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PAX Australia 2013 - July 19-21st

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PAX Australia 2013 - July 19-21st
Post By seraphik. 22/10/12, 07:46 am

so! i know a lot of cnzers have expressed an interest in going to PAX, so i thought i'd pop up a thread for discussion about it. (: it will be held in melbourne at the melbourne showgrounds and it looks like it will be a FANTASTIC event from the info that's been released so far.

transient mod of fury

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Re: PAX Australia 2013 - July 19-21st
Post By DuckehsMinion. 25/10/12, 12:14 pm

OMG yes you guys should go! then I can see yous again :3
I accually haven't signed into CNZ in so long but I needed help with a costume that i'll be making for PAX.

So excited if any of yous can accually make it over <3
paoupu fruit

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Re: PAX Australia 2013 - July 19-21st
Post By TinTango. 25/10/12, 01:06 pm

I like the Penny Arcade Expo, as it's more focused on gaming- which seems to be my major interest when cosplaying characters (Team Fortress 2, Final Fantasy 7). Also, at one point I wanted to create my own game, where PAX is great because it showcases Indie developers as well as my favourite companies *cough* Bioware *cough cough*.
Then ofcourse there is Melbourne- my favourite city to shop and eat in Oz.

Needless to say, I plan to go. Have bought my 3 day pass, and they are half sold out already, so be quick!

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Re: PAX Australia 2013 - July 19-21st
Post By DuckehsMinion. 26/10/12, 09:53 pm

TinTango wrote:
I like the Penny Arcade Expo, as it's more focused on gaming- which seems to be my major interest when cosplaying characters (Team Fortress 2, Final Fantasy 7). Also, at one point I wanted to create my own game, where PAX is great because it showcases Indie developers as well as my favourite companies *cough* Bioware *cough cough*.
Then ofcourse there is Melbourne- my favourite city to shop and eat in Oz.

Needless to say, I plan to go. Have bought my 3 day pass, and they are half sold out already, so be quick!
will you be cosplaying? if so who as??

I have missed this thing called cosplay SOO MUCH <3

I think iv got two of my outfits sorted.
Hel from SMITE
Tiny Tina from Borderlands
paoupu fruit

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Re: PAX Australia 2013 - July 19-21st
Post By TinTango. 28/10/12, 02:44 am

I was gonna do 2 versions of Captain Anderson from Mass Effect
but sometime in the future I was also looking at doing Salvador from Borderlands 2.

So lets form a Borderlands group!
Then I can bring my nerf guns too, and people won't care about the yellow/orange colour
since it's in keeping with the character.

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Re: PAX Australia 2013 - July 19-21st
Post By Le_Saboteur. 28/10/12, 11:21 am


I am so so so keen for PAX. Kel and I will probably be bringing our Skyrim cosplays which should be done by then (considering we'll be making them for Welly, I should damn well hope so).

I can't wait to see Melbourne, too Very Happy

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Re: PAX Australia 2013 - July 19-21st
Post By DuckehsMinion. 28/10/12, 01:19 pm

Sweet Borderlands group! I was gonna be Maya but I figured Tiny Tina would be sooo much more fun....umm i just realized both of the characters im cosplaying are pretty psycotic :/

Oh YES more wonderful wonderful nz cosplayers comming to AUS <3

Gotta find the prop rules I saw a post somewhere saying they were gonna be super hard asses about cosplay props if thats true then I wont even be able to take a fake knife cos it will be too sharp... /sadface
paoupu fruit

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Re: PAX Australia 2013 - July 19-21st
Post By Tails. 29/10/12, 06:26 am

3 day pass tickets are 75% sold out! Go guys go!
(I'm not going, just saw this on twitter and thought of you guys)

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Re: PAX Australia 2013 - July 19-21st
Post By Pura. 29/10/12, 10:58 am

I just want to go to Melbourne! I'm not interested in PAX, lol. (I'm the worst gamer ever)
Optimus Prime

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Re: PAX Australia 2013 - July 19-21st
Post By DuckehsMinion. 18/11/12, 06:40 pm

Tickets =GOT
Im currently working on my Hel & Tiny Tina cosplays, we also have a confirmed Gaige for our Borderlands group(My Niece) So i'll be starting on that outfit once iv completed one of my own.
paoupu fruit

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Re: PAX Australia 2013 - July 19-21st
Post By DuckehsMinion. 22/11/12, 03:57 pm

okay.....TinTango this is for you, My Niece is gonna have a fit cos we will have to "deactivate" Her Nerf guns :/

The official policy is as follows:


- It fires or can fire any sort of projectile. {Nerf guns are only allowed if they have been deactivated and can not fire)

- It is airsoft, even if deactivated

- It looks like a real firearm at "second glance." (Yes, even if it's a kid's toy.)

- It's sharp or pointy enough to cut or pierce someone with moderate pressure. This includes all real swords, daggers and knives. It also includes ceramic blades, needles, syringes and anything that can pierce such as a Little Sister syringe made of wood.

- Bats are allowed as long as you don't go around hitting people with em. "Bats are ok. Don't be a Richard with them."

Please note that, Little Sister syringes that are made of wood are not allowed because you can accidentally poke someone, especially in the Expo hall. If the syringe part is made of rubber instead it would be totally acceptable.

Foam props are perfectly acceptable and are very popular. These are a good choice since they can't hurt, can be made to look very good, and are totally accepted by the convention center and TSA.

NOTE: This peace bonding information is from PAX Australia 2013.

The method of checking will be be determined closer to the show date. It will be staffed by enforcers from 1 hour prior to the show to the close of Expo Hall. All attendees who have costume weapons will be directed there. The Security Management Team will also be checking the exterior line and the expo line before the doors open to alleviate any delay for people who show up before the show opens.

Anyone who has a costume weapon needs to be verified. NO EXCEPTIONS!

Attendees whose weapons are allowed will have to show that they have been checked and Ok'd. If an attendee's weapon is approved they will receive BOTH a zip tie (color TBA) placed on the weapon and a sticker on the back of their badge with a short description of the item and the name of the Enforcer who checked it. Any Enforcer can verify to if the weapon has been checked and that you have a sticker and zip tie on it. Please note that zip ties will be placed on the prop in an area of your choice. It must remain secure but it can be in an area that can be covered for photos.

If you bring something in that's not allowed or not approved you will be politely required to leave, stow the offending item in your vehicle/hotel room/etc, and then return. If you have any doubt as to whether your prop weapon falls under these restrictions - it probably does. Err on the side of caution!

paoupu fruit

Number of posts : 405
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Re: PAX Australia 2013 - July 19-21st
Post By TinTango. 22/11/12, 06:29 pm

Thanks for posting! It's handy to have the rules up for everyone who's going as well.

I saw that NERFs have to be deactivated, so I probably won't bring mine as I still wanna shoot them later.

What I' might do is make some guns out of foam- something I've always wanted to try out.
The great thing about Borderlands, is that the guns come in lots of bright and wacky colours/designs, so at second glance, they probably won't look like real guns.

A shame about the pointy edged rule, as the Gears of War Lancer guns would have been great!


If all else fails, I might buy two of these and just remove the bayonets. Very Happy

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Re: PAX Australia 2013 - July 19-21st
Post By TinTango. 04/02/13, 01:49 pm

^Bumping thread.

Is anyone else coming to PAX Melbourne this year? It's a big gaming Expo July 19-21st, would make a good Birthday/Live event
present if anyone wants to go- though be warned, tickets are almost all sold already.

@DuckehsMinion - Which day are you wanting to do the B2 group? I'm hoping to catch up with Mass Effect cosplayers on other days.

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Re: PAX Australia 2013 - July 19-21st
Post By DuckehsMinion. 04/02/13, 05:30 pm

We are good to do the group any day as our other costumes arnt to any group.
paoupu fruit

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Re: PAX Australia 2013 - July 19-21st
Post By Selphiroth. 23/05/13, 08:53 pm

Just a head up, if you don't know who you want to cosplay as but don't mind to go as a tree, there's a cosplay competition run for the upcoming collaborative game Wander.

Full disclaimer: I am the 2D artist for this game.

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Re: PAX Australia 2013 - July 19-21st
Post By TinTango. 25/05/13, 08:00 am

@Selphirith Do you guys have a gallery of characters? I didnt see it on the website.

@Duckehsminion The Bioware panel is on a Friday, so can we do the B2 group on Sat or Sunday? Just putting my Gunzerker together this weekend.

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