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Wonderflex group order!

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Wonderflex group order!
Post By Static. 20/09/11, 01:41 pm

Hey everyone - I bought some Wonderflex recently to see if it was really as amazing as everyone says it is...and it is. IT SO IS. It is also very expensive, largely because of the shipping. order time! I will be keeping this quite small to start off with, depending on how much people want - my credit card can only take so much! And I would like payment in advance please, so if you don't trust me with your money...don't jump in on this order.

ATTENTION: I've just gone some quick calculations, and unfortunately with a 6 person order we are going to incur customs duties, which are a headache I am just not prepared to deal with...and I don't want anyone to have to pay extra. Least of all, me. So I'm going to break this into two groups of three people, with a roughly similar total value, to keep it all as even as possible and dodge any extra fees once it gets into NZ.

So, terms of service:

- Post in this thread with what size sheet you want, and how many. I will be ordering from - wonderflex only please, no other products. And please bear in mind shipping is pretty hefty, even with a split order! Remember: you'll need to arrange to get it from me in Wellington once it arrives. I can post it domestic, but I'll have to sort that out once it gets into the country to get an exact price.

- Once I have everyone's orders, I will calculate shipping on the whole thing and divvy up the shipping costs - this will be split per item, not per person. For example, if you get two sheets, you will pay twice as much as someone who just bought one.

- Once shipping has been calculated, I'll set a payment deadline (probably of about 48hrs). Once I have monies and it's all cleared to my credit card, I will place the order! Shipping from cosplaysupplies is really fast - I got my last order in about a week!

People who have expressed interest to me already will be given priority - I'm going to limit it to five spots for now, but may take more if there's heaps of interest.

UPDATE: CosplaySupplies are out of stock for about 2 weeks, so obviously no order will be made before then!

UPDATE THE SECOND: 15/10/11 It is back in stock and I have started contacting people with totals!

Order is full, for now - providing nobody drops out, and is happy to wait a couple of weeks to order! If you're interested in being put on a waitlist, post away :)

1 Icarus - 1x jumbo, 1x small
2 Duckeh - 1x jumbo PAID[b]
3 Lucy Contacted doeknuts, awaiting response 20/10
4 Anaria - 1x jumbo [b]PAID

5 Rowan - 1x jumbo PAID
6 Cookie Monster - 1x small


Last edited by Static on 20/10/11, 04:32 am; edited 9 times in total

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Re: Wonderflex group order!
Post By seraphik. 21/09/11, 02:20 am

i am expressing interest though i don't know what size sheet i want yet. :9
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Re: Wonderflex group order!
Post By Static. 21/09/11, 02:32 am

Haha. I got a jumbo, and it is MASSIVE! Plenty for the project I need it for, and hopefully enough for another one as well :)

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Re: Wonderflex group order!
Post By Anaria Zar-Rel. 21/09/11, 03:48 am

I would love to get in on this, when you wanting to place the order? Also, can this be shipped rolled? I'm looking at the jumbo sheet, but worried about postage from Wellington to Auckland.. (also, the website has each item out of stock?)

Anaria Zar-Rel
Anaria Zar-Rel

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Re: Wonderflex group order!
Post By Duckeh. 21/09/11, 05:21 am

Are you looking to order within the week? Sorry if I missed something, a bit bleary eyed. I'm just trying to work out how much money I have. C:
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Re: Wonderflex group order!
Post By Static. 21/09/11, 06:10 am

Anaria: yes, it ships rolled from the states, and it's by far the easiest way to manage it! It's odd that it's all out of stock...I might flick them an email and find out when it's likely to come back in.

As to when I place the order - as soon as people have confirmed and paid! If nobody wants it immediately, we can put it off a week or two. Thoughts?

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Re: Wonderflex group order!
Post By Static. 21/09/11, 07:54 am

UPDATE: just emailed them enquiring about stock levels and when it'll come back in :) Will let y'all know when I get a reply!

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Re: Wonderflex group order!
Post By Rowan. 21/09/11, 11:28 am

I'd be keen for a jumbo sheet :)

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Re: Wonderflex group order!
Post By Duckeh. 21/09/11, 01:53 pm

Hohsweet. Keen for a jumbo sheet. 8D
GOD of all things EPIC

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Re: Wonderflex group order!
Post By Cookie Monster. 21/09/11, 02:01 pm

I'm interested in a small sheet if you have any (more) room.
Cookie Monster
Cookie Monster

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Re: Wonderflex group order!
Post By seraphik. 21/09/11, 05:22 pm

OT, but the word jumbo always makes me giggle for some reason...

also this is a good time to do this, considering exchange rate finangling. :9
transient mod of fury

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Re: Wonderflex group order!
Post By Static. 22/09/11, 12:39 am

Cookie: Yeah, I'll throw in a small sheet for you :)
Duckeh: Chur.

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Re: Wonderflex group order!
Post By doeknuts. 22/09/11, 03:13 am

i'm so interested ae.

Too bad there's no more openings D:
Le grande

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Re: Wonderflex group order!
Post By Static. 22/09/11, 03:57 am

I'll put you on the waitlist - and I will probably do more orders. could petition Trinity Treasures to stock it ;) I know they were looking at it a while back! If there's enough demand they may well stock some, as a test run if nothing else.

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Re: Wonderflex group order!
Post By Static. 23/09/11, 02:02 am

UPDATE to first post re:customs duties and tax. I'm going to split this into two smaller orders to avoid paying extra fees - shouldn't affect people too much, just letting y'all know.

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Re: Wonderflex group order!
Post By Duckeh. 23/09/11, 04:59 am

Ohright, understandable. Would it be possible to get Anaria's, Rowan's and mine together and just sent straight to Auckland? I would be happy to send it onwards to Anaria?

But I'm only suggesting this if it doesn't create to much confusion, I really have no idea. THINGS CONFUSE ME.
GOD of all things EPIC

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Re: Wonderflex group order!
Post By Static. 23/09/11, 08:59 am

..that is probably the best way to do it. :9 So you're happy to receive the auckland order then?

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Re: Wonderflex group order!
Post By Duckeh. 23/09/11, 09:21 am

Awesome~ 8D Yup, I see Rowan enough that she probably could just grab next she was round and posting on to Anaria is no problem, so long as she's fine with it. C:
GOD of all things EPIC

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Re: Wonderflex group order!
Post By Mandie_Chan. 23/09/11, 10:22 am

Totally late to the party but it says to post if interested/go on the waiting list so... Here's my post!
If anyone drops out or if you ever do another order I am extremely keen to get some!!!
Thank you~
Optimus Prime

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Re: Wonderflex group order!
Post By Static. 24/09/11, 02:11 am

Doeknuts and Mandie added to waitlist :)

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Re: Wonderflex group order!
Post By Anaria Zar-Rel. 24/09/11, 02:23 am

Duckeh wrote:
Awesome~ 8D Yup, I see Rowan enough that she probably could just grab next she was round and posting on to Anaria is no problem, so long as she's fine with it. C:

Yup, that's fine :)

Anaria Zar-Rel
Anaria Zar-Rel

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Re: Wonderflex group order!
Post By Kiwi Kal El. 05/10/11, 11:37 am

Hi Guys, Just to update you all, we (Trinity Treasures) are talking with the suppier in the US to see what we can do with regards to getting a good supply of Wonderflex and Fosshape right here in NZ.

No saying you shouldnt band together to get what you need but if we can work it we may be able to deal with the Customs issues and if brought in bulk the shipping costs can be spread over and reduced for all.


Kiwi Kal El
Kiwi Kal El

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Re: Wonderflex group order!
Post By seraphik. 05/10/11, 11:59 am

^ would like it accessible here in NZ more than words can say. (:
transient mod of fury

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Re: Wonderflex group order!
Post By Static. 11/10/11, 06:37 am

^^ Seconding this! I would love to support a kiwi business :)

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Re: Wonderflex group order!
Post By JVCA. 11/10/11, 06:54 am

^^^Thirding this! That would be amazing. C:
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