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Bacchus (Airmyu) Group [Closed]

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Bacchus (Airmyu) Group [Closed]
Post By Rikki-Leigh. 13/09/11, 02:29 pm

Bacchus (Airmyu) Group [Closed] Bscap068

(I know not everyone is confirmed, just for keeping track)

Romeo: Icarus
Juliet: Jess
Macbeth: Pyro
Hamlet: Xiggers
Puck: Rikki-Leigh

(I'm pretty sure that Pyro was Macbeth and Xiggers was Hamlet but if it's the other way around, please correct me. >>)

Things that need to be discussed: WHEN. MATERIAL. REFS.

I know when will be a big decider on who can confirm and stuff. I'm probably gonna be doing Puck for DO next year regardless though.

Material will be annoying. My first thought was Spoonflower you can upload your own designs and order fabric in it and get a 10% discount on your own print, but that's about $15USD per yard or something I think (or even more probably). Anyone know a good place to get material like this?

Refs. I have some for all five courtesy of my friend on Tumblr right here. They aren't HQ but they give a pretty good idea of each boy's outfit. (open each image in a new tab for full size)


Number of posts : 3767
Age : 31
Location : CBD
Transforms into : a muffin
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Registration date : 2008-02-09

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Re: Bacchus (Airmyu) Group [Closed]
Post By Pyro. 13/09/11, 02:38 pm

Yep, I'm Macbeth. Razz

It'll be a little while before I can definitely confirm for this, but at the moment it looks like I'll have no other costume obligations for DO-Auckgeddon season so I'm probably cool for it as long as it's around then.
Winner of the Infinitely Quotable Award

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Re: Bacchus (Airmyu) Group [Closed]
Post By Rikki-Leigh. 13/09/11, 02:43 pm

\o/ Yay for being able to remember.

I think the biggest decider on when would be Icarus if she can do Romeo for us. Cause I'm helping Jess with hers if I can convince her to say 100% yes for it (giving her the musicals to watch on Thursday) and I'm pretty sure Xig's got nothing confirmed either way. And I know I'm flexible with it. The only thing I'm definitely confirmed for for next year is I'm determined to get Weregarurumon done for Auckgeddon. XD


Number of posts : 3767
Age : 31
Location : CBD
Transforms into : a muffin
Gender : Male
Registration date : 2008-02-09

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Re: Bacchus (Airmyu) Group [Closed]
Post By Icarus. 13/09/11, 04:04 pm

DO would be a possibility for next year, assuming it's still 2 days long. (Yuki wants me to do Genderbent!SeeU with her while running the stall)
Wellygeddons filled up for me, and I think I'm going to Hamigeddon..
butyea I feel guilty if you guys do the group around my schedule OTL

we could try looking for the fabric in online stores for the closes matching design...andomg everyone in this group is atleast a full head taller than OTL
ACB King '10

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Re: Bacchus (Airmyu) Group [Closed]
Post By Rikki-Leigh. 13/09/11, 04:17 pm

//hehe towers over poor little iccypoo

I dunno if I'm going to Hammigeddon. I'm meant to be doing an Aussie con with syn next year but I don't know if that's beginning of year or end of yet.


Number of posts : 3767
Age : 31
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Registration date : 2008-02-09

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Re: Bacchus (Airmyu) Group [Closed]
Post By Icarus. 13/09/11, 05:06 pm

oki, then we can rule out Hamigeddon, let's hope like crazy DO will be for 2 days then xD

ACB King '10

Number of posts : 3485
Age : 33
Location : in a trojan Bull
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Gender : Female
Registration date : 2008-05-25

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Re: Bacchus (Airmyu) Group [Closed]
Post By Icarus. 13/11/11, 03:16 pm

hey guys I'm so sorry about this but I'm going to have to back out, its going to be my last year of course so I have to cut back on some cosplay plans to keep up with my final project. Really sorry but I'm sure you guys will still be kick ass without me <333333
ACB King '10

Number of posts : 3485
Age : 33
Location : in a trojan Bull
Transforms into : a dancing octopus
Gender : Female
Registration date : 2008-05-25

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Re: Bacchus (Airmyu) Group [Closed]
Post By Rikki-Leigh. 13/11/11, 03:29 pm

Aww suck. But completely understandable. Good luck for your course stuff <3


Number of posts : 3767
Age : 31
Location : CBD
Transforms into : a muffin
Gender : Male
Registration date : 2008-02-09

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