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anime trivia 3.

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anime trivia 3.
Post By Mr freelance. 04/10/12, 12:37 pm

Just like before you guess the anime by looking at the given picture and you PM me with the answer. Got it? Good
Since this month is Halloween. the theme will be creepy and scary anime
Anndd here we go.
anime trivia 3. Hell_g11
Mr freelance
Mr freelance
Le grande

Number of posts : 174
Age : 28
Location : Wellington
Transforms into : The man who watches the world burn
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Registration date : 2012-07-21

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Re: anime trivia 3.
Post By Cosplay. 04/10/12, 01:59 pm

Good information.
Is anime of japanese or other bits and bobs?
Soldier A

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Re: anime trivia 3.
Post By Mr freelance. 11/10/12, 05:26 am

The answer was hellgirl. its creepy because hellgirl works like this. during midnight you can contact hellgirl to send one person to hell but you must have a reason why that person must go to hell. if your reason is good enough, you are given a voodoo doll with a red string. once you pull the string the person of your choice will be sent to hell on the spot. however. once you pull string you to will go to hell as well, when you die.

The person that got the answer was kyuuketsuki-hina
Mr freelance
Mr freelance
Le grande

Number of posts : 174
Age : 28
Location : Wellington
Transforms into : The man who watches the world burn
Gender : Male
Registration date : 2012-07-21

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Re: anime trivia 3.
Post By Mr freelance. 11/10/12, 05:32 am

Second picture of the month
anime trivia 3. Lucy_e10
Mr freelance
Mr freelance
Le grande

Number of posts : 174
Age : 28
Location : Wellington
Transforms into : The man who watches the world burn
Gender : Male
Registration date : 2012-07-21

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Re: anime trivia 3.
Post By Mr freelance. 18/10/12, 01:57 pm

The answer was Elfen lied The creepiness that comes from elfen lied is mainly lucy.(personal). she's like a really anti social girl who hates everything and happens to have six god type arms that rip everyone apart.

The people who got the answer are

rainbow moondust
Mr freelance
Mr freelance
Le grande

Number of posts : 174
Age : 28
Location : Wellington
Transforms into : The man who watches the world burn
Gender : Male
Registration date : 2012-07-21

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Re: anime trivia 3.
Post By Mr freelance. 18/10/12, 02:00 pm

Third pic of the month.
anime trivia 3. Parano10
Mr freelance
Mr freelance
Le grande

Number of posts : 174
Age : 28
Location : Wellington
Transforms into : The man who watches the world burn
Gender : Male
Registration date : 2012-07-21

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Re: anime trivia 3.
Post By Mr freelance. 25/10/12, 08:35 am

The answer was Paranoia agent. If you heard of shows like boogiepop phantom and LAIN.
then think those shows but less mind F$%^ing
Sadly, no one had the correct answer. partly due to Auckland Armageddon
Mr freelance
Mr freelance
Le grande

Number of posts : 174
Age : 28
Location : Wellington
Transforms into : The man who watches the world burn
Gender : Male
Registration date : 2012-07-21

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Re: anime trivia 3.
Post By Mr freelance. 25/10/12, 11:42 am

Forth pic of the month
anime trivia 3. Gantz10
Mr freelance
Mr freelance
Le grande

Number of posts : 174
Age : 28
Location : Wellington
Transforms into : The man who watches the world burn
Gender : Male
Registration date : 2012-07-21

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