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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Post By Saiyajin Mui. 12/12/10, 02:41 pm

Kotaku wrote:
Bethesda Softworks just announced the fifth game in the Elder Scrolls series and the sequel to The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion will be called Skyrim. And it'll be out next year.

Bethesda's Todd Howard introduced the game with a brief teaser showing a stone dragon and a dramatic narration that sets up the story of the next big role-playing game in the Elder Scrolls series. That teaser also dates Skyrim for November 11, 2011.

Oh god.... Yes. November 11 has never been so far away.

Anyone else keen on this?
Saiyajin Mui
Saiyajin Mui

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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Vide
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Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Post By Riven_. 12/12/10, 11:16 pm

Why is it so far awaaaaaaaaay?

I suppose this means I should finally get Oblivion finished, huh?
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Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Post By Mandie_Chan. 12/12/10, 11:59 pm

YAY!!! I cannot wait for this to come out~
I'm glad they now have a date for the relase now toooo.

p.s Anne you should totally finish Oblivion.
Optimus Prime

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Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Post By Plazcheetah. 13/12/10, 01:57 pm

Maybe maybe...... it will have to be a big step up from oblivion
(though i still enjoyed Oblivion)

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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Vide
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Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Post By Riven_. 13/12/10, 03:18 pm

I hope they have more VAs for the townspeople than in Oblivion. It's a little furstrating hearing the same voices again. and again. and again.

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Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Post By Mandie_Chan. 13/12/10, 03:25 pm

I'm hoping they have a longer main story line. I was quite disapointed with how short it was in Oblivion compared to Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind. Love Morrowind, took a while to complete but I'd rather have a longer more indepth story line than the short one.

Heres hoping~
Optimus Prime

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Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Post By Saiyajin Mui. 15/12/10, 01:00 am

From what I've heard now. Looks like Bethesda aren't using the Gamebryo engine (the one used for Oblivion and Fallout 3).

My hopes are rising.
Saiyajin Mui
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Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Post By Nikopol. 16/12/10, 05:00 pm

Not using that piece of crap is a good start. But its still too far away for me to get hype just yet.

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Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Post By Saiyajin Mui. 17/12/10, 12:15 am

Let's hope conversations between NPCs in the game aren't like Oblivion's....

Person 1: "Hello there."
Person 2: "How goes you?"
Saiyajin Mui
Saiyajin Mui

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Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Post By Lexicon. 26/12/10, 06:14 am

I'm looking forward to this.
Although I haven't finished Oblivion. My saves magically disappeared. So I haven't touched the game since...


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Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Post By Le_Saboteur. 26/12/10, 06:40 am

YES, I am very keen on this.

I didn't really enjoy Oblivion (or Fallout 3), but I do like the universe- I thought Morrowind was good.

We'll see how it goes, I guess.

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Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Post By CamusCanDo. 14/01/11, 01:55 am

Lifted from the bethsoft forums:

Quote :
Confirmed Features:
-18 skills. A couple skills have been removed and their requisite abilities/spells have been merged with others. Enchanting is back, and there is a new skill, 'Smithing' that lets you create your own weapons, probably in a similar way to how Fallout used workbenches. Blade and Blunt skills have become One-Handed and Two-Handed.

-Perk picking at every level-up, each skill lets you branch off in perk selection as you get higher up

-Finishing moves, unique to each weapon and enemy you fight.

-Dynamic Shadows on damn near everything


-5 Major Cities (BIG)

-Improved Faces/Improved Models Example: Faces have been dramatically overhauled. Characters now exhibit more emotion show of distinctions between different races and just plain looks better.

-Updated Engine Snow falls dynamically (not as a basic texture on the ground) From the mag: it piles on objects based on their shape
Trees and branches move independently with the wind
Water flows and huge draw distances ! To use an example, there is a mountain called the Throat of the World the player has to go to on a quest and climb 7000 steps (to put that in perspective, the Empire State building only has 1400 or so), and this mountain is visible from pretty much anywhere. Gone are the days of distant hills having low-res textures with a few billboarding trees. Skyrim is a slightly smaller providence than Cyrodiil, but still pretty damn big. Turns out overall scale is bigger even though it's a smaller province. World boundaries are handled a bit better than before, partially because much of the province is lined by mountains. Other than that, pretty much every visible area in-game is traversable.

-The Hero has a mentor: His name is Esbern and Voiced by Mark Von Sydow (Surviving Blade) MAX von Sydow, geezus

-The game takes place 2 centuries after Oblivion

-Initiating a conversation between a NPC no longer zooms and stops time: Quote (Conversations aren't done in a zoomed in static shot anymore. Start a conversation with some and they will act like someone would in real life, looking at you occasionally and walking around a bit and also continue doing a task if they were doing one while talking.) Other NPCs in the area continue moving about while you are talking to someone else

-Sprint is added and is based on Stamina (Fatigue's new name)


- Dialog will pop up when you approach an enemy (as in, they'll talk to you while they're attacking you instead of pausing combat)

- You can't run backwards as fast as you do forward. This was done because they felt the third-person backpedal looked dumb, and also balanced the combat so you couldn't just strafe away at normal speed as a side effect.

- 10 races to choose from

- confirmed creatures: zombies, skeletons, trolls, giants, ice wraiths, giant spiders, dragons, wolves, horses Elk, mammoth, saber-toothed cats, Draugr (pissed off Nord mummies)

- presumeably open cities (as dragons can attack)

- cooking/farming/mining/woodcutting/blacksmithing

-Hud-free first-person view and improved third-person perspective

-very unique landscapes! Also unique dungeons! In other words, lots of uniqueness! Skyrim is not just snowy mountains; there are tundras, beaches, deciduous forests, etc. Dungeons have much more variance

-Plot: The plot is that you are possibly the last Dragonborn, a group characterized by their ability to hunt dragons. The Septim line was a prominent Dragonborn line protected by the Dragonguards which eventually became the blades. After the death of the Septim line, the Blades were hunted down and killed one by one and now are almost completely gone. The return of the dragons was foretold in the Elder Scrolls and was ushered in by the destruction of the Staff of Chaos, the creation of the Numidium, the events at Red Mountain and the Oblivion Crisis. The last event to unfold before the dragons return was the people of Skyrim turning against each other which is happening at the beginning of the game. Dragons start to appear in greater and greater numbers as the game goes on and will eventually culminate with Alduin possibly coming into the world, but we have no idea yet.

-Combat: The combat system has once again been overhauled. Now you may choose what you place in each hand, whether it be a sword and shield, dagger and sword, two swords or even a weapon in one hand and a spell in another. Assaulting with your shield is now apart of melee combat, being able to shield bash them to stagger them to give yourself an advantage in combat. Spells can now be dedicated to a certain hand meaning you can fight with your left hand aflame while your right hand is charged with lightning. Spells can be combined to greater effect. Ranged combat has been improved by increasing the damage bows deal significantly, so much so that it is possible for one to one shot an npc from stealth but also so the draw time of your bow has been increased. Ranged combat shouldn't be able to be abused from stealth like in Oblivion due to the fact that NPCs are FAR more intelligent than any TES game ever and possibly any game to date, we shall see.

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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Vide
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Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Post By Le_Saboteur. 15/01/11, 12:04 am

Damn. That sounds great.

Also, KIDS. Not everyone in the world is an adult! Excellent.

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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Vide
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Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Post By Father Nightroad. 15/01/11, 03:15 pm

There have been mods for morrowind and oblivion that added the kids in there also I must say this:

RELEASE GAME NOW!!!! T3H L33T M4ST3R |]3M4NDS 1T!!!!!!!
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Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Post By Vencel. 16/01/11, 12:20 pm

I have a feeling it will have the same feel as Oblivion, Fallout 3 and New Vegas.
Some cool things, but not as good as Morrowind. Like, not much exploration and minimal variation.

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Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Post By SailorDemyx49. 21/09/11, 04:28 pm

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 755823 I cannot wait for this game! I play Oblivion all the time and so I'm really excited for this one! It looks so pretty *o*

I've recently discovered that I always have the unpopular opinions but can I just say that I loved Oblivion? First 360 game I ever played and it blew me away! So I'm super attached to it ^^; don't get me wrong, Morrowind is amazing! Skyrim looks like it's going back to Morrowind more with the music and character designs though so fingers crossed! Hopefully we can run faster than in Morrowind though O.o
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Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Post By TinTango. 22/09/11, 12:47 pm

I'm just glad they're fixing the notoriety thing.
So what if I stole an item in Kvatch, how does a guard in the Imperial City recognise me by face?
Also... there are DRAGONS!
Once I learn a few of those words of Power, then I can shout them out at the next Con.

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Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Post By SailorDemyx49. 22/09/11, 02:04 pm

I agree with the above ^

I hate it how I commit a crime in Chorrol and I go to Leyawin and get arrested =_= Is stealing lettuce really that serious a crime?

Can you please do that? I will so join in with the shouting! XD
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Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Post By Sorien. 23/09/11, 09:18 am

They had an article in PC Powerplay a while back comparing stuff. I was pretty blown away. It's surprising (in some aspects) how much fandom this game/series has. Day one purchase I reckon. Furthermore, people can't spoil it then ^_^
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Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Post By DarkGaia. 27/09/11, 01:48 am

Every time I watch the demo for this game, I throw my money at the screen and nothing seems to happen.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 21673

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Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Post By Saiyajin Mui. 11/11/11, 10:32 am

Got my copy today.

I'll resume my social life in several months.
Saiyajin Mui
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Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Post By Mandie_Chan. 11/11/11, 12:05 pm

Its going to take me awhile I get used to playing Skyrims gaming style. So used to Dragon Age and Mass Effect with a squad/team xD
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Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Post By Kitten Slave. 11/11/11, 12:28 pm

They accidentally SOLD my copy.
New one incoming tmrw.

Well... I cant play it till I get my hard drive back anyway...
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Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Post By Regal. 11/11/11, 12:48 pm

Getting my copy tomorrow. Currently replacing my PS3 hard drive so I have more space.

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Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Post By Regal. 11/11/11, 12:48 pm

Getting my copy tomorrow. Currently replacing my PS3 hard drive so I have more space.

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