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Stocking wig from a NZ store?

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Stocking wig from a NZ store?
Post By Senia. 04/07/11, 10:26 am

My parents are well.. uh.. against eBay and overseas sites for buying things online. Worried about getting ripped off, I guess.

Could anyone direct me towards a New Zealand cosplay/wig site selling Stocking's wig?
Anything under $70 would be great, but I'm willing to pay more if its necessary.

Something like this?


Last edited by Senia on 04/07/11, 02:44 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Adding image)

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Re: Stocking wig from a NZ store?
Post By Pura. 04/07/11, 10:59 am

I don't think any stores in NZ sell Stocking's wig. Stores sell plain ones mostly, and if it's a coloured one it's generally a party wig.

When do you need it by? People sometimes do overseas group orders, so it's essentially getting it in NZ Razz
Optimus Prime

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Re: Stocking wig from a NZ store?
Post By Riven_. 04/07/11, 11:26 am

Could you provide a picture of the kind of wig you're looking for? There are wig sellers in NZ and you could probably find something similar looking.
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Re: Stocking wig from a NZ store?
Post By Senia. 04/07/11, 11:29 am

Riven_ wrote:
Could you provide a picture of the kind of wig you're looking for? There are wig sellers in NZ and you could probably find something similar looking.

Oh, right.
Added an image now C:

Pura wrote:
I don't think any stores in NZ sell Stocking's wig. Stores sell plain ones mostly, and if it's a coloured one it's generally a party wig.

When do you need it by? People sometimes do overseas group orders, so it's essentially getting it in NZ Razz

I would like to get it by September, but I need it by April next year.

Could you explain that second point? I was a bit confused, sorry.

Thank-you C:

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Re: Stocking wig from a NZ store?
Post By Riven_. 04/07/11, 11:36 am

Awesome! And wow! Good looking wig!
I haven't seen any wigs exactly like that, but you could buy two long wigs (one dark blue, one pink) and sew them together with the blue on top and the pink on the bottom?

What Pura was talking about is groups of people buying wigs from overseas sellers in a group (everyone telling one person what they want, then that one person puts the order in). It works out pretty cheap for postage, and because a lot of people are buying together, you can ask which wig shops overseas are reliable/good quality.
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Re: Stocking wig from a NZ store?
Post By Senia. 04/07/11, 11:45 am

Riven_ wrote:
Awesome! And wow! Good looking wig!
I haven't seen any wigs exactly like that, but you could buy two long wigs (one dark blue, one pink) and sew them together with the blue on top and the pink on the bottom?

What Pura was talking about is groups of people buying wigs from overseas sellers in a group (everyone telling one person what they want, then that one person puts the order in). It works out pretty cheap for postage, and because a lot of people are buying together, you can ask which wig shops overseas are reliable/good quality.

Ah! I see now. So with sewing them together, where would you think I could buy two thigh long wigs like that? I'll have a look around my local stores sometime, but where would you recommend?

Oh. I might try that too. Sounds a bit easier than sewing it, haha.
Thanks you guys, you're a lot of help~

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Re: Stocking wig from a NZ store?
Post By firecat70. 04/07/11, 12:06 pm

What I did was get the blue/purple wig then sew pink extensions underneath.

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Re: Stocking wig from a NZ store?
Post By Senia. 04/07/11, 12:30 pm

firecat70 wrote:
What I did was get the blue/purple wig then sew pink extensions underneath.

Pink extensions? That's an also idea, I'll look into that~ :3 Thanks

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Re: Stocking wig from a NZ store?
Post By Pixel. 04/07/11, 01:10 pm

I think you should go with the group order idea! It doesnt cost too much and if you get the wig from a good store then it will be a really nice quality~

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Re: Stocking wig from a NZ store?
Post By Senia. 04/07/11, 01:15 pm

Pixel wrote:
I think you should go with the group order idea! It doesnt cost too much and if you get the wig from a good store then it will be a really nice quality~

Okay, but who with? :V

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Re: Stocking wig from a NZ store?
Post By Pixel. 04/07/11, 01:27 pm

Wait until someone in the marketplace creates a thread, someone will probably create one in a month or two because Auckland Armageddon is nearing perhaps....^^

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Re: Stocking wig from a NZ store?
Post By Duckeh. 04/07/11, 01:31 pm

You could always look into dying the wig! Dying is really easy and you get pretty colours out of it.
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Stocking wig from a NZ store? Vide
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Re: Stocking wig from a NZ store?
Post By Pura. 04/07/11, 03:36 pm

Ohhh, you could get a long blonde wig and get pink and purple sharpies/shurpies (if you're budget) and colour the wig in with sharpies (it's a well used method, haha).

Yeah, people have done wig orders from Taobao (Chinese site like eBay) where the wigs are only like $20 with about $10 shipping roughly. But you'd have to wait until someone starts one up. I miiiight be doing another after Overload and before Auckgeddon, but it might just end up being a private thing because it's a big job ;;
Optimus Prime

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Stocking wig from a NZ store? Vide
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Re: Stocking wig from a NZ store?
Post By Senia. 05/07/11, 08:18 am

Pura wrote:
Ohhh, you could get a long blonde wig and get pink and purple sharpies/shurpies (if you're budget) and colour the wig in with sharpies (it's a well used method, haha).

Yeah, people have done wig orders from Taobao (Chinese site like eBay) where the wigs are only like $20 with about $10 shipping roughly. But you'd have to wait until someone starts one up. I miiiight be doing another after Overload and before Auckgeddon, but it might just end up being a private thing because it's a big job ;;

I just might try the first method. xD

Thats okay, thank you for telling me C:

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Re: Stocking wig from a NZ store?
Post By brunetteyes. 31/07/11, 02:28 pm

For such a long wig the sharpie method would take a long time. No.9 coloured a shoulder length wig with sharpies and it took her 3hrs.

I'd suggest the FW ink method. it looks pretty simple, much faster, and it looks to still leave most of the shine and softness. I think you can get a bottle for about $10 at an art supplies website.

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Re: Stocking wig from a NZ store?
Post By firecat70. 02/08/11, 08:53 am

Like brunetteyes said, I would recommend the FW ink method.
I've used the sharpie method a few times and it always ends up rubbing off on clothes (which would be especially bad if you're doing transformation!Stocking). FW ink ends up being roughly the same amount (since you have to buy several sharpies) and doesn't rub off

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Re: Stocking wig from a NZ store?
Post By Number-IX. 17/12/11, 05:44 pm

In case you haven't found a wig or still considering dying one (or if anyone else is reading) i would not reccomend dying a wig by sharpie! Like brunetteyes said, i coloured a blonde bob-shoulder length wig with purple sharpies (7 mini ones because they were out of regular size), and even breaking them and using the inky fleece tubes inside to rub over the wig took 3, almost 4 hours. Rubbing is much faster than colouring like a pen, and is easier, but still takes heaps of time and it didn't give great overall coverage. In some parts it looked like i had light purple highlights. I also had a fringe and by the end of the day i had purple sharpie stains on my forehead that took some fair scrubbing to remove Neutral i also got pretty high off the fumes, not too good before a con Neutral do the FW technique, always! Slightly more expensive but its the smarter choice 8)
/sorry for wall of txt i tend to ramble :<

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Re: Stocking wig from a NZ store?
Post By brunetteyes. 19/12/11, 01:47 pm

^ I think ur wig still looked good though. It still looked soft and the highlights gave it a more natural feel :) Sucks about the forehead though D:

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