These are straight from my dA page so as the images go down, the older it is. The last picture is probably one of the first deviations I put up! XD
One layer painting I tried out, (excluding the texture and border of course!) It was a Secret Santa gift I participated in a Hetalia Group. XD It's Mei(Taiwan) and YongSoo (S.Korea) from Hetalia! ^u^
Second time trying out digital(on tablet)... Playing around with textures and settings... It's YongSoo again..! (when he was little)
First time painting with a tablet. It took me ages to draw then. ;n; btw it's supposed to be Liz (Hungary) and Gil (Prussia) crossover as the Nightmare before Christmas characters.. :]
Traditional Pencil drawing I did of Chibi Lovino. XD (or how I think he would have looked like in real life as a kid! XD)