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Random question about abs...

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Random question about abs...
Post By Lost in Shangri-La. 14/08/08, 03:57 pm

okay, any idea where to get fake abs?

either dat, or how the hell can i become all skinny with a six-pack within a week? any tips? XD (and plz dont say steroides...)

other than dat... any tips for crossplaying a sexy guy? (n what to do with those impossible long legs n arms?)
Lost in Shangri-La
Lost in Shangri-La

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Re: Random question about abs...
Post By Tamoo. 14/08/08, 04:10 pm


No. There's no way you can get skinny in a week unless you starve yourself (and no, please no) <strike>Or inject yourself with steriods.</strike>

Im not too sure about fake abs. I think you can get something like fake skin-like material (? I have no idea what the name is.... latex?) and draw abs onto it. I think Pyro might be able to elaborate on it? If not.... google is your best friend :3

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Re: Random question about abs...
Post By Serin. 14/08/08, 04:15 pm

Um...Ive seen people shade them on. Looks alright if you take the rule of fives into affect.

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Re: Random question about abs...
Post By Mandie_Chan. 15/08/08, 01:37 am

Your already skinny!!!

personally i think you draw them on LOL
(please dont do that...)

um well in tv shows they always have the material 1s... you could check out wharehouse, they're bound to have something usable...
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Re: Random question about abs...
Post By Kitten Slave. 15/08/08, 02:30 am

I would say sit ups, but in one week??
Not even I could do that... not that anyone would wish to see my hairy abs anyway...
Kitten Slave
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Re: Random question about abs...
Post By Static. 15/08/08, 03:50 am

Abs don't come through in a week unless the muscles were toned up to begin with and there's not too much fat covering them. However, a week is reeeeeally pushing the boundaries of good health! I say draw them on. If they don't look realistic, then go for the obviously fake route and it'll be really funny :) Like, Peter Andre funny. Hehehehehe.

Otherwise, wear a top tight enough that rolls don't show. I havea dress that does that, it's AWESOME. Breathing is for WIMPS.

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Re: Random question about abs...
Post By Guest. 15/08/08, 11:03 am

Ah, now the really fun thing about genetically/physiologically being a girl is that all your fat is on the OUTSIDE of your muscles. Which means you don't get abs like guys do until you're about 6% body fat (and the only way to get there is by starving yourself and/or various semi-legal concoctions and even then takes WAY more than a week) and all the fat on top of your fantastically toned muscles vanishes.

GUYS, on the otherhand, keep their fat on the INSIDE of their muscles, so getting abs easy - just tone to muscles.

Being a girl sucks. sad


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Re: Random question about abs...
Post By Serin. 15/08/08, 12:45 pm

You make it sound as though we can switch them on and off! Shocked

"Hmmmmm, I thiknk i'll have the huge abs today.......*strokes chin*

Its still not quite that easy!

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Re: Random question about abs...
Post By Rallion. 15/08/08, 01:30 pm

Easier than it is for girls, though. Razz

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Re: Random question about abs...
Post By Rikki-Leigh. 15/08/08, 01:58 pm

Serin wrote:
You make it sound as though we can switch them on and off! Shocked

"Hmmmmm, I thiknk i'll have the huge abs today.......*strokes chin*

Its still not quite that easy!

Its pervy old grandpa Petes Serin's dream!


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Re: Random question about abs...
Post By Static. 16/08/08, 06:24 am

u_ne_korn wrote:
Ah, now the really fun thing about genetically/physiologically being a girl is that all your fat is on the OUTSIDE of your muscles. Which means you don't get abs like guys do until you're about 6% body fat (and the only way to get there is by starving yourself and/or various semi-legal concoctions and even then takes WAY more than a week) and all the fat on top of your fantastically toned muscles vanishes.

GUYS, on the otherhand, keep their fat on the INSIDE of their muscles, so getting abs easy - just tone to muscles.

Being a girl sucks. sad

I feel so much better now that I know that not only am I genetically predisposed to suck at chin-ups, I also have to drop my curves to get abs. Way to go, Evolution!

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Re: Random question about abs...
Post By Grassangel. 16/08/08, 09:04 am

u_ne_korn wrote:
Ah, now the really fun thing about genetically/physiologically being a girl is that all your fat is on the OUTSIDE of your muscles. Which means you don't get abs like guys do until you're about 6% body fat (and the only way to get there is by starving yourself and/or various semi-legal concoctions and even then takes WAY more than a week) and all the fat on top of your fantastically toned muscles vanishes.
And I bet you that it's so your uterus (and any potential baby) is protected, no matter what happens.
Because yeah, it may protect you from bumps and stuff but so not a rampaging mammoth. Rolling Eyes Evolution's silly like that sometimes.

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Re: Random question about abs...
Post By jpwise. 16/08/08, 09:21 am

lmao, yeah, who'd expect a rampaging mammoth these days. I mean a rampaging lawyer or politician maybe, but I think the mammoth is past it's use by date now. :)

Although yeah, even for guys getting abs can be a hell of an effort. I used to have the perfect washboard abs when I was a kid/early teenager. Then I think I found beer and um, yeah, I think they're still there somewhere, just not visible from the outside. sad

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Re: Random question about abs...
Post By Static. 16/08/08, 09:31 am

lol, "well insulated" is the term you're looking for Razz

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Re: Random question about abs...
Post By jpwise. 16/08/08, 09:41 am

lmao, fortunately it's not 'that' bad. I could stand to loose a few kilos, but don't qualify as overweight. :) I recon I could probably bring them out within a month or so, but it'd be a hell of an effort, and I'm usually not that motivated. Plus it's just my abs that are a problem, the rest is fine, course, I hate situps aswell which doesn't help. The last time I tried loosing some weight using the gym I ended up gaining cause of the whole muscles being heavier than fat thing which was funny. :)

As strange as it sounds wii-fit isn't actually that bad. It's mostly because you're prompted on how to do the exercises and the durations etc. I quite enjoyed it for the couple of weeks I played but haven't got back to it yet. The yoga exercises are nice too. First time i've done anything like that before. Still think DDR's more enjoyable tho.

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Re: Random question about abs...
Post By Guest. 16/08/08, 10:48 am

My friend got Wii-fii and then out of all my friends only my "testing age" or whatever it's called was under my actual age. Whoot!


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Re: Random question about abs...
Post By jpwise. 16/08/08, 10:55 am

lol, yeah, mines just a bit higher than my real age, at least the last time i did it anyway.

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Re: Random question about abs...
Post By Lost in Shangri-La. 16/08/08, 12:02 pm

lol it sounds like SOOO much trouble... i think i'm juz gonna b a not-hardcore-cosplayer....

however it WOULD b nice to lose a few kilos before nxt yrs armageddon...

-starts with situps-
i give up... =____=
Lost in Shangri-La
Lost in Shangri-La

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Re: Random question about abs...
Post By jpwise. 16/08/08, 12:19 pm

heh, as strange as it sounds conventional situps are apparently the worst way to do it, and the wii-fit one doesn't do them that way either. the way it does it with the wii-fit is essentially crunches instead. you lay flat on your back with your feet flat on the floor but knees bent, then bring your needs up over your chest (it helps to have your arms pointing out from your body for balance), and then return to starting position. repeat. it sounds weird, but you certainly feel it in your abs after your done, it also doesn't screw your back up like normal ones do.

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Re: Random question about abs...
Post By Static. 17/08/08, 02:03 am

Best abs workout I've ever done (and still do) is called dish. It's basically a jackknife without the repetition - lie on your back, raise both legs vertical keeping them staight. Your lower spine should be flat on the floor. Then raise shoudlers and lower legs, keeping your back to the floor and hold it as long as popssible - fantastic for lower and side abdominals, and lumbar muscles.

Doing the same thing and rolling is called a banana roll, and that's good too - just watch out for elbows hitting hard floors. :S

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Re: Random question about abs...
Post By 4EyedKing. 29/03/09, 08:21 am

@grassangle its so the body has enough energy for pregnancy fat is also used to store certain vitamins
@jpwise what you say is: this is not a beer belly this is protective covering for my rock hard abs.

Well me abs has that hair thing. was tempted to do a cosplay that required a waxing but noooo. Startred the gym though and fencing could barely walk for a day.
If you want for lower abs the brace your arms on something so that your feet are off the ground then lift your legs till horizontal then down and repeat. You could also go into a kinda pushup position with you elbows on the ground at neck level and hold foe as long as possible it will get your abs
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Re: Random question about abs...
Post By Static. 24/04/09, 11:14 am

Yup yup @ 4eyes: holding your legs horozontal against gravity is awesome! Well, painful. But awesome!

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Re: Random question about abs...
Post By Rolly. 24/04/09, 12:43 pm

*draws abs onto skin*

YEAH! I got abs in a minute!!! XD

I can't do push ups anymore. sad I used to be able to...
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Re: Random question about abs...
Post By Static. 24/04/09, 01:02 pm

I used to be able to do 6. Then I stopped practising. I'm afraid to try, now. XD

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Re: Random question about abs...
Post By Cassiel. 24/04/09, 01:17 pm

Whenever I do push up at karate they're wimpy ones. On my knees and knuckles (OUCH Dx)
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