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Hair Spraypaint to get Blonde?

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Hair Spraypaint to get Blonde?
Post By arjaytistic. 10/08/11, 12:22 pm

I've seen those hair spraypaints around for people that they use for sports or whatever, has anyone ever successfully used yellow on black hair to get a "blonde" effect? Usually I would just bleach my hair blonde but I have to keep funeral hair Rolling Eyes It's just for the front of my hair which is scraped back into a blonde hairpiece

-- rj xx
seXAH <3

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Re: Hair Spraypaint to get Blonde?
Post By Seakittens. 10/08/11, 12:58 pm

I wouldn't use a hairspraypaint. Those tend to make you hair all clumpy and the spray always goes on unevenly. I watched my friend do it once and I would not reccommend it.

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Re: Hair Spraypaint to get Blonde?
Post By JVCA. 10/08/11, 01:09 pm

General rule of thumb I've discovered is that if the hair is going to be moving at all, don't bother. The stuff is hairspray, and will make your hair stiff. So for loose hair, it's a no go. For hair that won't be moving (short hair, hair that's pulled taut, stuff that'd be hairsprayed to death anyway etc) it doesn't look fantastic but it's not too bad. We got away with it okay for Admin's Gaara cosplay (though it was a really neon red, lmao).

That said, I'd test it beforehand - it's hard to get light colours to show up properly on black and it may depend on the brand you use.
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Hair Spraypaint to get Blonde?

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