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Buying Kryolan body paint (or similar) in New Zealand?

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Buying Kryolan body paint (or similar) in New Zealand?
Post By iristigerlily. 28/05/11, 08:04 pm

Okay, so I'm cosplaying Ulquiorra in a week and I am at my wits' end as to where to find some facepaint that isn't in kids-sized jars and/or something that will make my face look shiny D:

Does anyone know somewhere that sells Kryolan face paint or something similar to it in New Zealand? If you know anywhere near Dunedin, you win the internet.

Thanks muchly!

Number of posts : 114
Age : 34
Location : Dunedin
Transforms into : lazy-no-jutsu
Gender : Female
Registration date : 2009-10-27

Buying Kryolan body paint (or similar) in New Zealand? Vide
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Re: Buying Kryolan body paint (or similar) in New Zealand?
Post By Lumissne. 29/05/11, 01:59 am

The only Kryolan supplier I can think of is Minifies, here in Christchurch. They stock aquacolour and facepaint (as well as many other things). Perhaps you could ask a friend from Christchurch to grab you some? You can order from Minifies online too, but you might need to pay for express post so it can get to you on time.

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Buying Kryolan body paint (or similar) in New Zealand? Vide
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Re: Buying Kryolan body paint (or similar) in New Zealand?
Post By iristigerlily. 30/05/11, 01:31 pm

Thank you! I'll have a look online :)

Number of posts : 114
Age : 34
Location : Dunedin
Transforms into : lazy-no-jutsu
Gender : Female
Registration date : 2009-10-27

Buying Kryolan body paint (or similar) in New Zealand? Vide
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Re: Buying Kryolan body paint (or similar) in New Zealand?
Post By Caddyl. 30/05/11, 02:38 pm

^ what lumi said

i got aquacolour from them for painting myself entirely gray and it worked a treat + shipped v. fast (:

Number of posts : 678
Age : 32
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Registration date : 2008-11-11

Buying Kryolan body paint (or similar) in New Zealand? Vide
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Re: Buying Kryolan body paint (or similar) in New Zealand?
Post By panini. 31/05/11, 07:43 am

shiny = ?

I have some ben nye stuff that I used when I cosplayed Ulquiorra a couple of years back that made my face pretty white, if thats the stuff you need? I might have it lying around somewhere still i think..

Number of posts : 61
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Buying Kryolan body paint (or similar) in New Zealand? Vide
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Re: Buying Kryolan body paint (or similar) in New Zealand?
Post By iristigerlily. 04/06/11, 03:45 am

*late reply is late*

Thanks very much, but I'd already purchased the makeup from minifies :)

It seems like lots of people have cosplayed him in the past; I should've asked more people for advice as I was going along!

Number of posts : 114
Age : 34
Location : Dunedin
Transforms into : lazy-no-jutsu
Gender : Female
Registration date : 2009-10-27

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Buying Kryolan body paint (or similar) in New Zealand?

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