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Cosplay photography book - one more time, with feeling!

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Cosplay photography book - one more time, with feeling!
Post By Static. 07/07/12, 08:41 am

Hi everyone! So for the new generation of cosplayers I don't know/haven't met yet/don't know who the hell I am - I'm Static, and I'm a photographer! I've been working on a book of cosplay photography for years now, since I graduated Uni, and now is the time when I'm trying to wrap up my shooting and get the manuscript together. I've also been cosplaying for ten years now, so have a nice first-hand knowledge of the subject matter I'm writing about Very Happy

Over the years I've done little shoots at Armageddon and (Doujin) Overload, and a bunch of private shoots with people in the main centers. I've been really lucky to see people grow and develop their costuming skills over the years, but there's a lot of new people on the scene who I would love to include in this project as well!

Over the coming months, I'd like to meet up with cosplayers in Wellington (where I'm based), Auckland (I'll be traveling up at least once) and anywhere in the lower North Island where I can get to by car. I'd especially like to focus on people I haven't shot with before, and people who cosplay from sources other than anime - if you're into comics, gaming, or sci-fi costumes I would LOVE to take your picture! I am not however going to turn anybody away - if you model with me all the time, or are super into anime and only cosplay from that, I will take your picture too.

The book will eventually be available for purchase online as a hardcover photo book, about 100 pages or so of full colour images and an introduction to cosplay as a hobby, and its role as a developing art form. My original plan was to have it available month...but, I want to keep shooting to draw as accurate an image as possible of the NZ cosplay community :)

I have a few of my more recent images up on tumblr, here:

and also on DA:

Please post in this thread if you're keen! It doesn't matter how old you are, but you will need to sign a release form for me please - if you're under 18, a parent or guardian will need to sign as well. For younger cosplayers, please do let your folks know what you're up to, and they are absolutely welcome to come to the shoot and suss me out. Generally when I do my traveling shoots, we meet up as a group in a park, or somewhere public like that, and just hang out and take some photos :) If you've shot with me before and are happy to vouch for me, please post here too Very Happy

Places I'm keen to visit:
New Plymouth
Palmerston North

I would really like to get down south as well, but it's going to really depend on how my finances go! If you are a southerner, let me know, and I'll do my best to get down to see you :)

EDIT: I will be in Auckland on the 4th and 5th of August! I will be shooting all weekend in Wellington on the 28th and 29th of July!

Auckland schedule: Shooting in and around Albert Park/Auckland Uni clock tower
Auckland is now pretty much full up! Sorry folks! I will be up again though, and I am available for shoots at 'Geddon most of the time!
Saturday 4th August

11am - Albert Park
Alena (Minagi Mikoto/Mai hime)
Ai-scully (Litchi/Blaz Blue)
Shannon/nana (Howl and Sophie/Howl's Moving Castle)
Alice (Jenna/??)
Alex and Jess P (Ruff and Tuff/How to Train your Dragon)
Lisa (Poison Ivy)

2pm - Clocktower, Auckland Uni
MDB (Mina Harker/Dracula)
Becky (Nia/TTGL)
Jess (Franziska/Ace Attourney)

3pm - Parking building/somewhere white and blinding
Tammy (Faith/Mirror's Edge)

4pm - Urban settings (around Albert Park)
Alena and co (K-ON group)
Diana (Dance Central 2)
Kendra (Faye/Questionable Content)
Alex (Isamu/SMT Nocturne)
Rowan (Huntress)
Ai-scully (Bad Girl/No More Heroes)

8pm - somewhere suitable!
Alex and Jess P (Nuala and Nuada/Hellboy 2)
Duckeh (Jessica Rabbit/Who Framed Roger Rabbit)
Maddy (some kind of webcomic character)


Sunday 5th - overflow shoots ONLY! I fly out in the evening and I need to not miss my flight!

Midday-ish - Muddy Farmer pub CONFIMATION NEEDED
Kendra (Albion Ale Girl/Fable 3)
Me? (Isabela/Dragon Age 2)

Wellington schedule: Locations TBC!
Saturday 28th

Sunday 29th

Last edited by Static on 10/07/12, 03:22 am; edited 8 times in total

Number of posts : 3584
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Re: Cosplay photography book - one more time, with feeling!
Post By Pura. 07/07/12, 08:57 am

I'm keen Very Happy. For October I'm making a few costumes which will be awesome to get photos for Very Happy. (yeah no I'm mostly anime |DDDD But next year I'm cosplaying from games! Razz)
Optimus Prime

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Re: Cosplay photography book - one more time, with feeling!
Post By Static. 07/07/12, 08:59 am

Woo! I'm hoping to have finished shooting by the end of August for the book, but let's face it...I'll probably still be going :9

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Re: Cosplay photography book - one more time, with feeling!
Post By seraphik. 07/07/12, 09:08 am

if you're still going by the end of august, i'd be keen! :9
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Cosplay photography book - one more time, with feeling! Vide
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Re: Cosplay photography book - one more time, with feeling!
Post By Static. 07/07/12, 09:12 am

Always! And that would give me a good excuse to get down to Dunedin, if my wallet lets me :)

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Re: Cosplay photography book - one more time, with feeling!
Post By sakuramiyabi. 07/07/12, 09:13 am

If you're still willing to shoot over Overload and Auckgeddon I have several planned 8D

EDIT: When are you coming up to Auckland?

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Cosplay photography book - one more time, with feeling! Vide
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Re: Cosplay photography book - one more time, with feeling!
Post By Static. 07/07/12, 09:15 am

Will definitely be shooting, but possibly not for the book. Trying really hard to pull finger and get this out for people to look at :)

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Re: Cosplay photography book - one more time, with feeling!
Post By azeria. 07/07/12, 09:19 am

Oh am keen! I'm supposed to be doing Kitty from XMen sometime so that could be cool and non anime
ACB Queen '10

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Cosplay photography book - one more time, with feeling! Vide
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Re: Cosplay photography book - one more time, with feeling!
Post By Static. 07/07/12, 09:21 am

Hooray! Shall I propose a date for a Wellington shoot weekend or something so people have an idea of timing?

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Re: Cosplay photography book - one more time, with feeling!
Post By azeria. 07/07/12, 09:49 am

That would be good! I don't think I'd be able finish Kitty for a while but if you don't mind more anime I'd love to get some photos of my Sakura I made for the ball a few years ago ;P
ACB Queen '10

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Cosplay photography book - one more time, with feeling! Vide
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Re: Cosplay photography book - one more time, with feeling!
Post By Pura. 07/07/12, 09:57 am

A date would be good Very Happy. (Oh yeah, and I'm planning on making that Steampunk outfit if that counts Razz)

And then I can power-sew for a deadline, awwyeah.
Optimus Prime

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Re: Cosplay photography book - one more time, with feeling!
Post By Paul. 07/07/12, 09:58 am

When you are coming to Napier I would be keen to show and help make up the numbers.
I might have something new and exciting too, hopefully Cosplay photography book - one more time, with feeling! 755823

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Re: Cosplay photography book - one more time, with feeling!
Post By Pyro. 07/07/12, 10:13 am

I'd be up for it when you're in Auckland! I've been doing pretty much solely webcomic cosplays for the past year (and pretty much solely Homestuck) so if you're after anything on that side of things, I'm at your beck and call.
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Re: Cosplay photography book - one more time, with feeling!
Post By Static. 07/07/12, 10:15 am

Okay - I have dates for Wellington and Auckland! In the first post, and here as well: Auckland 4/5 August, Wellington 28/29 July :)

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Re: Cosplay photography book - one more time, with feeling!
Post By Li-Bai. 07/07/12, 12:33 pm

if I've time to maybe fix it up a little maybe I might put Chopin down for a shoot, and/or maybe Luke too :>
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Cosplay photography book - one more time, with feeling! Vide
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Re: Cosplay photography book - one more time, with feeling!
Post By Static. 07/07/12, 01:27 pm

Excellent! Very Happy

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Re: Cosplay photography book - one more time, with feeling!
Post By kyokyogirl. 08/07/12, 12:40 pm

Keeeeen. I'll definitely be available for the Auckland dates. And by then I might have my Dance Central 2 costume done Very Happy
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Re: Cosplay photography book - one more time, with feeling!
Post By Highlander. 08/07/12, 03:53 pm

If you are coming through ChCh in late August then I will hopefully have one costume done, and one totally redone. But both Anime ones though. Maybe a little different from the rest, but still anime. I'm hoping the stuff I buy in to help me get both done in time are accurate. I have had to re juggle my schedule to fit these in, so my Sci-Fi one moves back to Auckland Armageddon. (The one that I want a background edit on). And by then I may have a movie and/or music ones too. If you are still going then.

Or here's hoping since either me or my machine tend to lose motivation. But then I'm more motivated to meet the deadlines now.
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Re: Cosplay photography book - one more time, with feeling!
Post By Static. 08/07/12, 05:40 pm

I've just put up a rough schedule for Auckland - have a gander and make sure there aren't any issues please, and I'll add to it as more people confirm :) Wellington schedule coming soon!

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Re: Cosplay photography book - one more time, with feeling!
Post By tashamanx1. 09/07/12, 06:37 am

oooh i live in new plymouth and noticed it was on your list of places when do you think you will be able to come down here?

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Re: Cosplay photography book - one more time, with feeling!
Post By Static. 09/07/12, 08:44 am

Hopefully in early August! :)

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Re: Cosplay photography book - one more time, with feeling!
Post By brunetteyes. 09/07/12, 09:44 am

I'm really keen for this! I'd join the Auckland one, though I need to get myself sorted on location stuff and costumes.

Would it be too cold for Aladdin and Jasmine? Could do that :)

I was also thinking the Hamilton Gardens would be perfect for Aladdin with the Indian gardens. Do many people do photoshoots there? because its the perfect place! And not too far from Hammygeddon location. I'd really like to organise something there.

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Re: Cosplay photography book - one more time, with feeling!
Post By Static. 09/07/12, 12:43 pm

Man, that would be awesome! Actually, are you in Wellington? Suddenly I don't know!

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Re: Cosplay photography book - one more time, with feeling!
Post By Tails. 09/07/12, 02:25 pm

You already know I'm super keen to help out but I'll comment anyway :p I've got heaps of cosplay plans from western media that I need an excuse to make Very Happy (MOAR DISNEY)

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Re: Cosplay photography book - one more time, with feeling!
Post By ai-scully. 09/07/12, 03:02 pm

I'm keen~ If you want me that is. XD

I have some more "Gaming" Cosplays...
I don't think Bayonetta would be done for your Auckland date.. But I'd Have Bad Girl from No more Heroes and Litchi Faye-ling from Blazblue definitely done?
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