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Your cosplay plans for the year?

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Your cosplay plans for the year?
Post By Seakittens. 18/03/13, 01:17 am

We have threads for specific cons for your plans but I think it'd be cool to have a thread for all our plans including photoshoots etc. Also it' ld be cool if people coincedentally Have the same plans and could make groups c:

For me, my plans are:
June - 999
Poplar - working!!
Kunimitsu - tekken
Tomoyo - cardcaptor sakura
Esther - ni no kuni
Yuna - ffx
Pony - sakizo artwork
Asuka - evangelion

Though asuka might not get done because ...well self explanatory

Your turn! Feed my curiosity c:

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Registration date : 2011-07-05

Your cosplay plans for the year? Vide
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Re: Your cosplay plans for the year?
Post By chiken_skratch. 18/03/13, 03:13 am

Well there a three I am definately doing right now:

Gaara - Naruto Shippuden
Soushi - Inu x Boke SS
Rem (me) Ryuk (michael) - Death Note

And there are a couple that I would love to do, but don't know if I will have the time this year to make them:

Kankuro - Naruto/Naruto Shippuden
Kiba - Naruto Shippuden
Sakura - Naruto Shippuden ...... I think I'm obsessed with Naruto lol.

But if I have time before Hammygeddon after I've made Gaara and Soushi, I would like to make variations of sand attacks that come out of the top of gaara's gourd. So far I'm making a sand hard, but I'd like to make part of a sand dome shield and an eruption of san coming out from the top, and other things like that. I want to switch a couple out on the Sat of Hammy just for funzies, lol

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Your cosplay plans for the year? Vide
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Re: Your cosplay plans for the year?
Post By iwuvanime. 18/03/13, 04:42 am

My plans for this year include

Big sister - Bioshock 2
Rise - Persona 4
Sanji(genderbent) - One Piece
Robin (Stepahnie brown) - Batman comics
Fuka - Disgaea 4
Max - 2 Broke Girls
Liete - Grandia

I probably won't get them all done ( and will probably do others instead but this is my general guideline ( not including costumes I plan to start for next year as well)
paoupu fruit

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Your cosplay plans for the year? Vide
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Re: Your cosplay plans for the year?
Post By Tails. 18/03/13, 09:42 am

My plans are

Kiki - Kiki's Delivery Service
Aerith - Final Fantasy VII
Alisa - Tekken (Bishoujo figurine)
Black Canary - DC Comics
Saya - Highschool of the Dead
Vulpix gijinka - Pokemon
Snow White (apocalypse version)
Alien (if I can get that done omg)
and maybe Sakizou's version of Rydia from Final Fantasy IV if I have time

Sooo many more I want to add but these are the ones I'm 100% keen on.

Number of posts : 3004
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Registration date : 2008-10-06

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Re: Your cosplay plans for the year?
Post By PIe. 18/03/13, 10:23 am

May as well just copy+paste this from my dA

Quote :

[Ham Geddon] - Kurapika - Yorkshin Arc/Uvogin battle - Hunter x Hunter
[Ham Geddon Comp] - Ririchiyo - Youkai version - Inu x Boku SS
[Wellington Geddon]- Alibaba- Magi
[Wellington Geddon]- Hisoka - Hunter x Hunter
[Wellington Geddon]- Fushimi - Project K

[Auckland Geddon]- Mariandale - Ixion Saga DT
[Auckland Geddon]- Himawari - Pallet Suit - Vividred Operation
[Auckland Geddon]- Shun - School Uniform - Shinsekai Yori
[Auckland Geddon]- Kent - Amnesia
[Auckland Geddon Comp]- Erza - Heavens Wheel Armour - Fairy Tail

Non-events/IDK if I can fit them into events:
- Kaito - s1 - Phi Brain
- Shiro - Project K
- Hyobu Kyousuke - ZKC Unlimited
- Yoko - version undecided - TTGL
- Rook - s1 - Phi Brain
- Samon - White suit - Zetsuen no Tempest
- Someone from UtaPri cause I swear to god I was made for tacky stage costumes and this will probably be shoved into a half day at Wellygeddon.

And a costume I will use for comp sometime next year is Blue Rose. Can't fit her in this year due to money.

Last edited by PIe on 19/03/13, 03:52 pm; edited 1 time in total
Sushi ;O

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Your cosplay plans for the year? Vide
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Re: Your cosplay plans for the year?
Post By Pura. 18/03/13, 10:38 am

Ones I've got planned for this year are:

Princess Peach (ssbb version)
Himari (Mawaru Penguindrum)
Cinderella (Apocalypse version)
Chocolate (Sakizo artwork)

I also have Miyoubi from Alichino slowly in the making which I might enter at Auck if it gets finished, and I want to do LOL version Miku from Vocaloid (the blue and orange one, someone should cosplay the pink one with meee), and I think there were a few others, but these are my main plans for now, not really putting much effort in to planning, lol
Optimus Prime

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Your cosplay plans for the year? Vide
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Re: Your cosplay plans for the year?
Post By slinky. 18/03/13, 12:28 pm

My plans are, not including what I'm already done to cons

Killua ( Hunter x Hunter )
Hisoka ( Hunter x Hunter )
Sesshoumaru ( Inuyasha )
Hero Suit ( Tiger and Bunny )

and things that I would love to do, but might not have time for this year

Stephanie Brown Batgirl vers. ( Batman )
Tinkerbell ( Apocalypse version )
Leo ( Tekken )
Zangoose gijinka ( Pokemon )

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Registration date : 2010-03-07

Your cosplay plans for the year? Vide
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Re: Your cosplay plans for the year?
Post By Tails. 18/03/13, 02:20 pm

^ ooo when are you doing Zangoose? I was thinking of getting a pokemon group together for Overload this year. Thought it'd be appropriate with all gijinka designs being fanart

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Registration date : 2008-10-06

Your cosplay plans for the year? Vide
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Re: Your cosplay plans for the year?
Post By slinky. 18/03/13, 02:53 pm

@Tails- Really not sure yet! I know there's a pokemon group happening during Welly too! Overload would be fun too, if I'm not doing Ib with Yuki and Anita <:

Number of posts : 257
Age : 33
Location : Hawkes Bay, Napier
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Registration date : 2010-03-07

Your cosplay plans for the year? Vide
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Re: Your cosplay plans for the year?
Post By Seakittens. 19/03/13, 01:13 am

@tails: aaa kiki! I'll need to jam out chihiro for you too!

Number of posts : 522
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Registration date : 2011-07-05

Your cosplay plans for the year? Vide
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Re: Your cosplay plans for the year?
Post By Tails. 19/03/13, 02:06 pm

Whoo errbody cosplay with me! Very Happy I should make a sig...

Number of posts : 3004
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Registration date : 2008-10-06

Your cosplay plans for the year? Vide
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Re: Your cosplay plans for the year?
Post By Seakittens. 19/03/13, 02:11 pm

^you shooould. I fully forgot about mine until today. Mad a slight change. Now I've started playing mad father and would like to cosplay from that too. Aaaa so little time!

Number of posts : 522
Age : 31
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Registration date : 2011-07-05

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Your cosplay plans for the year?

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