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[Phase180's Sketchbook] ..I'm new to cosplay.

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[Phase180's Sketchbook] ..I'm new to cosplay.
Post By Phase180. 13/10/12, 10:52 am

This is my FIRST time doing this so be nice. Very Happy I'm really excited for this years 'Auckgeddon' and I'm gonna be going as Gary Oak. He was all the man that Ash never was and if anyone deserves to be the master, Gary does. His cut throat attitudes in the anime cartoon are awesome. I love it.

[Phase180's Sketchbook] ..I'm new to cosplay. Gary11 [Phase180's Sketchbook] ..I'm new to cosplay. Gary_s10

I managed to get some shopping done. I see a lot of you guys making your costumes from scratch and they look amazing!! I feel like I'm not putting in as much effort but there still more stuff I have to do.


Unfortunately (I looked EVERYWHERE) I couldn't find a jersey in purple so I had to settle for blue. I think it's still preeeeetty close.

I've bought a large rubber ball that I'm going to spray paint white then paint with red later to make my pokeball. I also have to think of a way to make the necklace. The last pieces will be Garys badges, of which he has 10, so far I've got a tin pencil case with foam inside which I need to paint bronze.. then comes the tedious task of making the badges!

Also.... shoes.

Number of posts : 38
Age : 35
Location : Auckland, NZ
Gender : Male
Registration date : 2012-10-08

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Re: [Phase180's Sketchbook] ..I'm new to cosplay.
Post By Hannah. 13/10/12, 11:16 am

if you're looking at making pokeballs i'd suggest this tutorial friend and i have used something similar (sorry can't find original tutorial) and they turn out really well
these plastic balls can be found at most spotlights and sometimes $2 or 2cheap stores
and you can use black craft foam inplace of the black paint if you want it hve more of a 3D look

progress is looking good!

Number of posts : 798
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Re: [Phase180's Sketchbook] ..I'm new to cosplay.
Post By Phase180. 13/10/12, 11:24 am

Oh wow. Mind blown! This is perfect, thanks so much.

Number of posts : 38
Age : 35
Location : Auckland, NZ
Gender : Male
Registration date : 2012-10-08

[Phase180's Sketchbook] ..I'm new to cosplay. Vide
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Re: [Phase180's Sketchbook] ..I'm new to cosplay.
Post By Hannah. 13/10/12, 11:46 am

your welcome~
we spent years looking for those plastic balls! the day we finally found them was quite an occasion

Number of posts : 798
Age : 32
Location : Wellington
Transforms into : a shark yo
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Registration date : 2009-02-14

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Re: [Phase180's Sketchbook] ..I'm new to cosplay.
Post By Pura. 13/10/12, 01:36 pm

Number one shoes always has ugg boots you can use for shoes! Razz

And nah, while a lot of us do make our costumes, we've all cosplayed something entirely bought too, so it's not really less effort or anything, at least I don't think so Razz Why make something when you can easily buy it? I buy stuff for cosplays if they are actual normal clothes (unless it's for the competition, in which case you have to make 70% of it Razz)
Optimus Prime

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Re: [Phase180's Sketchbook] ..I'm new to cosplay.
Post By Crimson Dragon. 13/10/12, 03:25 pm

I just used a small plastic ball and altered it, look in $2 shops for small plastics balls or go to spotlight.

Oh and the necklace is easy to make, you could use cardboard and cut out the circle and basically paint it and attach it a black ribbon or black string.

If its thick just do a double layer and it'll look just like Garys (Blues)
Crimson Dragon
Crimson Dragon

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Re: [Phase180's Sketchbook] ..I'm new to cosplay.
Post By azeria. 14/10/12, 12:18 am

Hannah found it! Here's the tutorial we used, works SO well. They look awesome


And yeah what Pura said~
ACB Queen '10

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Re: [Phase180's Sketchbook] ..I'm new to cosplay.
Post By Phase180. 20/10/12, 11:13 am

Thanks guys! I wore the costume today and was pretty happy with it!! Good fun, not sure if I'll go on Sunday. Maybe we'll see if my friends wanna go, but see you next year Auckgeddon!

Last edited by Phase180 on 20/10/12, 05:05 pm; edited 1 time in total

Number of posts : 38
Age : 35
Location : Auckland, NZ
Gender : Male
Registration date : 2012-10-08

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Re: [Phase180's Sketchbook] ..I'm new to cosplay.
Post By seraphik. 20/10/12, 05:05 pm

i'm really glad your first cosplay experience was a good one!!
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[Phase180's Sketchbook] ..I'm new to cosplay.

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