WW2 Aviator Goggles for Captain America Cosplay? By cumber-kitty. 04/06/14, 09:15 am |
| Does anyone know where I could buy goggles similar to these:
http://shawnswift.com/RPF/CaptainAmerica/cap3.jpg http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-f--BCA-GWgA/Timy0FmR0oI/AAAAAAAACLI/OLmonO5VrmY/s1600/Captain-America-The-First-Avenger-Movie-New-Pictures-Photos-8.jpg
If I can't buy any, or anything I could alter I plan to make them.
Does anyone have any ideas on how I would construct these? Tutorials would be very helpful.
Thanks! |
| cumber-kitty Unexplanatory
Number of posts : 38 Age : 28 Location : Tararua Transforms into : Smaug Gender : Female Registration date : 2013-07-23
Re: WW2 Aviator Goggles for Captain America Cosplay? By Rolly. 05/06/14, 12:02 pm |
| Tried TradeMe and eBay? It'll take some time to go through the listings on eBay, but they might be your best bet. :) |
| Rolly forum prisoner.
Number of posts : 2918 Age : 33 Location : Auckland! Transforms into : a stylish shoe for the blind earthbender Gender : Female Registration date : 2008-03-24
Re: WW2 Aviator Goggles for Captain America Cosplay? By neimhaille. 07/06/14, 11:58 am |
| Generally Army Surplus stores will have a range. And some are even online :) Be warned though they are the real thing so some can be pricey as they are artifacts of our past. |
| neimhaille Armageddon Cosplay Contest Judge
Number of posts : 661 Age : 49 Registration date : 2007-12-18
Re: WW2 Aviator Goggles for Captain America Cosplay? By Sponsored content. |
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