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Beyond Mimicry - Inuyasha

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Beyond Mimicry - Inuyasha
Post By Marquisa. 04/11/08, 04:30 am

Beyond Mimicry
She peers at him from the corner of her eyes. Neither boy nor man,
neither human nor demon, he is split.She wonders if she really understands him, really loves him and all he entails, but she knows with every ounce of herself that she does,
even before the treacherous question is fully formed.

Her eyes trail to the wounds he still bears- wounds she caused through her
frailty. She can still see the demon swooping down with his talons
ready to tear through her, and then...Inuyasha.This man-child who is as precocious as he is immature; her walking contradiction.
Still, she cannot rid herself of the nagging voice echoing his hurts were her
“Say...Inuyasha...”She is rewarded with a turn of his head.“How's
the ramen?”
His answer is clipped.There is something unreadable in his eyes – something she is familiar with, something that always makes her heart skip a beat and her stomach
fall. That something that makes the blood rush to her cheeks and her hands shake.
She cannot name it, but she knows it, oh how she knows it.

Timidly she moves closer to him willing herself to brave up and say what she wants to say:
“I'm terrible, aren't I?” She smiles apologetically.
He turns flicking his ears.“Keh! Nothing I can't handle.”
He looks away to hide the words written across his face.
“I'll put up with you...”
So tenderly spoken; the candor exuding from it is more exquisite than any sonnet or haiku; it makes her heart expand like a soap bubble until she thinks she'll
just float away in the breeze.

Moving closer still, she rests her head on this shoulder silently thanking him - her closed eyes guard her from the truth reflected in his surprised expression and soft blush.
He smiles to himself and draws her closer.
Those words never cross his lips. They don't need to – she hears his


Hope you all enjoyed this. ^_^
Apologies for the formatting. I'm still trying to get the hang of it^^;;

Number of posts : 26
Age : 39
Location : Between the garden of words and a collection of a thousand leaves, left of the Shining Prince.
Transforms into : too much *shiny*
Gender : Undisclosed
Registration date : 2008-11-03

Beyond Mimicry - Inuyasha Vide
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Re: Beyond Mimicry - Inuyasha
Post By Auroa. 07/11/08, 08:25 am

Awww cute~

I liked it!!
lol "nothing I can't handle." so like him =P
Can't brain, has case of dumbs.

Number of posts : 4962
Age : 39
Location : ... dogs barking, can't fly without umbrella...
Transforms into : ૮◠ᴥ◠ა
Gender : Female
Registration date : 2007-11-29

Beyond Mimicry - Inuyasha Vide
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Re: Beyond Mimicry - Inuyasha
Post By Marquisa. 08/11/08, 06:45 am

Thank yous~! ^_^ I'm glad to hear it.

Number of posts : 26
Age : 39
Location : Between the garden of words and a collection of a thousand leaves, left of the Shining Prince.
Transforms into : too much *shiny*
Gender : Undisclosed
Registration date : 2008-11-03

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Re: Beyond Mimicry - Inuyasha
Post By Guest. 18/11/08, 07:41 am

It was cool..

You should write more..

Really well written. A + !


Beyond Mimicry - Inuyasha Vide
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Re: Beyond Mimicry - Inuyasha
Post By Marquisa. 26/11/08, 07:37 am

Thank you very much. I do have a fanfiction account if you'd like to read more. ^_^ PM me and I'll tell you the name. :)
i'm very glad you enjoyed the story Very Happy

Number of posts : 26
Age : 39
Location : Between the garden of words and a collection of a thousand leaves, left of the Shining Prince.
Transforms into : too much *shiny*
Gender : Undisclosed
Registration date : 2008-11-03

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Beyond Mimicry - Inuyasha

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