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[Lost in Shangri-La's Sketchbook] Maybe she's born with it.... Nah, it's makeup.

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[Lost in Shangri-La's Sketchbook] Maybe she's born with it.... Nah, it's makeup.
Post By Lost in Shangri-La. 26/09/12, 05:33 pm

*guilty confession* I'm lazy and cheap, so I buy my costumes off Taobao... (costumes there is cheaper than buying raw material in NZ -_-)
Therefore I don't have any "costume-in-progress"

However, I love cosplay make up! ^___^

I will be posting mostly make up stuff here I guess. For both past and future cosplays. *nods*

[Lost in Shangri-La's Sketchbook] Maybe she's born with it.... Nah, it's makeup. 352708
Past Cosplays:
Suigintou - Rozen Maiden
Chi - Chobits
Shiki - Vampire Knight
Xerxes Break - Pandora Hearts
Edward Elric - FMA
Mengli - XianJian 4 (Chinese Paladin 4)
Gumi - Vocaloid Camellia
Rin - Vocaloid Meltdown
Uchiha Itachi - Naruto
L - Death Note

Future Cosplays
Elsie - Kami nomi
[Lost in Shangri-La's Sketchbook] Maybe she's born with it.... Nah, it's makeup. Thumb_big_other_0b74d346ad6125fef31b8b9bdf0f3ac8
Bought Costume and wig, waiting for shipping. Must make hair accessory, Find a broom, Make the shoes.

Rin - Vocaloid SPICE!
Will just wear normal high school girl stuff. Need wig still.

Sakura - Tsubasa
The ONE costume I'm actually gonna sew... Has all materials, still haven't begun at all...

Hetalia China - Hetalia
Will see how things go.....
Lost in Shangri-La
Lost in Shangri-La

Number of posts : 777
Age : 115
Transforms into : destiny
Gender : Undisclosed
Registration date : 2008-04-29

[Lost in Shangri-La's Sketchbook] Maybe she's born with it.... Nah, it's makeup. Vide
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Re: [Lost in Shangri-La's Sketchbook] Maybe she's born with it.... Nah, it's makeup.
Post By Duckeh. 27/09/12, 05:48 am

Ohhh, which Sakura outfit are you doing? I always enjoy seeing your photos! <3
GOD of all things EPIC

Number of posts : 6842
Age : 32
Location : Orklandz
Transforms into : YO BUTT.
Gender : Female
Registration date : 2007-11-24

[Lost in Shangri-La's Sketchbook] Maybe she's born with it.... Nah, it's makeup. Vide
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Re: [Lost in Shangri-La's Sketchbook] Maybe she's born with it.... Nah, it's makeup.
Post By Lost in Shangri-La. 27/09/12, 07:58 am

This one! \o/

[Lost in Shangri-La's Sketchbook] Maybe she's born with it.... Nah, it's makeup. Tsubasa___Sakura_and_Syaoran_by_TohruHondaSan

T___T I will need a LOT of help on making it...
Lost in Shangri-La
Lost in Shangri-La

Number of posts : 777
Age : 115
Transforms into : destiny
Gender : Undisclosed
Registration date : 2008-04-29

[Lost in Shangri-La's Sketchbook] Maybe she's born with it.... Nah, it's makeup. Vide
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[Lost in Shangri-La's Sketchbook] Maybe she's born with it.... Nah, it's makeup. Vide
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[Lost in Shangri-La's Sketchbook] Maybe she's born with it.... Nah, it's makeup.

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