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December Shoots - Wellington [Closed]

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December Shoots - Wellington [Closed]
Post By Icarus. 14/11/11, 12:52 pm

cause facebook is being a retard, we have migrated here!

[ = Facebook Event Page = ]

Start date: 10th of December going for about a week-ish

from what I've gone through this is the list of shoots mentioned, please tell me if I've missed anything:

Quote :
[ Draft Schedule ]

10th Saturday
[in the afternoon]
-Synchronicity (Elsie, Chris, Hannah, Anita)
-Alichino (Rachel)

11th Sunday
-DC (Tammy, Tash)

[in the afternoon]
-Hellsing (Tash, Tahlee, Sian)
-No. 6 (Tammy & Rachel)

12th Monday
[in the afternoon]
-Enbizaka (Elsie, Chris, Maddy, Hannah, Anita)
-Higurashi (Tahlee & Tash)

12th Tuesday
[in the afternoon]
-Tiger & Bunny (Tash, Tahlee, Anita)
-Adventure Time (Tammy & Elsie)

14th Thursday
-AO (Tammy & Tash)

and we can discuss what days to do which shoots and locations etc.

Go, go, GO!

Last edited by Icarus on 06/12/11, 11:06 am; edited 10 times in total
ACB King '10

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Re: December Shoots - Wellington [Closed]
Post By sakuramiyabi. 14/11/11, 12:56 pm

Completely unrelated but /allmycrais/ that I'm not in the country

I'm sure you'll all look fudgingly awesome~

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Re: December Shoots - Wellington [Closed]
Post By slinky. 14/11/11, 01:17 pm

Hmmm. Who are our photographers?

As for working out timetables, I guess it comes down to how willing people are to have more than one shoot per day/ and costume change.

I for one, am quite happy to do more than one shoot a day since we have so many- for example having one from 9-12, the next 2-5 or something, with a 2 hour break in between to shovel food down and get changed.

But if nobody else is happy with doing that, I understand xD ( I'm just a very focused and organised person orz )

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Re: December Shoots - Wellington [Closed]
Post By Hannah. 14/11/11, 01:25 pm

my house can be used fro changing for botanical shoots
and i'm happy to help with photo taking since i dont have that many cosplays....

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Re: December Shoots - Wellington [Closed]
Post By Tamoo. 14/11/11, 01:35 pm

I can take photos :) But I don't have a camera x_x I'll try and see if I can borrow my friend's DSLR.

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Re: December Shoots - Wellington [Closed]
Post By azeria. 14/11/11, 01:45 pm

I can possibly steal Roy's DSLR for the weekend and yeah can help shoot since I don't think I"ll be cosing much.
And aren't we planning on having a break from shoots to pain kimonos?

Also AnoHana marathon at Hannah's, bring your tissues.
ACB Queen '10

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Re: December Shoots - Wellington [Closed]
Post By Pura. 14/11/11, 01:48 pm

All your tissues.

I can take photos~
Optimus Prime

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Re: December Shoots - Wellington [Closed]
Post By Icarus. 14/11/11, 02:07 pm

stealing cameras is always good! 8DD and I'll bring my reflector

we'll try and align 2 group shoots at a time so we can have more days off to do non-photo shoot stuff~

so maybe if everyone lists the days you are not available between the 10th-16th and we can work out a schedule from there C:
ACB King '10

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Re: December Shoots - Wellington [Closed]
Post By Pura. 14/11/11, 02:08 pm

I have my course 1pm-6pm Mon-Fri P:
Optimus Prime

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Re: December Shoots - Wellington [Closed]
Post By azeria. 14/11/11, 02:18 pm

I work mon-thurs 12 - 18, fri 4 - 10. But I'll try get the mon/tues off or something.
ACB Queen '10

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Re: December Shoots - Wellington [Closed]
Post By Tamoo. 14/11/11, 02:24 pm

I'm fully free so I can come for the week if Hannah is willing to put up with me Razz (and i can chip in $10+~)

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Re: December Shoots - Wellington [Closed]
Post By Tails. 14/11/11, 02:37 pm

I'll be free the 10th and 11th, working 7am-3pm the 12th + 13th, and 8am-6pm the 14th, 15th + 16th. Not that when I start work is all too important...just means no all nighters for me the night prior sad

Also on another note, does anyone need lenses for this shoot? I'll be doing an order from momolens this week if anyone wants to join :)

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Re: December Shoots - Wellington [Closed]
Post By Hannah. 14/11/11, 03:06 pm

@tamoo sounds good ^.^ i may have to ditch for work dependent on leave

@tails ooh keen do they do perscription?

Number of posts : 798
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Re: December Shoots - Wellington [Closed]
Post By Static. 14/11/11, 11:57 pm

/ninjas into thread

I would love to take some photos at a few shoots if nobody minds me tagging along!

/ninjas out

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Re: December Shoots - Wellington [Closed]
Post By slinky. 15/11/11, 12:59 am

@Static- Yes, come along! <3

@Tails- Keen! If they come in my perscription this time ^^;;;;

Hmm, seeing as Tahlee seems to be the most pressed for time, would people mind if Higurashi, Hellsing and T&B are top of the list?

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Re: December Shoots - Wellington [Closed]
Post By Icarus. 15/11/11, 03:52 am

Please do Sylvie! We'd LOVE you to join in 8DDDD

here a mini draft of what we could do from people's schedules so far: (haven't put all the groups in there yet, just waiting for a few more replies)
Quote :

10th Saturday
-No. 6 (Tammy & Rachel)

[in the afternoon]
-Tiger & Bunny (Tash, Tahlee, Sian, Rachel, Anita)

11th Sunday
-Higurashi (Tahlee & Tash)
-Synchronicity (Elsie, Chris, Hannah, Anita)
-Alichino (Rachel)

[in the afternoon]
-Hellsing (Tash, Tahlee, Sian)

14th Wednesday
-DC (Tammy, Tash, Tahlee)

[in the afternoon]
-Enbizaka (Elsie, Chris, Maddy, Hannah, Anita)
Sunday morning shoots can all be done in the gardens

and if anyone else has their coloured pencil done, I might possibly join in with you guys.

Last edited by Icarus on 18/11/11, 10:14 am; edited 3 times in total
ACB King '10

Number of posts : 3485
Age : 32
Location : in a trojan Bull
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Registration date : 2008-05-25

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Re: December Shoots - Wellington [Closed]
Post By Tamoo. 15/11/11, 05:31 am

Oh yeah. I also have Marshall Lee (Adventure Time) that's done. Anyone else interested in Adventure Time and wants to hop in? The costumes are super easy Very Happy

Number of posts : 4525
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Registration date : 2007-11-24

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Re: December Shoots - Wellington [Closed]
Post By slinky. 15/11/11, 09:47 am

@Tammy- Seeing as I've some how managed to be in five shoots, I better not 8D;;

And woop. My bus will get in around 1.20pm on the 10th :3

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Re: December Shoots - Wellington [Closed]
Post By Tails. 15/11/11, 10:57 am

Thank you guys *_* I feel so loved. Oh and if you're keen for lenses have a look around the site, in the bottom right hand corner is a box where you can send them a message asking aboout prescription lenses. They DO have them, but I have no idea if they're the right ones for you guys.

also if you're looking at the i.fairy lenses, don't forget to click 'see older posts' for styles like super crystal, hanabi, jewel etc <3

EDIT: I also just realised, Tammy and Tash if you want a Poison Ivy in your DC shoot let me know :)

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Re: December Shoots - Wellington [Closed]
Post By Tamoo. 15/11/11, 01:29 pm

Oooh. I really want Dolly+ in red.

Also, yes please! POISON IVY <3

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Re: December Shoots - Wellington [Closed]
Post By Tails. 15/11/11, 01:50 pm

^ I want them too! I just have no one in mind to cosplay with red eyes. & YAY! I shall bring her along then, what time on Wednesday are you doing your DC shoot?

@thread- If anyone wants lenses could you confirm by...Monday?

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Re: December Shoots - Wellington [Closed]
Post By Thornback. 15/11/11, 03:11 pm

Tammy, If you're doing Marshall Lee, I'll jump in as Fionna.


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Re: December Shoots - Wellington [Closed]
Post By slinky. 16/11/11, 01:04 am

POISON IVY *A* hmmm, did you say you finished work at 3 on Wednesday? Maybe we could shoot around 4-4.30 so you have time to get changed and do makeup? I think more sunset/evening photos would be AWESOME for DC Very Happy

Number of posts : 257
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Re: December Shoots - Wellington [Closed]
Post By Tamoo. 16/11/11, 03:45 pm

@Tails: I'm not sure what times~ I'm just gonna go along with Tash Razz I'm free all day, all week trololol. Also i'm going to get the Dolly+ lenses in red but they don't have -4.00 in stock ;A; I might get -4.25 which will hopefully be okay since I haven't actually been back to the opto's since... 4 years ago AHAHAHA

@Elsie: YES PLEASE <3

@Tash: Lol I really should start making Jens >w>/

Number of posts : 4525
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Registration date : 2007-11-24

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Re: December Shoots - Wellington [Closed]
Post By Tails. 16/11/11, 03:49 pm

Yay! Um I finish at 6pm on that Wednesday, but I can ask my colleague to swap shifts with me. Hope you guys don't mind waiting for me! I'll get ready as quickly as I can. Good thing Poison Ivy doesn't wear much xD

@Tammoooooooooooo- want to get them shipped with mine or just straight to you in Aucks?

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Registration date : 2008-10-06

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