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making small angel wings wearable (and harness unnoticeable)

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making small angel wings wearable (and harness unnoticeable)
Post By lolixNYAFUUN. 04/03/11, 01:26 pm

my friend wants me to make her a small pair of angel wings.
she wants to wear them with a plain tshirt.
i found this on the tutorial thread on this forum xP --->

i was wondering, because it doesn't mention (as far as i could see) how to make the "u shaped" bit (they call it a harness?) not visible
or how to attach it/make it wearable

any ideas or tutorials?

thanks in advance xP

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making small angel wings wearable (and harness unnoticeable) Vide
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Re: making small angel wings wearable (and harness unnoticeable)
Post By Duckeh. 04/03/11, 01:44 pm

They attached those to the bag, they say hereee-

I think I'd go about it by making them as light as possible and attaching with safety pins, if she's not okay with hot gluing to the shirt. All other methods with a harnass that isn't visible that I know of means holes in the shirt... I dunno if that's what you're wanting or not?
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making small angel wings wearable (and harness unnoticeable) Vide
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Re: making small angel wings wearable (and harness unnoticeable)
Post By lolixNYAFUUN. 06/03/11, 09:44 am

hrmm she wont have a bag... il see what she thinks of "ruining" her t-shirt xD

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making small angel wings wearable (and harness unnoticeable) Vide
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Re: making small angel wings wearable (and harness unnoticeable)
Post By Duckeh. 06/03/11, 10:39 am

If you go the hole in shirt root...
This has picture of a good design? Doesn't go into detail though.
GOD of all things EPIC

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making small angel wings wearable (and harness unnoticeable) Vide
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Re: making small angel wings wearable (and harness unnoticeable)
Post By Willuknight. 06/03/11, 10:46 am

You could use magnets or velcro with light wings to attach.

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making small angel wings wearable (and harness unnoticeable) Vide
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making small angel wings wearable (and harness unnoticeable) Vide
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making small angel wings wearable (and harness unnoticeable)

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