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Cosplay New Zealand
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I hear the ACB is going to be a killer! By TinTango. 13/05/11, 05:54 am
Hi guys, I'm working with Duckeh to bring you the second installment of my Murder Mystery Dinner, I call it, The Murder Mystery Ball.
It will be tied in with the Auckland Cosplay Ball and Circus theme being held at the Crowne Plaza on July 22nd. In the next few days I will be asking for vollunteers to play roles for the MMB e.g. detectives, suspects and ofcourse the killer. I will also work on putting out a summary video of what happened at the first Murder Mystery Dinner last year, but for now, just know that AIDA= the Amateur International Detective Association. The rest can be explained in this little teaser trailer, Enjoy
TinTango LEVEL UP!
Number of posts : 1278 Age : 43 Location : Australia Transforms into : whelmed. Not over or under. Just whelmed. Gender : Male Registration date : 2008-11-02
Re: I hear the ACB is going to be a killer! By Kitten Slave. 13/05/11, 05:57 am
Oooooh.... A game as part of the ball?! Interesting! I want to be something! (other than perverted... Actually, I dont mind being perverted too...)
Kitten Slave forum prisoner.
Number of posts : 2977 Age : 44 Location : When not in Auckland, Stalking cute girls... Transforms into : A horny school girl. Gender : Male Registration date : 2007-12-04
Re: I hear the ACB is going to be a killer! By Icarus. 13/05/11, 06:22 am
Icarus ACB King '10
Number of posts : 3485 Age : 32 Location : in a trojan Bull Transforms into : a dancing octopus Gender : Female Registration date : 2008-05-25
Re: I hear the ACB is going to be a killer! By ox0kristen0xo. 13/05/11, 06:58 am
This sounds really cool! Ahhhhhh excited! This will be my first time going to ACB, trying to convince some friends to come with me...
ox0kristen0xo Ultimatum
Number of posts : 235 Age : 35 Location : Auckland (and sometimes Hamiltron) Transforms into : The socially awkward penguin Gender : Female Registration date : 2010-11-01
Re: I hear the ACB is going to be a killer! By PIe. 13/05/11, 07:39 am
I've been wanting to participate in one of these things! Awsome.
PIe Sushi ;O
Number of posts : 2070 Age : 31 Location : Currently Tauranga Transforms into : The Goddamn Batman Gender : Female Registration date : 2009-04-09
Re: I hear the ACB is going to be a killer! By Trisana. 13/05/11, 08:01 am
Wow this sounds like so much fun. I can't wait for the ball, and I bet this will be killer too xD
Trisana Tophat
Number of posts : 146 Age : 32 Location : Auckland Gender : Female Registration date : 2008-12-12
Re: I hear the ACB is going to be a killer! By commandercandyfloss. 13/05/11, 08:47 am
That is awesome!
commandercandyfloss banana in pajamas ;O
Number of posts : 879 Age : 30 Location : The Shire Transforms into : a candyfloss princess Gender : Female Registration date : 2008-07-16
Re: I hear the ACB is going to be a killer! By sakkaf. 13/05/11, 09:08 am
Thats a freaky video dude.
But I'm super keeeen!
sakkaf marshmallow ninja
Number of posts : 926 Age : 33 Gender : Female Registration date : 2008-08-20
Re: I hear the ACB is going to be a killer! By Pyro. 13/05/11, 09:21 am
This gonna be awesooome!! =D
Pyro Winner of the Infinitely Quotable Award
Number of posts : 3934 Age : 29 Location : Auckland Transforms into : Tik-Tok Tibenoch Gender : Female Registration date : 2007-12-03
Re: I hear the ACB is going to be a killer! By Admin. 13/05/11, 10:18 am
I have been waiting for thisssssss.
Admin Winner of the Golden Gun Award
Number of posts : 2982 Age : 29 Location : Howick Transforms into : yo mama. Gender : Male Registration date : 2007-11-24
Re: I hear the ACB is going to be a killer! By Pura. 13/05/11, 10:46 am
Keeeeen <:
Pura Optimus Prime
Number of posts : 5530 Age : 31 Location : Wellington Transforms into : Coke blooded monster Gender : Female Registration date : 2008-01-02
Re: I hear the ACB is going to be a killer! By Rehtse. 13/05/11, 12:42 pm
Rehtse Almighty
Number of posts : 350 Age : 28 Location : In a hidy hole Transforms into : Goth-zilla Gender : Female Registration date : 2009-10-26
Re: I hear the ACB is going to be a killer! By Rowan. 13/05/11, 05:04 pm
Awesome video! So excited.
Number of posts : 1257 Age : 34 Location : North Shore Transforms into : A free, free bird. Gender : Female Registration date : 2008-01-02
Re: I hear the ACB is going to be a killer! By Duckeh. 15/05/11, 03:19 pm
Youareamazing. ;o;
Duckeh GOD of all things EPIC
Number of posts : 6842 Age : 32 Location : Orklandz Transforms into : YO BUTT. Gender : Female Registration date : 2007-11-24
Re: I hear the ACB is going to be a killer! By Basaka. 15/05/11, 04:17 pm
Very interested. Now to /make/ a costume for ACB...
Basaka lucky*
Number of posts : 1184 Age : 34 Location : By a field and a school. And some houses. Transforms into : Seiyuufag. Gender : Male Registration date : 2008-11-21
Re: I hear the ACB is going to be a killer! By JVCA. 15/05/11, 04:48 pm
I am so intensely keen that it almost hurts.
JVCA Pronounced "Jay-vee-ka"
Number of posts : 7122 Age : 33 Location : Howick, Auckland Transforms into : a crotchety old woman Gender : Female Registration date : 2007-11-25
Re: I hear the ACB is going to be a killer! By Le_Saboteur. 16/05/11, 04:37 am
Oh my god. I heard about the video from Duckeh but I did not believe it.
Le_Saboteur lucky*
Number of posts : 1202 Age : 36 Location : Auckerland Transforms into : The Mare in the Moon Gender : Female Registration date : 2009-08-18
Re: I hear the ACB is going to be a killer! By Sponsored content.