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Puella Magi ☆ Madoka Magica :Sunday

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Puella Magi ☆ Madoka Magica :Sunday
Post By HaveLight. 30/04/11, 10:49 am

Hi there!
Is anyone interested in a Puella Magi ☆ Madoka Magica cosplay group?
Planned for: Auckland Armageddon 2011, Sunday
Puella Magi ☆ Madoka Magica :Sunday 28483
I watched the anime recently and it was amazing!

If you havnt seen or heard of it before there is the wikia:

I'd really REALLY love it if someone would join me!
Im willing to have double ups of charcter, one in Puella Magi form and one in school uniform.
So let me know if you're keen and reserve the charcter of your choice ;3
Puella Magi ☆ Madoka Magica :Sunday Kyubey

Madoka Kaname:
Homura Akemi:
Sayaka Miki:
Mami Tomoe: HaveLight
Kyouko Sakura:

Number of posts : 231
Age : 31
Location : Auckland
Transforms into : Muffin Maid~!
Gender : Female
Registration date : 2009-01-24

Puella Magi ☆ Madoka Magica :Sunday Vide
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Puella Magi ☆ Madoka Magica :Sunday

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