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General Cosplay discussion thread~!

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General Cosplay discussion thread~!
Post By azeria. 28/07/13, 05:31 am

Thought it would be neat if we could have a place to just discuss cosplay in general? Ask questions, answer stuff etc etc. Anything goes I guess!

I'll start it off, how do you choose what characters to cosplay?
For me it's a combination of character and design - I cosplay characters that I like the most from a series, but if they have a boring character design/one I would be uncomfortable doing then I wont. Exceptions are characters I really really like (such as Ayumi from Corpse Party, school uniform isn't the most interesting costume, but she's such an awesome character and I really like the series), or group cosplays (like K-on! (even though I've only watched about three episodes Razz ))

Speaking of groups, which do you prefer, cosplaying in groups or solo? I generally would say solo since lots of my friends aren't really into the same kind of stuff as I am, and I want to cosplay things I /really/ want to do, rather than just oh other people are doing it so I might as well join in. But after cosplaying with ~Syill at Welly Geddon I had heaps of fun! So I'm looking at things I like that my friends want to cosplay too (: But still keeping spaces open for things that I want to do just because I do.
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Re: General Cosplay discussion thread~!
Post By slinky. 28/07/13, 03:26 pm

I normally choose a character I can relate to, or I see myself in them. Sometimes I'll cosplay a character I really admire too. But I also love to pick out character designs that challenge my sewing and prop making skills.

I used to cosplay a lot of solo things, but after having cosplayed in a lot of groups I think I definately prefer doing groups over solo now~ the only downside is that you suddenly end up joining a lot of groups and you just can't do them all XD

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Re: General Cosplay discussion thread~!
Post By Rolly. 29/07/13, 05:31 pm

I usually choose characters that I really like the design of, or their personality, or their attitude. However sometimes I really like a character/series but I don't like what they are wearing enough to cosplay them so it becomes a bit of a struggle - "I want to cosplay them but I don't like their outfit!!! Waaaah! *cries*" sort of thing.
I think cosplaying in groups is more fun! The more the merrier, haha. There's more people you can bounce ideas off for photoshoots, and you're usually more recognisable/eye-catching with someone else and then, of course, you get to hang out with all these lovely people for the whole day!
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Re: General Cosplay discussion thread~!
Post By Pyro. 29/07/13, 05:55 pm

I usually choose characters first by finding a series I love, then whittling things down to characters I can pull off who also have a cool costume. If I don't think an outfit will work on or flatter me, I generally avoid it these days-- I used to just cosplay whatever outfits I thought looked cool, only to end up disappointed with the results when I realised that I didn't look cool in them, so...

Preference always goes toward characters who wear long coats, capes, or dresses with a close-fitting bodice and billowy skirts. I like draped outfits that I can use lots of fabric for-- they're always really fun and dramatic in the wind! I'm also really enjoying baggy pants lately, Shepard and The Medic have both involved them and they're fun to sew and tailor so that they billow out of tall boots. : D

I prefer cosplaying solo or in pairs, myself, since it's less pressure on me as far as completing things goes. Between university and my job, I can be a bit unreliable with getting stuff done, so I prefer to work in a scenario where if I don't finish an outfit, it's not a big disappointment for a lot of people-- just me and maybe a close friend, if anyone. There's a lot less angst for everyone involved if it's just a couple of cosplayers who're already friends, rather than a whole bunch of people relying on one person who's not so close to get stuff done. Disappointing people you don't know too well has a way of souring things for a long time, after all! This all, of course, learnt from experience and a pretty shoddy track record on my part, haha.
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Re: General Cosplay discussion thread~!
Post By PIe. 30/07/13, 04:01 pm

Characters just seem to jump out at me and say 'cosplay me' when I'm watching/reading stuff. I pick up cosplays very impulsively but they're always for characters I like/have enjoyed. If I don't like or didn't enjoy a character I reckon I would lose motivation completely to make their costume. I try to go for taller characters but I pretty much always end up disregarding this when cosplaying girls.
Design only really comes into cosplay for me if it's something I physically cannot pull off (shirtless guys, crazy amounts of muscle missing limbs, etc), do not have the skills to make or if I have to decide between 2 characters from the same series that I like pretty much equally, I'll go for the one with the cooler outfit.

I like cosplaying with others more. I usually cosplay alone so the occasional chance I get to cosplay with another person/group is really, really nice. Cosplaying solo however is stress free as far as being able to change plans if something isn't working out, there are no expectations from others on you and such. I also have the issue of being a part of fandoms that others aren't/being in a city with fewer cosplayers so all my in between geddon stuff is solo.
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Re: General Cosplay discussion thread~!
Post By Lucca. 03/09/13, 02:02 pm

I kinda decide depending on what I feel like I wanna do that year, and if a character I like has turned up :) In terms of costume though, I try to go for something that isn't too fussy and will flatter me. Too often I cosplay a costume then realise that I didn't particularly make it work....

I enjoy cosplaying on my own. I used to try and organise groups but that hasn't worked because too often my interests in anime are a lot different from my teammates and we never end up agreeing on a series, haha.

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Re: General Cosplay discussion thread~!
Post By iwuvanime. 05/09/13, 11:35 am

Now days I base my costumes on challenge factor. I have made a lot of poofy dresses in the past and so at the moment a lot of my decisions end up being costumes with quite a bit of construction in them rather than sewing. I like to pick characters that are flattering (or just suitable) to my body type which means I barely ever cross-play (a convincing male I do not make).

I do like cosplaying with groups but I don't usually go out of my way to join them, I tend to be a bit impulsive when it comes to non contest pieces. If it is for a contest I can be picky with who I will pair/team up with, I want to enter with people who have the same commitment as me to the costume and who I know won't pull out last minute just because they don't feel like it anymore, or worse do a half assed job (have had a bad experience in the past). However 9/10 times I have been in groups it has been awesome.
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