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The Good And The Bad Of..."The Stables".

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The Good And The Bad Of..."The Stables".
Post By Myobi. 02/08/12, 05:40 pm

Hello guys.

So for all who were lucky enough to cram themselves into the Addington stables this year for Christchurch’s Armgageddon Expo, I’m just curious as to what you thought of how the weekend turned out? And of course, more importantly, were you happy with the “unique” venue?

I ask because I’ve noticed primarily on Facebook there was a negative result among many who attended this year because of the venue in general. And, although the price was excellent (especially for the students!!) many complained that they would be willing to pay full price to have the expo be held in a heated centre, or at least one that could hold the capacity of attendants adequately.

In all honesty, I enjoyed it because I didn’t stay very long.
But it was a little sad to see cosplayers wrapped up in thick coats while they stood around and waited for the cosplay contest to start. It was even sadder to see half of the attendants standing around on the grass because there was no room inside of the actual expo. It felt like Armageddon Expo had really dropped the ball regarding Christchurch and it’s cosplayers.

The Stables is already listed as the venue again for the next year and unfortunately I have no interest in going there again.

What are your opinions?


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Re: The Good And The Bad Of..."The Stables".
Post By jpwise. 03/08/12, 12:50 am

For the time of year it was held it wasn't a great choice. 'Very Very cold aswell'. Last year it was held over the 3 floors in the ?stadium building? and was incredibly crowded.

As far as I'm aware the venue options for Chch are pretty limited, CBS Arena is insanely expensive. ?Stadium Building? really doesn't have enough space, and i'm not sure how many venues there are left otherwise, that also have reasonably local accomodation.

I was a bit surprised when Bill announced it as the venue for next year aswell, but did notice it's going to be me much earlier in the year (March), so it should be quite a bit warmer then which will alleviate quiet a few of the issues.

Likewise interested in hearing other peoples thoughts aswell. Personally I think it's going to be more of a problem with so many events in such a short space of time. Dunedin, ChCh, ?Hamilton?, Wellington, etc. For people that travel to the various geddon's it's a pretty big drain on travel and accommodation funds..

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Re: The Good And The Bad Of..."The Stables".
Post By Myobi. 03/08/12, 06:41 am

jpwise wrote:
For the time of year it was held it wasn't a great choice. 'Very Very cold aswell'. Last year it was held over the 3 floors in the ?stadium building? and was incredibly crowded.

As far as I'm aware the venue options for Chch are pretty limited, CBS Arena is insanely expensive. ?Stadium Building? really doesn't have enough space, and i'm not sure how many venues there are left otherwise, that also have reasonably local accomodation.

I was a bit surprised when Bill announced it as the venue for next year aswell, but did notice it's going to be me much earlier in the year (March), so it should be quite a bit warmer then which will alleviate quiet a few of the issues.

Likewise interested in hearing other peoples thoughts aswell. Personally I think it's going to be more of a problem with so many events in such a short space of time. Dunedin, ChCh, ?Hamilton?, Wellington, etc. For people that travel to the various geddon's it's a pretty big drain on travel and accommodation funds..

I completely agree! Someone suggested if it be held in animal stables with no heating, why not hold it in Summer when heating wouldn't be a problem? I liked that idea, and it makes sense for the cosplayers' sake. Also, considering Christchurch's miserable winters it would be nice to be able to cosplay as anything without having to take weather into account.

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Re: The Good And The Bad Of..."The Stables".
Post By 88mph. 18/08/12, 10:49 am

For me the size and shape of the area was really bad. Far too many people in a very narrow space. Even having it outside would have been better.
It left very little area to just hang out or get photos, and crowding around the tables stopped the flow of people through.
I dont think I will be going back next year, the price was fine for what was there - basically a trade show - but way too small/crowded venue for my liking.
Had a good time shopping but got put off hanging around after that.
Soldier A

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Re: The Good And The Bad Of..."The Stables".
Post By JVCA. 18/08/12, 01:30 pm

If I lived in Christchurch I'd go again next year (why not, if you're local?) - but as an out of towner, it wasn't an experience worth travelling for, and unless there is a guest announced who majorly rings my bell, I won't be attending next year.

One of the less noticed things that really bothered me was the fact that there was only one ladies toilet in the actual venue (and a whole bathroom with heaps of stalls for men) - it was either wait in a huge line, or hope that the one in the cafe was free by the time you got there. They would have been much better to make the mens toilets unisex or something.

The acoustics for the main stage were completely unsuitable for the event as well - it was incredibly hard to hear what was being said at the best of times.
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Re: The Good And The Bad Of..."The Stables".
Post By Pura. 18/08/12, 04:25 pm

I didn't like it at all ):

I don't think I'll travel to it next year. I don't like that all the events apart from Auckland are lumped together in the same time frame. I understand why they do it, but it still bugs me.

I pretty much only went to CHCHgeddon to enter the cosplay contest. But it was so cold! Yeah there were heaters, but you had to stand right next to them to get the warmth. And it didn't really feel much like an Armageddon because there weren't the same number of stalls as the Wellington or Auckland events.

Apparently the contest was originally going to be held in the horse urinals. Who decided that? I don't think that's terribly hygienic, even if it was washed ):

One of the good points about attending the contest though was being allowed in early and skip the line, hehehe.
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Re: The Good And The Bad Of..."The Stables".
Post By Mischa. 19/08/12, 04:35 am

It was painfully cold- my costumes all had long sleeves/skirts/pants and I was still uncomfortable.

Also it was an effort to hear anything on stage.

I think if I was just there to shop it would be fine, but if I came to hear a panelist I would be disappointed.

However it was only $5 bucks! Which makes me overlook a lot. I had a great time- just I was freeeeezing! If I go again I will be making something with a coat.

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Re: The Good And The Bad Of..."The Stables".
Post By RainbowMoonDust. 19/08/12, 09:50 am

I agree with everyone that it was cold and crowded and yes it was hard to hear what was being said on stage at times, I was freezing even in a long sleeved and long pants outfit, I also agree that it should be held in Summer where the cold won't be an issue. I also don't think holding it in horse stables with horse unrinals everywhere is very hygenic either. *Shudders* It was better last year, crowded yes but warm and with better facilities. But venues are very limited now and will be for some time thanks to the quake. sad

Here's hoping Bill finds a better venue soon, I will still go next year only because it local and cheap, hopefully it will be a bit warmer being in march. Kind of annoyed it's so close to the other events but I know that can't be helped.
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Re: The Good And The Bad Of..."The Stables".
Post By Green_Sage. 27/10/12, 07:27 am

There is no way I would choose to skip the event, regardless of venue or temperature, I go for the merch, the people, the costumes, I just go for the atmosphere as a whole and love it..!

...However... I must say that even I was rather disappointed with the venue this time around. I was far too crowded and difficult to get around in (not only because of over-crowding, but also due to the shape of the building influencing the flow of people)

If it was in a more suited venue next year I would defiantly be overjoyed, and having it earlier in the year will defiantly leave many people happier with the temperature (Well I hope at least, I suppose you never really know with Christchurch XD) but either way, I'll still be there and will still have a good time :)

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Re: The Good And The Bad Of..."The Stables".
Post By Kuro&Shiro. 03/05/13, 04:07 pm

Ok. I must admit, due to illness -really bad- in 2012, this year's expo was my first.
But still, I wasn't too enthusiastic on the thought of being anywhere near horse urinals. Inside, it was like a furnace because of what seemed like all the citizens of Chch crammed into a small-ish- area and outside was freezing (I felt sorry for some cosplayers.). It was nice though, cook inside then rush outside to cool off, then back in... I'm pretty sure that's what Shiro and I ended up doing...
Although my pet peeve is just space. ^^' it's wonderful that at least there was a venue -imagine if Chchgeddon was cancelled! -faints-- but still. Reallyyyyyy cramped. I'm certain I stood on toes. Also, I'm repeatedly worrying about a cosplay that I will do that has a rather... Difficult prop? I mean, I'm paranoid about if I hit someone -because it will most likely be hard to manoeuvre round- but if I go smaller it'll still be a problem... Welp. Might just have to carry round a mini and park the big one outside. ,_, thank The Lord for size changing hammers. Also, just stressing, I noticed there was another thingy going on in an epic -and heated- building right next to the stables but there was a fraction of people going to that... I'm sure there's a good reason, but welp. Give the cosplayers a chance!
~rambling Kuro

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Re: The Good And The Bad Of..."The Stables".
Post By Myobi. 04/05/13, 11:13 am

Hey guys, I'm curious to know what everyone thought of it this year? It ended up being a pretty not-too-bad day weather wise, but I still skipped it in favor of next year.
How were the stables? Were they cramped or more spaced out? The heating?

Kuro&Shiro wrote:
Also, I'm repeatedly worrying about a cosplay that I will do that has a rather... Difficult prop? .. I noticed there was another thingy going on in an epic -and heated- building right next to the stables but there was a fraction of people going to that... I'm sure there's a good reason, but welp. Give the cosplayers a chance!
~rambling Kuro

I'm worried about that same problem too, for 2014. And yes, I believe it's the home show that's held on the same exact weekend as Christchurch Armageddon. And yes, hardly anyone goes. I accidentally went in last year when me and the bf were trying to find the Armageddon entrance. It's a lovely indoor heated arena, similar to what the convention center was, but they fill it up with home-owner attractions. We went in around 11am and there was hardly anyone else inside. I'm not sure how they manage to keep renting the space out either as they only charged a few dollars more than Armageddon to get in.
*sigh* Sometimes I wish I could start up my own expo...

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Re: The Good And The Bad Of..."The Stables".
Post By Kuro&Shiro. 04/05/13, 11:33 am

YES! Ahh Kuro and I are doing (shall we say, secret?) cosplays that have gigantic props and plus the appearance of the Stables makes you think it was just mashed together :/ That would be so awesome if a small group of cosplayers could organize a convention SOMEwhere better but of course that would be really hard ;c
Let's keep our hopes up!

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Re: The Good And The Bad Of..."The Stables".
Post By Myobi. 04/05/13, 11:38 am

Kuro&Shiro wrote:
That would be so awesome if a small group of cosplayers could organize a convention SOMEwhere better but of course that would be really hard ;c
Let's keep our hopes up!

Actually, that would be really awesome. The only reason I even go to Armageddon is for the cosplays.

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Re: The Good And The Bad Of..."The Stables".
Post By Kuro&Shiro. 04/05/13, 11:48 am

Well we could always hold cosplay dinners or public meetups(preferably). They would be cheaper and we can still go in cosplay without worrying about people who just go to buy things (at the expos) and we could have photoshoots. Hey and that would also be a great opportunity to make friends (behold the cheesiness-.-) Just ideas. If anyone wishes to feed them. Kuro and I are too young xD
~Shiro dying of neglect and lack of cosplayness

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Re: The Good And The Bad Of..."The Stables".
Post By Highlander. 26/05/13, 10:36 am

Bill is now aware of the plans for a convention center at Wigram. If anything happens from that is anypnes guess. He tends to focus on the next events, and not announce anything before they are over.

Plus there is no end of events that we can hold, for free in public, or in venues. But venues mean money, and as we don't have a community group status they can cost a heap. However if you work through a uni club then the unversity is available. This is how SANCON runs.

You do have Japan Day, SANCON, etc.
dark CHii

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Re: The Good And The Bad Of..."The Stables".
Post By squeakk. 28/05/13, 02:50 am

Bill said this year that the reason they had the Stables pretty much came down to money. The Christchurch council doesn't give any money to the event (whereas it does for other events) which makes it really hard to find a venue (even more so after the earthquakes, the rent everywhere went up).

They don't make any money on the Christchurch one, but want to keep it around and make it as fun as it can be for a low cost (since they're based in Christchurch).

I think it's a good idea have cosplay meetups (we used to have lots of picnics and hire halls out back in the day) but I would also keep supporting Armageddon. There's a lot that goes on behind the scenes and they literally spend all year planning the conventions.

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Re: The Good And The Bad Of..."The Stables".
Post By Highlander. 28/05/13, 03:25 am

Yeah, but the money thing is a catch 22. Charge $5 and then not have money, vs charge $20 and have four times as much money to spend to make it worth the $20. Which is a mute point until we get a better venue.
dark CHii

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Re: The Good And The Bad Of..."The Stables".
Post By Kuro&Shiro. 12/06/13, 02:18 pm

Ah yes, the issue of money... emo
whee But let's all look on the bright side, at least it is still going!
I'm not too enthusiastic on some things, but oh well.
In the words of a wise penguin, 'Smile and wave boys... Smile and wave...' (What I'm trying to say is lets all grin and bear it!)
But, seeing as this is in context of Chchgeddon, just a suggestion; how about a meetup next year?
Just suggesting, and I know it's a while away, but something to keep in mind?
The Good And The Bad Of..."The Stables". Vocalo10 (Courtesy of Shiro)

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Re: The Good And The Bad Of..."The Stables".
Post By Highlander. 12/06/13, 04:39 pm

squeakk wrote:
I think it's a good idea have cosplay meetups (we used to have lots of picnics and hire halls out back in the day) but I would also keep supporting Armageddon. There's a lot that goes on behind the scenes and they literally spend all year planning the conventions.

Kuro&Shiro wrote:

In the words of a wise penguin, 'Smile and wave boys... Smile and wave...'
But, seeing as this is in context of Chchgeddon, just a suggestion; how about a meetup next year?
Just suggesting, and I know it's a while away, but something to keep in mind?
(Courtesy of Shiro)

"Waving and smiling, boss." :)

Why not have one, or two, or three this year?

As to the money thing again ... the christchurch cosplay club use to book a church hall for free. It worked well money wise, as well as the fact that hiring facilities would be very costly or difficult as the club wasn't officially formed, no paperwork and such. Having said all that Will was able to hire another hall cheap, and did charge entry for his yearly event. And some events where held outside, or rarely at someones' place, or some other free venue.

Now in summer outside is still a good option. But as to halls. There are fewer, the prices are higher than ever. Even a three hour booking, enough for a two hour event is going to costly. The one exception is the council halls, if you are a council registered club. Which we aren't. If the SPCC is still alive (???) then it may be possible to get them registered, and do it through them??? Otherwise a person booking is charged commercial rates. Even then unlike the CCC other clubs reacted very quickly after the quake and booked out most of the council facilities. Otherwise it is possible to use people houses, and maybe some other venues that we could negotiate? But there isn't much out there which will suit us well and cheaply.

So having said that this thread is not the place to keep discussing this. Maybe in

I will copy this and add more there.
dark CHii

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