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What game are you playing now?

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Re: What game are you playing now?
Post By Senia. 14/08/11, 10:36 am

Dragon Nest
Amnesia: The Dark Descent
/lost KH: BBS ; ~ ;

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Re: What game are you playing now?
Post By Pixel. 14/08/11, 12:22 pm

^Jellin of Amnesia bro ;n;

I'm playing BBS again...kind of...;D
Have something that gives you 1 exp for each step you take.
Find open area, tape down L/R button and shove something against the controller to make em run in circles /cheatcheatcheat

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Re: What game are you playing now?
Post By Senia. 14/08/11, 01:59 pm

Pixel wrote:
^Jellin of Amnesia bro ;n;

I'm playing BBS again...kind of...;D
Have something that gives you 1 exp for each step you take.
Find open area, tape down L/R button and shove something against the controller to make em run in circles /cheatcheatcheat

The sound effects in that game are so creepyyyy ; ~ ;

So going to try that when I find it xD

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Re: What game are you playing now?
Post By Augur. 15/08/11, 03:11 pm

I've been playing through Fallout:New Vegas recently and really enjoying it. Sure, it's an old game now, last years chip wrapper, I know, but this is the first time I've played right through it, so I've been learning about the different recipes you can make at the campfires, and reading up on the different factions, and stuff. They really went into a lot of detail for these games.

The other game I've been playing a bit of lately is StarCraft 2. I have completed the campaign, and have started doing the training scenarios before I get into PvP and multiplayer games. I prefer playing as the Protoss.

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Re: What game are you playing now?
Post By superarmy. 16/08/11, 02:50 pm

Augur wrote:

The other game I've been playing a bit of lately is StarCraft 2. I have completed the campaign, and have started doing the training scenarios before I get into PvP and multiplayer games. I prefer playing as the Protoss.
As a decently Random player (Diamond on NA server), I will offer you a few bits of advice.

Training scenarios and vs AI will only help with basic Macro and Micro, just jump in the deep end and play online, they give you 50 free practice matches anyways. Embrace losing, the ladder system is designed for you to lose half of your games. Watch your replays and don't forget the most important mental checklist.

Keep making workers
Check if you are about to be supply blocked
Always produce units from your unit producing structures
Keep your money below 500, if it's getting high make more gateways.

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Re: What game are you playing now?
Post By Tracer Kinship. 19/08/11, 05:37 pm

Managed to find a copy of .Hack//Infection from MightyApe second-hand. 8DD

Only problem for me in the near future is the lack of second, third and fourth games... Bah. I'll burn that bridge when I get there.
Tracer Kinship
Tracer Kinship

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Re: What game are you playing now?
Post By Seakittens. 21/08/11, 02:59 pm

Resident evil:Darkside chronicles. Apart from the personality changes (Claire is not whiny stfu) it's good. I'm actually good at this game!

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Re: What game are you playing now?
Post By Zephyr. 23/08/11, 03:40 am

Senia wrote:
Dragon Nest

If you're on Velskud, add me 'ZephyrTiger'. I'm a lvl 24 Priest

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Re: What game are you playing now?
Post By Tracer Kinship. 23/08/11, 07:24 am


Is killing me.

Oh, and Kenka Bancho for the PSP. A surprisingly fun beat-'em-up game.
Tracer Kinship
Tracer Kinship

Number of posts : 356
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Re: What game are you playing now?
Post By Icarus. 23/08/11, 03:39 pm

Tracer Kinship wrote:

Is killing me.

I got my copy today too 8DD are you wearing YOUR boxers? 8DDD
mygod the butt-monster stage took me about 20 retries. STOP FARTING LOVE HEARTS TO MEEEE
ACB King '10

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Re: What game are you playing now?
Post By superarmy. 23/08/11, 04:16 pm

Still waiting for my copy of Catherine TT
Been playing RE: The Mercenaries 3D for 3DS which is absolutely amazing, with incredible graphics for a portable console and trying to finish Deus Ex 1 before Deus Ex Human Revolution (which is shaping up to be the game of the century) is released

Number of posts : 113
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Re: What game are you playing now?
Post By Admin. 24/08/11, 07:01 am

My copy of Catherine arrived today.

And so did news that I have a Japanese mock exam tomorrow.


Father has confiscated Catherine. :<
Winner of the Golden Gun Award

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Re: What game are you playing now?
Post By Guest. 25/08/11, 01:02 am

Project Diva 2nd, and Dreamy Theater 2nd to go with it! <3


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Re: What game are you playing now?
Post By Pyro. 25/08/11, 02:55 am

Admin wrote:
My copy of Catherine arrived today.

And so did news that I have a Japanese mock exam tomorrow.


Father has confiscated Catherine. :<

You know what this is?

Karmic justice.

For the fact that you have Catherine and I don't even have a working PS3.

I'm currently playing Soul Reaver 2! It is glitchy as hell but I'm lovin' it anyway. Raziel is sooo whiny, haha.

On that note, funny happenstance! I looked at the pile of stuff on top of my PS2 the other day and it consisted of... a movie about a blue person (Megamind), a show about a pseudo-vampiric blue man (Gankutsuou), a game about a blue vampire (Soul Reaver), a book about vampires (Dracula), and a game starring a variety of people including a vampire and a man who turns into a blue demon (Shadow Hearts: Covenant). GOSH GEE, THIS SAYS A LOT ABOUT MY INTERESTS. 8P
Winner of the Infinitely Quotable Award

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Re: What game are you playing now?
Post By firecat70. 25/08/11, 07:51 am

I am trying to get to Lvl50 on Call of Duty (Black Ops) before the new one comes out. It would help if I was actually good. Oh, and lag. How I loathe lag.

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Re: What game are you playing now?
Post By Sorien. 25/08/11, 09:00 am

^^^ I'm kinda holding out for Modern Warfare 3 as well. Should be good. I must say, I kinda liked Modern Warfare 2 better than Black Ops. What type of net connection do you have?
Le grande

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Re: What game are you playing now?
Post By Yush. 25/08/11, 11:22 am

firecat70 wrote:
I am trying to get to Lvl50 on Call of Duty (Black Ops) before the new one comes out. It would help if I was actually good. Oh, and lag. How I loathe lag.

Level you ain't prestiging?
seXAH <3

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Re: What game are you playing now?
Post By yummas. 25/08/11, 01:02 pm

firecat70 wrote:
I am trying to get to Lvl50 on Call of Duty (Black Ops) before the new one comes out. It would help if I was actually good. Oh, and lag. How I loathe lag.
pro tip play Headquaters and spent all this weekend on it up coming Double xp I think, so lots of xp

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Re: What game are you playing now?
Post By Regal. 25/08/11, 04:04 pm

All this talk of Black Ops, might as well post that I got the WaW zombie maps from a friend and just set 2 new records for myself within the last few hours.

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Re: What game are you playing now?
Post By firecat70. 25/08/11, 04:56 pm

@yammas Thank you! I love double XP!
@Sorien I only played Modern Warfare 2 a few times, I really got into Black Ops because you can have two people for online play. My internet connection is dubious at best... we have Slingshot's naked broadband. The previews for MW3 look really good.
@Yush Then I will lose all my stuff ;__;
@Regal Right on!

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Re: What game are you playing now?
Post By yummas. 26/08/11, 11:17 am

firecat70 wrote:
@yammas Thank you! I love double XP!
@Sorien I only played Modern Warfare 2 a few times, I really got into Black Ops because you can have two people for online play. My internet connection is dubious at best... we have Slingshot's naked broadband. The previews for MW3 look really good.
@Yush Then I will lose all my stuff ;__;
@Regal Right on!

also if your on Ps3 its nuketown 24/7 aswell so spam that playlist

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Re: What game are you playing now?
Post By TheMaster. 31/08/11, 01:35 pm

Gran Turismo 5. Hoping torromow or the weekend to play the lemans 24 hour race lol

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Re: What game are you playing now?
Post By Yush. 01/09/11, 11:48 am

firecat70 wrote:
@yammas Thank you! I love double XP!
@Sorien I only played Modern Warfare 2 a few times, I really got into Black Ops because you can have two people for online play. My internet connection is dubious at best... we have Slingshot's naked broadband. The previews for MW3 look really good.
@Yush Then I will lose all my stuff ;__;
@Regal Right on!

Lol it gets boring when you've got everything
If you want, just speed your way through all the prestiges
Prestige 14 you get the gold gun camo O:

Playing Fable 3 btw, would love to have a co op buddy T_T
seXAH <3

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Re: What game are you playing now?
Post By tobi-is-a-good-boy. 03/09/11, 02:55 pm

(coz i can't afford 3 Razz)

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Re: What game are you playing now?
Post By Jaykob. 11/09/11, 08:10 am

Arkham Asylum. Xbox 360

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Re: What game are you playing now?
Post By Sponsored content.

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