment on the taste and they agree without question and then give you an exact taste crossreferencing it with the taste they compared it to just to double check. XD

Number of posts : 146
Age : 32
Location : Auckland
Gender : Female
Registration date : 2008-12-12

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Re: You know you're a Cosplayer when...
Post By firecat70. 15/01/09, 06:58 pm

...when only 4/13 pictures of your pictures on bebo are of you NOT in costume.

Number of posts : 1117
Age : 34
Location : Christchurch
Transforms into : a dinosaur
Gender : Female
Registration date : 2008-05-08

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Re: You know you're a Cosplayer when...
Post By Rowan. 19/01/09, 06:17 am

You know you're a cosplayer when you're annoyed by the fact on pattern websites the costume section is entitled 'Halloween Costumes'.

You know you're a cosplayer when that 'hickey' your mum is grilling you about is actually just marks from being jabbed in the neck by the pins in the costume you're making. (awkward......)

You know you're a cosplayer when you type 'you know you're a costume' when you reply in this thread.

Number of posts : 1257
Age : 34
Location : North Shore
Transforms into : A free, free bird.
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Registration date : 2008-01-02

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Re: You know you're a Cosplayer when...
Post By Kelchup. 19/01/09, 01:18 pm

You walk ages in the sun to find Save Mart and then fail.

Number of posts : 691
Age : 32
Location : Wellington
Gender : Female
Registration date : 2008-05-19

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Re: You know you're a Cosplayer when...
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