Full body suits By Guest. 25/08/11, 04:16 pm |
| being a bit of a DIY nut and knowledge of a very large variety of materials, I'm stuck on an important detail for a project I'd like to put together. how would someone put together a lightweight costume similar to a suit of armour? The project I have in mind is a Robocop costume, bound to be tricky, but how would I go about making moulded sectional pieces out of a solid material that wont chip or be easily worn out, Unfortunately I'm living life under the shadow of a budget at the moment, so I cant go to the idea of trial and error to see what works.
Would anyone know any useful links I can follow to get better information? or a method on how I can easily do this at home? |
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Re: Full body suits By Mischa. 26/08/11, 12:46 pm |
| I can't offer you a fool proof method (sadly trial and error is a huge part of making costumes...at least for me ) but here are some examples of different armour techniques people use:
Vacuum forming Styrene: http://www.studiocreations.com/howto/stormtrooper/index.html Fiberglass http://www.instructables.com/id/Build-Halo-Armor/#step1
Expanding Foam on a Wooden armature http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.php?s=211803b790badb3b9c3a3c2738a8b23a&showtopic=113136&st=75
Craft Foam (a little fragile depending on how it's painted/sealed, but good if you don't have a good workspace for working with toxic things) http://www.fullmetalsam.com/general-craft-foam-tutorial/
If you have a DYI background you're already half way there |
Number of posts : 1045 Age : 118 Location : Wellington Transforms into : GRIMDARK Gender : Female Registration date : 2009-03-15
Re: Full body suits By Guest. 26/08/11, 03:09 pm |
| Very useful, thankyou, I must have missed that Indy Mogul episode. something to work from |
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