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Dargon Age origins: *finished first playthrough* so what did...ehem, spoilers :3

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Dargon Age origins: *finished first playthrough* so what did...ehem, spoilers :3
Post By DarkGaia. 27/08/11, 05:11 pm

So what did you guys do in your first/ recent playthrough?


I chose a female human mage, opposed the chantry, always chose to complete the main mission the long and complicated way to avoid getting dissaprovals, got with Alistair ( Dargon Age origins: *finished first playthrough* so what did...ehem, spoilers :3 375551 ) performed the ritual, and made Anora queen.

My party was mainly Me, Morrigan, Alistair and a rotation of Zevhren and the war dog (who I named Bess 8D)

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Re: Dargon Age origins: *finished first playthrough* so what did...ehem, spoilers :3
Post By zephyrine. 09/09/11, 05:07 am

My recent playthrough was:

Female human noble warrior.
Romanced Alistair.
Made Harrowmont king.
Killed Zathrian and freed the werewolves.
Sent Jowan into the Fade to save Connor.
Did the ritual with Morrigan. Ughhh ugh.
Made Alistair king and locked Anora in the tower after telling her I would support her.

My party was myself, Alistair (tank), Leliana (stealth, lockpicking, traps) and Wynne (healing/elemental AOE's) :)

My dog was named Sirius lol
seXAH <3

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Re: Dargon Age origins: *finished first playthrough* so what did...ehem, spoilers :3
Post By sakkaf. 10/09/11, 05:08 am

zephyrine wrote:
My recent playthrough was:

Female human noble warrior.
Romanced Alistair.
Made Harrowmont king.
Killed Zathrian and freed the werewolves.
Sent Jowan into the Fade to save Connor.
Did the ritual with Morrigan. Ughhh ugh.
Made Alistair king and locked Anora in the tower after telling her I would support her.

Wow, this was pretty much mine to a tee except I made Morrigan sleep with Alistair instead of me and I killed off Wynne orz

Party: Morrigan, Oghren and Sten, with the occasional Alistair for his templar abilities (WOLFS, DANG IT), and Leiliana for her bow <3

My dog was D0g on the first playthrough, and Chickness for the second. (don't ask xD)
marshmallow ninja

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Dargon Age origins: *finished first playthrough* so what did...ehem, spoilers :3 Vide
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Re: Dargon Age origins: *finished first playthrough* so what did...ehem, spoilers :3
Post By hyolee123. 10/09/11, 05:32 am

Female elf mage : D
Romanced Zervan by accident I swear xP
Made Harrowmont king.
Made a agreement between the elves and the warewolves
Killed Connors mother to save him and set Jowan free
Made Alistair as my bestest friend do the ritual thing with Morrigan (Oh God I felt sorry for him)
Made Alistair king and I cannot remember what happened to Anora 8D;

My main party consisted of Alistar, Zervan and Shale (OH MAH GOG I LOVE SHALE!!!)

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Re: Dargon Age origins: *finished first playthrough* so what did...ehem, spoilers :3
Post By Mandie_Chan. 10/09/11, 06:08 am

Oh wow... I've played Origins like... 12-14 times now? I've explored everything you can do and taken most of the saves into DA2 to see what differences there are!

In my most recent one I decided to play the jerk/know it all kinda guy.
Male, dalish Elf, warrior
Romance: Morrigan
Killed Connor (I think? Or the mother? Played to many games)
Had whats his name kill Jowan
Made Belin King
Woke up Shale
Sided with the mages (was going to side with the templars but I just hate killing Wynne!)
Sided with the elves and killed the werewolves (WHOO ELVES RULE~)
Did the return to Ostagar (first time & boy was it worth it!)
Made Alistair & Anora rule together (first time I actually managed to do things right so this would happen!)
Near the end I started a romance with Zevern & it was late enough in the game that Morrigan didn't break up with me about it. Made a nice twist when I did the DLC Witch hunt (and in DA2 Zevern talks as if I did break up with Morrigan even though it never happened xD)
Performed ritual with Morrigan
Completed all the silly little side quests too~

My main party changes every time I leave camp. The default was usually Morrgian, Shale/Ogren & Lelianna or Morrigan, Wynne and Lelianna (Everything is better with 2 mages I think!)

Talking/typing/thinking about Origins makes me want to play again ^_^;
lets ignore the fact I have 6 brand new games I am yet to start!
Optimus Prime

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Re: Dargon Age origins: *finished first playthrough* so what did...ehem, spoilers :3
Post By zephyrine. 11/09/11, 04:46 am

sakkaf wrote:
Wow, this was pretty much mine to a tee except I made Morrigan sleep with Alistair instead of me

Yeah, that's what I did as I was playing a female Warden... Wink
seXAH <3

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Dargon Age origins: *finished first playthrough* so what did...ehem, spoilers :3 Vide
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Re: Dargon Age origins: *finished first playthrough* so what did...ehem, spoilers :3
Post By lil-craka. 11/09/11, 05:49 am

Hmmm I have many characters >.< but the one i carried over to Dragon Age Origins :Awakening

-Human Noble Male
-Warrior - Champion - Berserker (though i should have gone Templar beacause they are beast)
-Party Consisted of :
- Me
- Morrigan <3 - ShapeShifter (Default) and Spirit Healer
- Wayne- Spirit Healer (Default - didt Dual Spec because there was no need for her to do anything else)
- Sten - Templar and Berserker(sten was mostly my DPS for the game but in end game i felt like my party would have more survivability with 2 tanks)/ Alister - Templar and Chapion(Alistar towards end game because he is Templar Class which takes out pesky mages)
- Completed the game on Medium
- Got myself Dragon Plate Mail and Juggernaut Armour
- Saved the Mages in the tower
- Made the Belin King
- Sided with the Elves (because I didnt really want the werewolves to OWN all the elves)
- Saved the Earl with the ashes and saved his son by going to the circle of Magi
- COMPLETELY OWNED the dragon in the snowy mountains
- Killed Logain and made Alistair King
- Sexed up Morrigan before final Boss

on my playthroughs i tend to be align myself with Good ..rather than Evil...
even though its a game i feel guilty >.<

Best Class = Mage - Spell Knight Very Happy Soloing ArchDemon!
marshmallow ninja

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Dargon Age origins: *finished first playthrough* so what did...ehem, spoilers :3 Vide
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Re: Dargon Age origins: *finished first playthrough* so what did...ehem, spoilers :3
Post By SailorDemyx49. 21/09/11, 04:11 pm


so umm yeeah... first playthrough? haha that one wasn't as interesting as the others but here it goes:
female human mage
romanced Alistair *swoon*
made.. Harrowmont king
destroyed anvil
saved mages
didn't soil ashes
made zathrian give up his life and everyone was happy C:
made anora queen
did dark ritual with morrigan

can I say awakening stuff or is that like.. to spoilery?

argh I'm just excited to find a DA forum! Dargon Age origins: *finished first playthrough* so what did...ehem, spoilers :3 755823

haha party? well with Neptuna (mage above) it tended to be: Leliana, Alistair and Oghren/Sten/Shale
dog was named Barkspawn, laugh if you must
champaign supernova~

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Re: Dargon Age origins: *finished first playthrough* so what did...ehem, spoilers :3
Post By DarkGaia. 25/09/11, 05:03 pm


I almost forgot about the Ozammar mission and was like "What? You could make Harrowmont king instead of Anora/Alistair? @@;; "

But alas. I'm a dumbass.

I just finished DA2 aswell, kind of annoyed that my decisions to free the mages didn't influence the situation in Kirkwall at all >.<;; , and Alistair referred to my Female Warden as a "good friend".



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Dargon Age origins: *finished first playthrough* so what did...ehem, spoilers :3

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