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English or Japanese?

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English or Japanese?
Post By sakura_petals. 24/02/13, 07:01 am

So I have an idea for a skit that I want to do for CHCH geddon and I'm cosplaying Musical! Eternal Sailor Moon. I want to do her entrance from the musicals then the famous speech/pose she's well known for. The trouble is that all of the musical part of chopped up is in Japanese and the saying is in English. Now I could try and do my own voice over for the entire thing but I'm not all that great and this sort of technical things, or I could just use all the stuff from the musical and be all in Japanese. The entire thing will last less than 30 sec.

This is what I've got so far:

Number of posts : 1503
Age : 40
Location : Christchurch
Gender : Female
Registration date : 2009-04-10

English or Japanese? Vide
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English or Japanese?

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