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Dragon Age 101

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Dragon Age 101
Post By Mandie_Chan. 15/04/11, 01:24 am

So I know there is a bioware thread but Dragon Age totally deserves it's own thread!
please no smiting mods

Dragon Age 101 DragonAgeLogo

So favourite character? quests? romances?

What's your character like? Good/neutral/evil? Serious/jokes/heavy handed?

Which parts of the game do you feel bioware didn't do so great on?
What parts do you think were totally awesome?

This thread is for all Dragon Age games (origins, awakening, 2 & even thoughts on what you think should happen in future games).
Please be aware not everyone has played/finished the games and so use spoilers where needed and LABEL them with the game they are from.

Come forth and discuss!!!

Last edited by Mandie_Chan on 15/04/11, 05:43 am; edited 1 time in total
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Re: Dragon Age 101
Post By lil-craka. 15/04/11, 03:56 am

Fav Character : Morrigan (she always makes me laugh when she's talking with other characters)
Quest: ..least fav is the one in the fade ...garrr way too long ..
Romance :Morrigan ...just seems more linked with the story..and plus lilieana's voice got soooo annoying

Gotta say though that Templar/Chapmions are sooo good end game >.<
same with Spell Warrior/Bloodmage or Spirit Healer

Also i wish the Dragon age 1 had more of an action focus like in Dragon age 2 ..but DA1 is still a good game.

Last edited by lil-craka on 15/04/11, 03:59 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : more things to add >.<)
marshmallow ninja

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Re: Dragon Age 101
Post By Le_Saboteur. 15/04/11, 12:02 pm

Liked Origins. Loved II.

If only DAII hadn't had the terrible map issue. Urgh. It got so frustrating getting a quest where I had to go to a cave/dungeon/sewer area and it was always the same. Could've stood to be a bit bigger, as well.

I loved the story and characters in DAII a lot more, though. The story was so much more personal.


I actually really liked most of the characters in II (apart from Fenris, but he is still a very realised character). Anders rubbed me the wrong way sometimes, but again, great character. Aveline and Isabela will stand to be two of the best female characters I've seen in a game (especially Aveline, it's awesome to see tough, practical, non-sexualised women finally coming through in video games). Varric was also pretty memorable. Merrill I liked, but she was still kind of like Tali-in-Middle-Earth.

The villains definitely could have done with more work, and same with the quests. But the personality of the party characters were just so good I can sort of overlook those issues.

The Isabela romance in II was swell (I've only had one playthrough as a Lady Hawke so far). As for Origins: the Alistair one ended so bitterly for my Dalish Elf that it's made me kind of jaded- so I prefer Zevran's (similar to Isabela's). I will have to play through and romance Leliana! I love her <3
As for Origins: I still like it. It's quite a tedious game, though. It doesn't have a whole lot of charm (apart from Zevran, who is so over the top it's ridiculous- still my favourite character next to Sten) and seems a bit... removed, I guess. Impersonal. I do enjoy it, though. I loved the amount of class customisation. Arcane Warrior could just blast anything from your path.

I've started making an Isabela cosplay, but after playing the game I might switch to Aveline. I fear I have a bit of an imaginary girl-crush.

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Re: Dragon Age 101
Post By sakkaf. 15/04/11, 05:07 pm

Morrigan is so awesome. I purposely made a male character for her. xD Also Sten's fun to play around with, as he always has that serious pout face all the time, haha. And Leiliana! Well lets just say I really like Origins characters. Maybe except for Alistair.


Also, Fem!Hawkemofringe looks so hot. chuu~! Been busy with other games to finish that DA2 is lying on my table like a warm apple pie. Dammit. xD
marshmallow ninja

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Re: Dragon Age 101
Post By lil-craka. 15/04/11, 05:18 pm

sakkaf wrote:
Morrigan is so awesome. I purposely made a male character for her. xD Also Sten's fun to play around with, as he always has that serious pout face all the time, haha. And Leiliana! Well lets just say I really like Origins characters. Maybe except for Alistair.


Also, Fem!Hawkemofringe looks so hot. chuu~! Been busy with other games to finish that DA2 is lying on my table like a warm apple pie. Dammit. xD

there were multiple endings that you could chose of which

but totally agree...Morrigan and Sten >.< sooo much fun
marshmallow ninja

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Re: Dragon Age 101
Post By CMKMStephens. 16/04/11, 12:54 am

I loved Dragon Age, but found two to be a step backward in most aspects.

As mentioned above, the recycling of every area was beyond a joke. There is apparently but one architect in who has built every last person's manor. The chest is always behind the bookcase, etc etc. Kirkwall possesses a unique geological system (lets say...due to magic) that causes identical cave formations across the nation.

I thought the dialogue and characterisation while still good, was a rung below Dragon Age as things were more stereotypical, more forced comparatively - especially the jokes. To make matters worse, you lose the incentive to actually help people. If you want to try to play as a good-deeds kin d of character you're screwed as every mage is going to turn into an abomination anyway, the Templars are going to be sugar honey iced tea insane regardless.

On top of this is the fact that almost whatever you do, it ends in an inevitable two-three waves of generic enemies battle, ensue flying giblets. The wave thing is annoying just because I often finish off the first wave so quickly that everyone re sheath's their weapons.

Perhaps the worst aspect was the deviation from the key thing that made Dragon Age quite fun, and that was the multiple paths aspect to it. In Dragon Age while for the most part it would be a choice between two or three options, those two or three options would be qualified by all the other little decisions you made making it fairly complex. In Dragon Age two, you find yourself often in the same situation regardless of what you do, with only one major choice at the end. I'm also not sure what they were trying to accomplish with the ending, or the game in total.

The above rants sort of dissociates me from the game (taking the RP out, becoming less immersive) due to a kind of lack of consequences type thing - there's even commentary by both the PC and your companions about how proficient you are at splattering people. Cause that's what you are inevitably, the Murderer of Kirkwall.

In the end my 'Snarky character who tries to be good in a general sense' devolved somewhat into a pot-stirring bastard.

In terms of the actual combat itself, it's not necessarily worse that Dragon Age, but different. Except that it is clearly 'streamlined' (synonym for dumbed down) as there seem to be less things for me to do. With my dual-wielding berserker from DA I had somewhere from 6-10 activated attacks, in DA2 my Two-Hand Warrior has four really - mighty blow, whirlwind, scythe, and devour. It's a similar situation for mages - no more can I start my battles with a firestorm-blizzard-earthquake-lightning, there's only two of them. The number of combination effects are reduced (shattering, oil+fire, etc). Can't really comment on rogues since I never really used Isabella as she only got herself killed, Sebastian was annoying as hell (and weak) and Varric doesn't count - he's a lockpicking artillery piece.

It was also far far easier bar one exception. I played through the game on hard and never needed to adjust tactics - in fact, I only once needed to buy some health/stamina/lyrium potions as the ones I picked up were sufficient to deal with everything. I remember the first time I faced a Revenant in the Breciallian woods in Dragon Age - took a few tries to deal with that monster. They were still dangerous the whole way through the game. In Dragon Age II I was like 'REVENANT! FUUUUUuuuuah?' and killed it like any other enemy. The exception in DA2 of course being the Arishok which was ridiculous. Unlike say, the Harvester in Dragon Age which was more of an 'epic' battle, keeping you on the edge, forcing you to micromanage, the Arishok was rhythmic tedium. I'll play nightmare mode perhaps, maybe then I'll need some potions and tactics. Maybe I'll even use a poison!

Also, the cameo appearances were somewhere in the realm of 'WHATTHEFUUU' - Zevran due to his failed re constructive facial surgery, and Lelianna because the role she appeared in was basically pissing all over the choices imported from my Dragon Age game. At least Alistair looked the same, albiet...chunkier.

And the items! What's the point of all the armour when you only have one character to use it on really...I only went through maybe three actual pieces of each type, one armour set, followed by an assortment of pieces when that got too weak, followed by the Champion armour. I liked changing my characters armour and weaponry! You can't be a cosplayer and say you didn't like playing dress-up in Dragon Age... The only difference I got from anyone other than Hawke was when Anders went emo and murdered all the crows of Kirkwall to make new shoulder ornaments.

And the dialogue wheel thing! Why you never say what I want you to say!? This ranges from somewhat different, to complete opposite. Having the 'Good/Sarcastic/Grumpy' options laid out like that seems kind of like shoehorning you into them moreso than Dragon Age, even when in Dragon Age you had the text written out for you. With the text written out (again going with the RP of RPG here), you could actually say the appropriate thing at the appropriate time as opposed to hedging your bets on one of three options, all of which are 'Derp!'

Overall Dragon Age 2 was still a fairly solid game, but while taking the lore and story in interesting new directions, it went about it in all the wrong ways as a game.

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Re: Dragon Age 101
Post By CamusCanDo. 16/04/11, 02:57 pm

What he said.
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Re: Dragon Age 101
Post By zephyrine. 19/04/11, 07:34 am

So favourite character? quests? romances?
Origins: I'm not sure who my favourite is in Origins. I love how surly Morrigan is, how hilarious Oghren is, how goofy Alistair is. And don't get me started on Shale. I really enjoyed the companion quests, though I wish there was an option to punch Alistairs ungrateful sister in the face. I did rather enjoy the Andraste's Ashes part, with the crazies in Haven and the temple at the end... And Shale stomping the chicken. Romances? Alistair. EVERY TIME.

DA2: Varric and Isabela. Varric is just so chill and bro-like, and Isabela is all "I'm so tough and I don't need you but lets secretly be bff's so it doesn't ruin my image". I didn't really have any favourite quests in 2, but Aveline's romance thing was hilarious, and the whole 'what happens to your mother' thing was extremely twisted. And I romanced Anders, who I love even if he is a posessed secretive S.O.B... Will do multiple playthroughs to romance everyone else, but there was just a sense of 'this is so naughty because Justice doesn't approve' and HOMG that first grab-and-kiss. I feel bad that Fenris annoyed me, because he is pretty awesome in his own way.

What's your character like? Good/neutral/evil? Serious/jokes/heavy handed?
Origins: Femme-Cousland. Dual wielding warrior. Fairly neutral, too nice for her own good but a tad maniacal in the way that she likes to kill practically everything. Is less serious, is a bit dorky like Alistair and a bit like Sten to people she doesn't know.

DA2: Fem-Hawke. Two handed warrior. 'Witty' at innapropriate times, likes to kill things, and has a fairly skewed sense of justice due to her sister being an apostate. Hense siding with the mages and not raging at Anders as much as she probably should have.

To be honest, with most RPG's I play an idealised version of myself - both my Cousland and Hawke have fairly similar personalities that are tailored to the situation. Much like in Mass Effect, Claire (my Fem-Shep) is very much somewhere in the middle of Maia (Origins) and Inara (DA2)... Except in space and with a heavy pistol and sniper rifle. They are all blue-eyed redheads too - I'm guessing this has something to do with being able to get into the story more if I can throw recognisable parts of myself in there.

Which parts of the game do you feel bioware didn't do so great on?
In DA2, the MAP AND RECYCLED AREAS. And less conversation options with the companions. And wtf is up with the mishmash that is the Dalish elves accent? Made me want to slap Merril every time she talked. I'm also not entirely keen on having to get upgrades for the companions armor; it basically turns the amount of armor pieces you pick up into a cash-cow. Did I mention the recycled areas?

The thing I loved about the first one is how thoroughly you got to know the people you were travelling with, in DA2 I didn't really feel any sort of connection with anyone - even though their personalities were so well written. I can't really fault Origins because I love it so much, though I will say I thought it could have been a little less linear.

What parts do you think were totally awesome?

I am the biggest advocate for Dragonage on the face of the planet, so like, all of it.
Also, Sandal.
seXAH <3

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Re: Dragon Age 101
Post By CMKMStephens. 19/04/11, 09:41 pm

zephyrine wrote:

What's your character like? Good/neutral/evil? Serious/jokes/heavy handed?
Origins: Femme-Cousland. Dual wielding warrior. Fairly neutral, too nice for her own good but a tad maniacal in the way that she likes to kill practically everything. Is less serious, is a bit dorky like Alistair and a bit like Sten to people she doesn't know.

DA2: Fem-Hawke. Two handed warrior. 'Witty' at innapropriate times, likes to kill things, and has a fairly skewed sense of justice due to her sister being an apostate. Hense siding with the mages and not raging at Anders as much as she probably should have.

I probably shouldn't be too surprised, but that's pretty much my two main characters. Did you pick the angry/rage vocie for your Female-Cousland?

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Re: Dragon Age 101
Post By zephyrine. 20/04/11, 04:05 am

CMKMStephens wrote:

I probably shouldn't be too surprised, but that's pretty much my two main characters. Did you pick the angry/rage vocie for your Female-Cousland?

Yeah. Coz it was the only one that didn't sound silly or poncy.

Last edited by zephyrine on 20/04/11, 11:29 am; edited 1 time in total
seXAH <3

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Re: Dragon Age 101
Post By Le_Saboteur. 20/04/11, 07:12 am

Has any one actually played through Dragon Age II twice? I've heard now that no matter what options you pick, the ending plays out the same, which infuriates me. What's the point of having these great plot/story points when it all ends up the same?

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Re: Dragon Age 101
Post By zephyrine. 20/04/11, 11:39 am

I have heard the same thing, regardless of choices the outcome is the same.
Here's hoping 3 is gonna be different.
seXAH <3

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Re: Dragon Age 101
Post By CMKMStephens. 20/04/11, 12:28 pm


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Re: Dragon Age 101
Post By Tracer Kinship. 20/04/11, 05:36 pm

I have Dragon Age Origins and (have not yet got around to playing) Awakening, but not II. Partly because I have no money and partly because I was put off a bit by the changes mentioned by others. :/

Favourite character... I think I'm going to have to go with Shale. I enjoyed listening to all of his (/her?) dialogue.

First character I made was a Dalish rogue archer. A Xenophobic, perpetually grumpy thing that related well with the other prickly, anti-social companions. If memory serves, this one kinda accidentally killed off Leliana and Wynne and ended up relying on Morrigan as a healer. And used Sten and Shale as meat shields.

Second character was a dual-wielding Cousland rogue. A charismatic and friendly, slightly insane kleptomaniac who enjoyed backstabbing things and placed disarming traps to be the highest priority in battle - to the point where companions were constantly asked nicely to "STOP MOVING, DAMNIT SO I CAN GET FREE EXP, YOU SMARMY WRENCHES".

As you might have guessed, I really liked using rogues. Mages somewhat overwhelm me with their sheer variety of spells and my inability to use the right one at the right time.

I think my best moment I had in the game was when I managed to kill the High Dragon for the first time as the archer. All of my other companions were unconscious and I ran away like a sissy kept my distance when attacking while quaffing enough potions to drown a lesser man.

... Also, broodmothers. gonk
The Anvil of the Void quest terrified me.
Tracer Kinship
Tracer Kinship

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Re: Dragon Age 101
Post By SailorDemyx49. 21/09/11, 04:23 pm

another Dragon Age forum.... yeah Dragon Age 101 65988

character: oh god.... Zevran, Alistair, Isabela, and Aveline. Fenris and Anders... well yeah: good romances but SO ANNOYING O_O well, at time ^^; Overall... cannot pick DX
Quests: umm everything? hahaha cannot pick but I love doing Origin stories and All That Remains (DA2)
Romances: All of them O_O (yes, I've done all of them) I kid... umm zev, ali, fen, anders and izzy

My many characters... I have what..... maybe 20 in all games? My god, it would take to long to describe them. I should make a list sometime and post it on here then you guys could pick someone to learn about since everyone has a very long back story ^^;

I loved DA:O and DA:A but the combat... SLOW O_O and so much text DX So DA2 improved on that BUT! DA2 was flawed, yes. Changes were .. large to say the least and repeating backgrounds... ugh DX But (unpopular opinion time!) I loved DA2 as much as the other games... don't kill me! ;A;
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