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NZ Cosplay costume stores

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NZ Cosplay costume stores
Post By Guest. 21/08/11, 04:12 pm

Ive been searching in google and have come out empty handed, and am running very low on my other ideas on where to continue searching.
Would anyone out there know of any stores where I can find some Cosplay costumes for sale?
Places in Auckland or ordered through the internet from NZ sites
Everywhere else I look, it has come up with links for international stores


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Re: NZ Cosplay costume stores
Post By Kicho. 21/08/11, 05:33 pm

What type of cosplay are you looking for? If its a specific anime cosplay, it will be really hard to find a store in NZ that sells just that.

There are some sellers on Trademe that sell some cosplay and lolita costumes. It looks like most of them are from Taobao. I wouldn't recommend you buy from them as a lot of the time, the pictures don't represent the actual costumes, or sizes may be too small.

How much are you willing to pay? You might get a great costume if you commission from someone.
seXAH <3

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Re: NZ Cosplay costume stores
Post By Kitten Slave. 22/08/11, 01:06 am

Yup, it does depend on what you are looking for - Anime/game costumes are unlikely to be found in any stores in nz.
The creme dela creme of costumes are also generally made by people who know what they are doing (and of course, can sometimes be commissioned if you ask nice).

There is looksharp in auckland which has costumes that are if anything else, amusing, and is reliable as well.

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Re: NZ Cosplay costume stores
Post By seraphik. 22/08/11, 09:03 am

trinity treasures (an nz store) sells a variety of thm. (:
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Re: NZ Cosplay costume stores
Post By Rolly. 22/08/11, 11:26 am

Vagabonds on Queen St sells some cosplays, as well as Livewire next door. They're pretty tight.
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Re: NZ Cosplay costume stores
Post By seraphik. 22/08/11, 12:07 pm

also, as was previously mentioned, there are very talented people you can commission costumes from on the forums. (:
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Re: NZ Cosplay costume stores
Post By Guest. 22/08/11, 04:22 pm

will have to give those places a look, last time I went to vagabond and livewire, their collection had been cleaned out.
I dont mind spending long hours making one from rolls of fabric, just need the right instructions to go with them.
And Trinity Treasures has now been bookmarked Very Happy


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Re: NZ Cosplay costume stores
Post By Father Nightroad. 25/08/11, 12:07 pm

Ya gotta remember that if ur makin a cosplay ya gotta research loads (I mean loads) and ya also gotta remember that just cuz the pattern not the exact thing ya might be able to adapt it ^^. I did that with my haori for the shinsengumi, Captains coat for shunsui and the kimono that completes the bleach cosplay. All 3 were made from the same women's kimono pattern
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Re: NZ Cosplay costume stores
Post By Pura. 25/08/11, 01:41 pm

What sort of costume were you looking at making? If it's a Bleach robe, or anything like a Kimono/hakama, I know of a very simple, very easy-to-follow online tutorial (:
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Re: NZ Cosplay costume stores
Post By Guest. 26/08/11, 03:18 pm

still acquiring a list, better to find some characters that I can easily fit into,
then there's the tools that are available to work on such a project,
an online tutorial would be good to refer to,
any idea where I can find some free online patterns for robes?


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