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Braig's Crossbows

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Braig's Crossbows
Post By Rikki-Leigh. 05/07/11, 10:11 am


Alright. So I'm looking at making Braig's (KH: BbS) crossbows, but I have no idea what sort of method to use. I've considered a plywood base with clay for building up detail, plywood with expanding foam, cardboard base with expanding. Which do you think would be the best way of going about it? Or are there other methods?

Also, in the battle against him, he locks the two bows together to create a sniper style crossbow. Would this be possible with a real-life prop, and if so how? Video reference, actual fight starts about 2:55, shows him putting them together as a sniper style about 3:00.

And one more. How the hell to do the ammo pieces? Those diamond things. Resin moulding, maybe? I don't want them to be too heavy, since they'll be hanging. Once I figure out a way to do that as well.

Last edited by Rikki-Leigh on 05/07/11, 10:32 am; edited 2 times in total


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Re: Braig's Crossbows
Post By Admin. 05/07/11, 10:24 am

/cough. You can't hotlink images from 4chan.
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Re: Braig's Crossbows
Post By Rikki-Leigh. 05/07/11, 10:31 am

It shows up for me. Stupid deceiving cache >> /fixes.


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Re: Braig's Crossbows
Post By Highlander. 05/07/11, 10:58 am

Yes you can, sort of. It looks like he shoves it together, twists and locks. In other words just like a bayonet fit light bulb vs light socket. (You could also use a slide in catch that you press down to withdraw it.) The problem is basically how to do it without modifiying the look of the crossbow.

Easiest way would be a tube (or light socket!) inset in the handle of one cross bow. A bayonet or twist groove cut into it. A smaller tube sticking out of the front of the second cross bow, with small lugs on it. Rotate 90 degrees, push, twist back to level, done, like he did.

You could just have the tube in your pocket and using slight of hand jam it into a hole on the rear cross bow when you want to join it. You could even disguise the hole with a flap or a plug.

If the two tubes fit tight enough to hold, but were easy to push in/twist/pull out then forget the bayonet groove.

If there was a flat surface on the front of the cross bow I would suggest a flat bayonet fitting instead. Tubes would be strong enough though. I'm sure there are other ways too, but that is the first thing which I think of after watching the video.
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Re: Braig's Crossbows
Post By Rikki-Leigh. 05/07/11, 11:02 am

The hidden socket sort of thing was what I've been thinking of. Have one that is the permanent design but with a socket in the rear of the handle and then make the over slightly modified so pieces can be removed to fit in and create the look. Not as fancy or quick, but would work for photoshoots.

The other method I was thinking was having one with the socket and making a third piece to create the sniper without having to make the second crossbow modifiable.


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