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Hello :3

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Hello :3
Post By CappucinoCrayonLove. 24/02/15, 02:27 pm


Call me Crayonz :3 i like that alot ^..^.. I'm 20 years old bout to hit the big 2 1 X..X but i don't look my age. Currently residing in Tauranga! HOWEVER im not staying here....i like it but not suited for me I'm really shy so I been struggling to make friends I'm heading into Hamilton as of April! .. some point... not sure what date yet...

Now a bit better explanation about myself may be in order if not just pass on through till this blap is over!!
I grew up in lil Gisborne.. i hated it there and my mumma was always protective.. hated me doing anything that was "weird" this included but not limited to getting ears pierced.. tattoos, watching anime or leaving district without her...
Well i decided i needed to fly far far away( well actually get my dad to drive me far away and ditch me!) So i thought what can i go and study and never return from... im not the smartest but i have a knack for creative stuff.. and well though i love art it won't be reliable job in the future so i took up hairdressing.
So since last year I have done everything or almost everything my mother dislikes just to pee in her cornflakes a lil well im nearly done my first year ( wooaahh!) and figured i don't like being here too much... its far away from my boyfriend so since hammy's closer im gonna go there!
I ike the idea of cosplaying... and trye to make outits.. but i can't sew or use a sewing machine so alas it ended in a nightmare.. I don't buy wigs however.. i dye my hair accordingly and bleach it if need be ( and if my hair can take it..) I was actually trying to go a close colour of asuna's hair from SAO but though im half way plans changed and i don't have to bother till later on in the year

It'd be cool to meet some people off here and opefully be mates in real life to but im shy so i don't except it really ... I stutter i make a fool of my self.. and im highly awkward X..X so i'll leave it as a maybe!

anything else that i missed or your curious about just ask.. i may not answer asap but i will answer !

Soldier A

Number of posts : 3
Age : 30
Gender : Female
Registration date : 2015-02-24

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Re: Hello :3
Post By Lilivierre. 28/02/15, 12:53 pm

It's nice to meet you :)
Soldier A

Number of posts : 3
Age : 31
Gender : Female
Registration date : 2015-02-27

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Re: Hello :3
Post By CappucinoCrayonLove. 01/03/15, 10:27 am

:3 nice to meet you tew ^-^

Soldier A

Number of posts : 3
Age : 30
Gender : Female
Registration date : 2015-02-24

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Re: Hello :3
Post By Auroa. 02/03/15, 12:54 pm

Hey Cappu.

Join our group on Facebook. The majority of members have migrated over there, as the Forums aren't used much these days. Though have a look around, you'll find a lot of information about cosplay and other stuff here. If you are replying to threads, just check the date of the previous post, as a majority of them will be out of date due to inactivity, so replies might not happen lol. Our Facebook page has more current discussions, so after joining you can use the Search there for any topics and/or make one - but read our sickies and rules first. :)

Cosplay is a good way to learn skills, meet new friends, and gain confidence in yourself. Many cosplayers have said prior to joining cosplay that they couldn't sew, or that they were shy - and some of those not only have learned to sew but even spoken on stage during events at Armageddon!

There's a lot of free patterns and advice for simple costumes if you want to start off learning how to sew. The more you practice the more you learn! Or you could always save up and buy costumes too (though if you were entering a cosplay contest you wouldn't be allowed. You have to make them.)
Quite a few of us I think would be jealous that you can get away with using your normal hair for some characters. Wigs can be a pain sometimes!

If there's any cosplay events in Hamilton, or if you decide to make it to one of the Armageddon's - approach cosplayers and talk to them. I wont forget my first day at Armageddon when I met so many amazing people I still talk to 8 years later!
The thing about meeting people in cosplay, is straight away you have a topic to talk about (if someone is wearing a costume of a character you know,) and then you can just go from there.
Also you can always form or join groups of characters from the same show too and that's another fast way to meet people.

At the end of the day, cosplay gives you a bridge to meet people, but its still up to you to take that first step. Just know, there have been hundreds that have been extremely shy - but have been able to overcome that shyness and make friends. So you can do it too! Very Happy

Edit: Whoa, I wrote lots, sorry, text wall Razz

Last edited by Auroa on 02/03/15, 01:02 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Post always seems smaller when writing, then when posting its like massive)
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