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The Giant MMB FAQ thread! The rules and how it works into [ACB11] Website added

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The Giant MMB FAQ thread! The rules and how it works into [ACB11] Website added
Post By TinTango. 18/07/11, 03:11 pm

Hey Guys, as you know, the Murder Mystery Ball is taking place as part of the ACB this Friday. So I’ve put together this Giant FAQ thread to explain the rules and how it will run.
Here’s the lowdown:

What’s a Murder Mystery? ashamed
It’s a Roleplaying game where the players of the game witness a murder scene, and must investigate to discover who is the Killer.

How does this work with the Ball? :think:
This year, the theme of the Ball is “Come join the Circus.” As part of the Ball, a group of roleplayers from CNZ, will be introduced as members of the of the fictional “World Cosplay Circus”, they will perform together and later one character will die. Those Circus performers left alive will become the suspects in this murder. A “Watcher” video will play on the screen- the Watcher is a character who is broadcasting live from a secret location, that is monitoring the events of the ball- and they will announce the rules of the game (listed below). Two CNZ members will roleplay detectives, who will help guide the investigation. In addition four “undercover detectives” are hidden amongst the audience, and will be conducting their own investigation. You as an audience member can:
1. Bear witness to the interaction and conversations amongst suspects
2. Question the suspects directly
3. Find physical evidence to help the detectives
4. Testify to anything you see or hear in a trial
5. Vote to determine which suspect is eventually arrested as the killer
At the end of the game, an Audience Vote is held to determine who is the most likely killer, and the suspect who takes the majority of the vote will be arrested. A final “Watcher” video will play, which will determine who the real killer is, and the overall outcome of the game- i.e. whether the killer escapes or not.

Ofcourse we wanted to make this way cooler than just a normal Murder Mystery, so we’ve mixed in references to DeathNote, Kuroshitsuji, and even Ace Attorney.
For starters, the Ball takes place after the second season of the DeathNote manga,
. From the first Murder Mystery Dinner in 2010, L is revealed as the head of an International detective agency known as AIDA. In 2011, L has now re-purposed AIDA with the twin goals of:
1. Identifying whether a new DeathNote has come to Earth, and is being used
2. Retrieving this DeathNote, before a new Kira arises.
As revealed in the MMB trailer:
AIDA detectives have gone missing, a new cluster of suspicious deaths has occurred in Auckland, and L believes that the killer will be attending the ACB. The AIDA Detectives Ciel Phantomhive and Sebastian are sent to investigate further- these are the two who will help lead the investigation.

What are The Rules of the Game?
Okay, first off The actual “Game” part of the MMB is referred to as “the Fox and the Hounds”, it starts after the ‘Watcher’ video plays and lasts 2 hours- until the final vote is completed.( Note that even before the start of the game, the characters will be in character performing an Opening Act and mixing with the audience, during which time, certain hints maybe dropped- so be alert!)
In this game the Hounds are represented by Ciel, Sebastian and the 4 undercover AIDA detectives.
Their goal is to identify and arrest Kira before the end of the game.
Kira is The Fox, who must (1)avoid being arrested, and(2) kill a person at least once every 30mins of the game. If both these criteria are met, the Watcher will help Kira escape (Why? You will see on the Night).

Who can take part in the Game?
As the Audience, you can take part in the Fox and the Hounds, so long as you’re wearing your ACB name badge. Remove the badge, and you are no longer part of the game. Badges must be visible in plain sight and not hidden nor covered up. Badges must be kept on for the entirety of the game.

How do the Murders work?evil
When Kira selects a victim, he/she will write the name down in a DeathNote or piece of paper from the DeathNote. The name Kira writes will be taken from your ACB badge, and so long as they can see your face and the badge, you can be killed. For the purposes of the Murder Mystery Ball, the name on your badge will represent your true name. Once your name is written in the note, the Ball will be interrupted by a video being played on the projector. This video will be an animation of a DeathNote opening up to reveal the name of the victim, and if specified, the method of death. If it is your ACB badge name that is written in the book, then you must immediately act out a death scene in keeping with the method of death. If your name is revealed but no method, then you must act out a heart attack causing death. Once you are dead, Ciel and Sebastian will confirm your death and remove your body, at which point you remove your ACB badge, and can no longer take part in the investigation (i.e. you can’t ask questions, and you can’t vote at the end), but you can observe the rest of the murder mystery. You are also not permitted to discuss the murder mystery with anyone still taking part in it (i.e. still wearing an ACB badge). Any physical evidence you are carrying, will be taken into possession by Ciel and Sebastian.

What if I wear a mask, can Kira kill me then? ninja
Technically, so long as it is a full faced mask and you never remove it, then you can’t be killed. However, wearing a full faced mask to this ball will seem suspicious, and Kira may take particular notice of you- i.e. you could be an undercover detective- and therefore would go to extreme measures to see you without your mask. If they do see your face at any time - perhaps they follow you to the bathroom- then they can kill you. Also, wearing a full faced mask for the whole of the ball, cannot be comfortable.

Are there parts of the game, where Kira can’t make a killing? nono
Yes. Kira can’t kill during Accusation Trials, and when the Final Vote gets underway. For more info on Accusation Trials, see the under the answer to the questions “What about the Undercover Detectives, what can they do?”

Since Kira can see all our names on the badges, does this mean that Kira has the Shinagami eyes?puppyeyes
No it does not mean that Kira has shinigami eyes. It’s just that the ACB badges represent your name for the purposes of this game. This is a necessary rule to prevent confusion as to which person Kira is referring to when he/she makes a killing e.g. Without this rule, when Kira writes “The Doctor”, this could refer to (1)The person who is cosplaying “The Doctor” at the ball, (2)the person who has the CNZ handle “The Doctor”, or (3)the person who is wearing the ACB name badge which says “The Doctor.” With this rule in place, it prevents confusion, and we know that Kira is actually referring to (3) the person wearing the ACB name badge which says “The Doctor.”

Can I make an arrest if I am sure that one of the Suspects did it?Suspect
Nope. You can’t make an arrest. Only Ciel and Sebastian can, and they have chosen to make their arrest at the end of the game, based on the Audience Vote.

What about the Undercover Detectives, what can they do?psyduck
They don’t have the power to make an arrest, but they can make an accusation, and present their evidence in an “Accusation Trial.” This is a mock trial that is held on stage, in the style of “Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney”, it is largely unscripted, but interrupts the proceedings of the ball. Ciel takes the role of the Judge, the undercover detective is the prosecutor, and the suspect is their own defense counsel. Like the game, the case is presented by the prosecutor and it’s up to the suspect to prove their innocence. Depending on the outcome, Ciel can decide to issue a search warrant to help locate the death note for use as evidence , and/or place the suspect under ‘House Arrest’ which prevents the suspect from writing anything, for the duration of the house arrest. This ‘Accusation Trial’ gives the Undercover Detective a chance to present their evidence so that they can sway the audience’s opinion by the time of the final vote. However if the trial fails, and the suspect proves their innocence, then the detective has just revealed their identity to everyone, and would likely be Kira’s next victim.

Can I take part in an accusation trial?naughty
You can’t initiate an accusation trial, only an undercover detective can. However, if you find physical evidence, or witness something useful, you can try to find an undercover detective to share it with, and they in turn may call you up as a witness to testify. That, however, is entirely up to the undercover detective

What if I want to talk to a Suspect, will they always be in character?shh
No they won’t. They’ll be in character for set times- e.g. the opening act, the first 30mins after that, during accusation trials and when doing Autograph/Interviews. The Autograph/Interview sessions are set times when the Suspect is in the foyer, signing autographs and answering questions about themselves, the circus and their thoughts on the murder(s)- that is one of the best times to approach them. These sessions will be announced, so everyone knows when they take place and which suspect is holding the session. However, if you want to talk to them in character, outside of these times, approach them and call them by their suspect name (i.e. who they are cosplaying as).naruto

Who are the Suspects?:think:
Funny you should ask. Duckeh has worked on a website for the World Cosplay Circus.
The link to the homepage is here:
Just click on the Profiles section to find out more.

What happens in the Final Vote?:byebye:
Those audience members who are still alive and wearing their badges, will be given a card to fill out at the end. Apart from answering who they think Kira is, there will be other questions which will help provide feedback of the murder mystery ball, for future use. As stated before, the most popular vote will be arrested by Sebastian and Ciel, note that this doesn’t have to be the person who is under House Arrest. In essence, you as the audience decide who will be arrested, and that’s how we keep your involvement in the game.

Thats most of the info so far, but if you have more questions, shoot!
The Giant MMB FAQ thread! The rules and how it works into [ACB11] Website added 519410

Last edited by TinTango on 19/07/11, 02:58 pm; edited 3 times in total

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Re: The Giant MMB FAQ thread! The rules and how it works into [ACB11] Website added
Post By Kitten Slave. 18/07/11, 03:16 pm

Kitten Slave
Kitten Slave
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Re: The Giant MMB FAQ thread! The rules and how it works into [ACB11] Website added
Post By ox0kristen0xo. 19/07/11, 06:13 am

Kitten Slave wrote:

My sentiments exactly. Sounds so cool! Very Happy

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Re: The Giant MMB FAQ thread! The rules and how it works into [ACB11] Website added
Post By Duckeh. 19/07/11, 06:47 am

Awesome thread Tim. <3 Having some hosting problems atm, but I will sort it out when I get back home.
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Re: The Giant MMB FAQ thread! The rules and how it works into [ACB11] Website added
Post By Duckeh. 19/07/11, 01:32 pm

Had to upload to a free host, since mine wouldn't get back to me. Sorry about the uglyness... I AM A BUSY WOMAN. orz
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Re: The Giant MMB FAQ thread! The rules and how it works into [ACB11] Website added
Post By TinTango. 19/07/11, 02:59 pm

Sweet! Amended the first post.

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