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Comic Fiesta 2011

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Comic Fiesta 2011
Post By sakuramiyabi. 18/12/11, 08:48 pm

Your resident ghost member reporting live from Kuala Lumpur Malaysia~ The halls of the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre were over-packed, the cosplay hall was insane, the doujin hall was a stifling crazy affair and the lines to get in, well you had to get into a line to get into another line to get somewhere~ At least. There was air-conditioning. And some pretty amazing people, and pretty art <3

WARNING:Image heavyyyyyy~ Also I apologize for the quality of the pictures. I was taking pictures with my sugar honey iced tea phone camera and I know they're kind of blurry but hnnngh


Adult version Kagura~ Cosplayer is StarryPolaris or something along those lines ... still can't find her dA XD

EDIT: Buahaha got Shizu to link me~ 8D StaReiPolaris. She's so adorable <3


The amazing cescat and k-chan009 as Sultan Sinbad and that other one ... I'M SO BAD AT NAMESSSSS from Magi <333


Everyone ... loves Ultraman Kamen Rider /fail/>D


This sweet lolita was ridiculously adorable beyond words <3 And a Hachikuji bag from Bakemonogatari to boot kyuuuuh


The Don - BLEACH. That is all that is needed to be said >D


Awesome Tsubasa x CSS group <3


This Thor (Marvel) was ... OMG his physique OMG He was perfect as Thor <3


Carina and ChibifiedKitsunes <333333333333333333 They were so prettttttttttttty


This Pixie *A* so cute adorable and sweet <333

And yes there was a HUGE Marvel group this year XD


FAMILY SHOT. Character names escape me *shot*


And ending with the Count of Monte Cristooooooooo

For other images and photo dumpppp link is right here!cpZZ1QQtppZZ24

<3 Disregarding the heat and sugar honey iced tea crowd control CF has aawesome people and art >D

Number of posts : 3941
Age : 35
Location : Seigetsu Gakuen
Transforms into : Melted pool of something
Gender : Female
Registration date : 2008-01-09

Comic Fiesta 2011 Vide
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Comic Fiesta 2011

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